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Seminal Kung Fu and Crown Chakra Orgasms


You are in India? Maybe it is better for you to ask a local yoga teacher for help.

You get yourself in this condition by practicing ChiKung?

I’ve listened to the audio version of the book several times. I would just like to ask a simple question here. Does “bring up” simply involve a mental imagery sort of process, or is some physiological event
actually occuring mechanically?

I have studied anatomy and physiology, and I actually can have 2-3 hour long multi-orgasmic sessions, but I still am not sure I am doing this right. I’m not complaining, believe me, because these are incredible experiences, but I just wanted to ask for another interpretation of “bring up”.


(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

I don’t know what to say about your energy situation. I’ve not experienced hyperactivity or sleeplessness. Things I like to do to keep my energy level balanced are morning and/or evening runs, yoga, meditation (particularly while hanging and/or listening to classical music), rock climbing, gardening, building things, stuff like that. I kind of like sabbatia’s idea of you looking into yoga. I’m glad you found the book! Lots of great info in it. I hope you find it to be as valuable as I have. Let us know how things go for you.

Thank you for your warning. Never having had a guide or teacher, I only know my own experience, so I can’t comment on anything other than that. I think godofdeviltry and maybe another member too have commented on the possibility of physical and/or mental injury associated with SKF, or Chi kung. I myself haven’t experienced this, nor have I read any cautionary language about this so I’m somewhat at a loss as to the exact nature of these possible injuries and how SKF could cause them. The principle hazard that I’ve experienced is becoming hot tempered when I’ve stored a significant amount of chi in my crown center. This is very much avoidable, and is less of an issue as one gains facility with SKF.

The last thing that I want to come out of this thread is anything negative for our fellow members. Do you have any personal experience with Chi kung or reliable accounts (hopefully not personal experience) of the hazards purported to be associated with it? If so, I’d appreciate it if you’d post about it (in either case) in this thread.

Are you sure you’re listening to an audio version of this book ? I don’t think it uses the phrase "bring up". I think what you may be referring to is what’s called the Big Draw in the book I’ve recommended. Do you have a link to the audio version of the book you’re listening to?

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

I got it from

“Bring up”, or rather “draw….up” was in the excerpt you recently posted here in post #98. I know what the Big Draw is.


(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

Ah yes, “draw…up” does show up in the book. Its referring to the Big Draw, so yes, it is “some physiological event
actually occurring mechanically”. But as you’ve indicated, you what the Big Draw is, so you know that already. I think the subtle aspect of the Big Draw that your question may be addressing is the contraction of the sacral pump. Thats the first portion of the Big Draw which requires a skill beyond kegeling. When first learning SKF, this portion of the Big Draw is a very clunky mechanical process, and very difficult to learn…it took me almost 10 years…but, based on my experience, becomes much more of a mental process, and a lot less clunky, once one has been successful with their sacral pump a few times. I hope that helps.

Apparently one can’t access without becoming a member. Would you please let me know what they charge for the audio version?

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Fortunately, I dont think i have any problems except high energy levels. Ill keep your suggestions in mind about meeting a Yoga guru. Thanks.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ve been practising testicle breathing and feel a lot of cold energy in the scrotal area. I can manage to pull it up till my tailbone. When i do that I feel a lot of tingling sensation in the area. However, I feel the energy to be rather hot when at the tailbone as compared to the scrotal & perinium region where it is cold. Is heating up normal?

Secondly, when i move the energy from the scrotum to the tailbone i.e fluid in the straw action, do i have to hold the energy at the tailbone before i can draw some more from the scrotum area or should i let it dissipate since I cant move it further up into my spine.

Thirdly, I’m not able to draw the energy further up into my spine. It kinda stays at the tailbone. Is It matter of practice and time ? Can you suggest some techniques ? Thanks

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Sorry I don’t know much about SKF, it seems too me that it looks like some kind of ChiKung.
If I am wrong, then my post is off topic, sorry.
And if SKF does have some connections with ChiKung, here is my opnions.

I don’t mean ChiKung is very dangerous, I mean it is more dangerous than swimming, running or others. PE is not very dangerous, but PE is more dangerous than swimming(I mean in swimming pool, ,hehe)
So we should be careful, at lease, one can break his penis by PE, and he can hurt himself by ChiKung;)

I do have personal experience with Chi kung. Currently my health is not so good, but it is not caused by ChiKung. I am member of some online ChiKung communities, those guys have more personal experience.
Though it is not easy to find an English document about the possible injuries caused by ChiKung, there are plenty of them in Chinese, either modern or ancient.
I have a text book of Chinese medicine, which is an official publication used in medicine schools. It has a section about ChiKung, and it says(roughly translated):
You should be guided by a doctor to prevent mistakes from happening.
Those having mental disorders should not learn ChiKung.

I have some books which is totally on ChiKung too.
The basic idea of ChiKung is about balance. The balance of Yin and Yang, Qi(Chi) and Xue(that is,blood),the balance that is keep changing everyday. ChiKung helps recovery collapsed balance.If your body is balance, it helps your Yin and Yang to communicate more smoothly(that is why ChiKung try to move Chi in body), and helps you to absorb more from the outter balance(the universe), to communicate with it, and finally to gain higher level of balance.
The main cause of possible injures are you have trained yourself too much to harm the balance. Godofdeviltry, if I understand you correctly, your problem is a typical issue of balance. I heard that Yoga has similar idea ( I am not sure if it is true), that is why I think a Yoga guru can help you.
The other cause is that ChiKung is more about mental side of body(you can’t guide Chi by leg, you guide it by brain), so most ChiKung masters will not suggest someone with mental disorders to learn ChiKung.

ChiKung has many types too, some focus more on physical movement, for example, Taichi(ghost boxing), those types are considered to be safer.

Originally Posted by xenolith
Ah yes, “draw…up” does show up in the book. Its referring to the Big Draw, so yes, it is “some physiological event
actually occurring mechanically”. But as you’ve indicated, you what the Big Draw is, so you know that already. I think the subtle aspect of the Big Draw that your question may be addressing is the contraction of the sacral pump. Thats the first portion of the Big Draw which requires a skill beyond kegeling. When first learning SKF, this portion of the Big Draw is a very clunky mechanical process, and very difficult to learn…it took me almost 10 years…but, based on my experience, becomes much more of a mental process, and a lot less clunky, once one has been successful with their sacral pump a few times. I hope that helps.

Apparently one can’t access without becoming a member. Would you please let me know what they charge for the audio version?

$9.50 for members, $13.57 for non-members.

Your experience sounds like mine. At least now I know I wasn’t missing something. Yes, it takes a lot
of time and patience.


(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

Hei Xenolith, first of all thank you for this thread..i’ve always been interested in this topic, but never really got totally involved, mainly for the lack of effort required and the fact that many of Chia’s books are not translated in my language. I can understand english, but when the words get too specific it all gets confusing. so thank you for clarifying many aspects of this.

i’ve got one question: what it’s like your love/sexual life now? i mean, you wrote that you don’t try to experience cco every time, so how it’s like all the other times? has the sex become an overall spiritual experience or you still (if you ever did) like the wild side of it?

i hope that my english doesn’t bring any misunderstanding…

Originally Posted by godofdeviltry
Thanks for the feedback. I’ve been practising testicle breathing and feel a lot of cold energy in the scrotal area. I can manage to pull it up till my tailbone. When i do that I feel a lot of tingling sensation in the area. However, I feel the energy to be rather hot when at the tailbone as compared to the scrotal & perinium region where it is cold. Is heating up normal?

You’re welcome. I’m happy to help if I can. Your questions demonstrate that you’ve achieved a level of success with the method. Good job! Yes, the heating of chi from the gonads to the base of the spine is the normal way of things when beginning to learn the method. As I described in my delicate straw analogy, too much heat and the straw dissolves. In order to keep your chi cool as you draw it up to your sacrum practice building your chi head slowly, slower than you have been. If you use porn in your practicing, you should put it away relatively early in your practice session and use only your mind and your hands to generate your chi. Just build up slowly, that should help make your chi more controllable, which is to say, more readily mobilized in the ways that you want to mobilize it. Which brings us to your second question.

Originally Posted by godofdeviltry
Secondly, when i move the energy from the scrotum to the tailbone i.e fluid in the straw action, do i have to hold the energy at the tailbone before i can draw some more from the scrotum area or should i let it dissipate since I cant move it further up into my spine.

Excellent question. This perplexed me for many years. Chia doesn’t really addresses the difficulties of this area adequately IMO. The answer is that until you can make a clean "hand-off" to your sacral pump, there is nothing that you can do but let it dissipate. Don’t worry about it. As soon as you get your sacral pump working, you’re "over the hump". Which brings us to your third question.

Originally Posted by godofdeviltry
Thirdly, I’m not able to draw the energy further up into my spine. It kinda stays at the tailbone. Is It matter of practice and time ? Can you suggest some techniques ? Thanks

Well, based on my experience it is a matter of time and practice (almost 10 years to get my chi past my sacral pump). However, Chia indicates (on pages 87-88) that one can master moving chi past their sacral pump in a matter of weeks, so it may very well be possible to learn it significantly quicker than I did. I don’t know. My sense is that there is a certain amount of training and/or conditioning that must take place before one can successfully pump their chi "uphill" past their sacral pump. The time that it takes to acquire that requisite level of training and/or conditioning is probably variable. I’d love to know the range of that variability. There are several things that you can do to speed up your success with your sacral pump: first is raising your chi level at a slower rate as I mentioned in reply to your first question. Second most important is having a very strong BC muscle. A strong BC muscle will help you to propel your chi up toward your coccyx with more force. Provided the chi is not too hot, it may enter the coccyx with little pulling effort from your sacral pump. Indeed, once you gain mastery of the method, thats what you will find. So do whatever you can to strengthen your BC muscle. I recommend the Bow Stretch, its the best BC muscle strengthening exercise that I know of. Next most important is proper body posture and the proper flexing of your lower back muscles. There are good diagrams of the proper posture on pages 85 and 88, but most important among the body postures identified is the tilting in (forward) of your lower spine. You want to shorten the distance between your perineum and your coccyx. Once you gain mastery, you’ll be able to dip your coccyx forward and push(with your BC)-pull(with your sacral pump) chi from your perineum to your sacrum with great ease. The other thing you want to do is to somewhat straighten the curve of your lower back and flex your lower back muscles in toward your spine. That flexure is your sacral pump. Its somewhat tricky to do with your lower back straightened out, in fact its somewhat tricky to do all the stuff simultaneously that you need to do to move your chi past the sacral pump, but really, once you can do it, you really are "over the hump". Your chi will practically flow downhill toward your crown center with only a small pull, then push required from your cranial pump.

Best of luck. Its hard to learn, but IMO absolutely worth the time and effort to do so.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

sabbatia, thank you for your thoughtful reply. Its very nice to have someone with experience in these matters comment. Based on your descriptions, which were very clear, I agree with you that SKF is a form of ChiKung. I suspect that Chia “americanized” the term ChiKung to Seminal Kung Fu to make it a more familiar term for english publication. From your descriptions, its clear that the guiding principles are the same.

I’d very much like to know about the online ChiKung communities that you are a member of. Would you please post some information about them in this thread or, if you’d prefer, PM me with the information?

Thanks again for your contributions to this thread. Please continue to contribute your thoughts here as you see fit.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Hi cirolli. You’re very welcome about the thread, although if it hadn’t been for mgus requesting it, I wouldn’t have started it. You should thank him.

With regard to my sex life, I’ve only achieved CCOs during coitus twice and those times were many (8-9) years ago when mrs. x was more on top of her Ovarian Kung Fu and could handle the energy exchange aspect of it better (although she didn’t experience CCOs). Since mrs. x has stopped her OKF, its made pursuit of dual cultivation CCOs impossible. If I wanted to, I could have CCOs during coitus with her, but in doing so, I would suck so much yin energy out of her that it would leave her severely chi depleted, and I don’t want to do that to her, so I limit my CCOs to single cultivation (done solo).

In general our sex is long and slow, as I practice SKF, I just release my chi lower in my MO, before it gets to my crown center, which allows for safe dissipation of chi without ejaculating. So, yea, in general, we go for long and slow sessions and yes, often times it is spiritual, other times its “wild”, mostly its both. I’ll refrain from describing what I’m able to do for mrs. x sexually, but suffice it to say, she’s deliriously happy :) . And the wildest stuff happens when I’ve decided that the coitus will include my ejaculating.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by xenolith
Sabbatia, thank you for your thoughtful reply. It’s very nice to have someone with experience in these matters comment. Based on your descriptions, which were very clear, I agree with you that SKF is a form of ChiKung. I suspect that Chia “americanized” the term ChiKung to Seminal Kung Fu to make it a more familiar term for english publication. From your descriptions, it’s clear that the guiding principles are the same.

I’d very much like to know about the online ChiKung communities that you are a member of. Would you please post some information about them in this thread or, if you’d prefer, PM me with the information?

Thanks again for your contributions to this thread. Please continue to contribute your thoughts here as you see fit.

Sorry but they are in Chinese:(

Please let us know the URLs, there are tools (such as that can help us make our way


(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal


"道友之家" And “修行养生” are on ChiKung
"坤道灵觉" Is on ChiKung for women

I just tried and I think unless you understand some Chinese, it can’t help you out.

And since you have interest on Chinese documents, I would like to introduce the so called most simple traditional ChiKung, and it is also described by some famous Chinese novels as VERY VERY powerful(I doubt this point). That is “周天功”, you can find it on the above site.
Here is a modern version compiled by a modern professor:

And the hosting site also looks good. Those guys is not the original author, the professor who wrote this have got a prize from government.

Last edited by sabbatia : 04-09-2006 at .

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