Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Seminal Kung Fu and Crown Chakra Orgasms

SKF results happen in years, at least for me. Try using the kegel to hold back your cum before it even starts to leave. Lately I just leave the kegel flexed about 90% of the time while aroused.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by gprent
That is just about as complicated as learning how to play golf. To work that long to achieve your result seems beyond the interest level of most mortal people.

The fancy terms have hidden from me what you are trying to achieve. I assume heightened pleasure levels?

Given this response is over 10 years old I still feel it’s important to say - you made me laugh out loud. Simply a great response.

Crown Center Orgasms are NOT prostate orgasms, as I’ve indicated in several posts in this thread.

It is not necessary to be taught SKF in order to learn it.

Read the Buddha’s opinion on that subject in my signature line :) .


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by xenolith
It is not necessary to be taught SKF in order to learn it.

Read the Buddha’s opinion on that subject in my signature line :) .


I’m sure the books know more than the Taoist masters I’ve studied directly under :spin:
I think the Buddah will have spoken in context. Quotations in isolation are fraught with mis-quote potential. Otherwise we could perhaps, with enough effort, sprout wings and fly too. Yes, I’m being facetious. :D

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by firegoat
I’m sure the books know more than the Taoist masters I’ve studied directly under :spin:
I think the Buddah will have spoken in context. Quotations in isolation are fraught with mis-quote potential. Otherwise we could perhaps, with enough effort, sprout wings and fly too. Yes, I’m being facetious. :D

May you be well upon your path.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

The main issue I have with semen retention is that all the exercises to “bring up” sexual energy don’t work to relieve my libido. Only nutting ever helps.

Same here Bhauk. Although I don’t mind the raging libido, I actually like it and the energy that comes with it. My issue is an ever growing blue balls feeling as the days go on retaining the seed, maybe that goes along with the term relieving libido. It’s tolerable the first couple times I retain. But after that there is a “price to pay” if I hold it. To me, learning SKF is about getting the release feeling without losing the semen and sexual energy. If I could do that, I would gladly go months between ejaculations.

I suppose like learning any technique, the associated exercises don’t work until they do work. There are small nuances that matter, but we don’t yet know about them, and can only learn of them through regular practice. It seems like the whole method is not quite there in the book, as if there are missing important details on how to structure the practice, and what the milestones of improvement are. This thread helps with that some. I can also say that after years of occasional practice of retaining the seed beyond my comfort level, that the capacity to hold it increases on its own, even without mastering the Big Draw method. Perhaps some of that is age related, but I strongly suspect there’s also an increasing capacity with practicing this stuff.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Man… I feel it behind my eyes and in my dick >:[]

I definitely don’t dig this energy.

Originally Posted by xenolith
You’re very welcome BD; it’s been a source of joy for me to be of use in this way.

Last little unsolicited insight: the key for me was learning how to arch my lower back, pulling up my coccyx, like a wasp prior to stinging, in order to increase the distance between the “tap” (i.e. coccyx) and the “source” (i.e. Sperm Palace). A small positive displacement of the coccyx relative to the Sperm Palace yields a great cooling of the exchange of jing vapor from the Sperm Palace to the coccyx and prevents “over-heating” of the exchange, which cannot be controlled, resulting in either loss of chi into the lower back (i.e. before encountering the sacral pump) or ejaculation; the former is a much better outcome…a strong BS muscle will help close the “iron gate”, thus preventing the latter…it is then but a matter of mastering the dipping of the coccyx into the jing vapor in a manner that maintains sufficient control of the chi thus drawn from the Sperm Palace. Once you pass your first drawn chi past the sacral pump, you’re 90% of the way to experiencing CCO.

For you, I think CCO is but a matter of when…

Know that I’m always happy to help and…

Good Luck!


Wait… I have fairly good control of my pelvis and waist for a white guy. I can do that wasp thing you mention. What I don’t understand is what you mean by “jing vapor” and what you are using chi to refer to (as chi means a lot of things in Mandarin)

BTW I just took a shit and no longer have the crazy urge to nut that I was bearing for a few hours before I took that shit. How does that work?

Originally Posted by Bhauk
Man… I feel it behind my eyes and in my dick >:[]

I definitely don’t dig this energy.

I’ve had the headache before too, and apparently it is a common side effect of attempting the practices; but like the blue balls feeling in the dick, is no longer a risk once successfully completing the CCO.
xenolith - Seminal Kung Fu and Crown Chakra Orgasms

Regarding the real consequences of practicing this without knowing the full method, in both sexual energy build up as well as other associated problems like some general irritability that goes along intentionally blue balling ourselves - over the years I’ve adopted the strategy of gently pressing up against my limits. In the beginning I tried the “break on through” method more often. And I admit I still try it every once in a while. But most of the time I release the seed when I run into these negative consequences. So I may retain my seed through one or two sexual sessions, then notice the build up of bad energy, and release it on my second or third session respectively. And many times I release it during the first or second session if I can tell there will be a bad energy accumulation coming afterward.

In other words, I rarely fight it anymore, I just let it go if I know the energy is building up with nowhere to go. My advice is to try xeno’s advice in the above linked post. And if that doesn’t work, simply let the “bad” seed go by masturbating to a normal orgasm. I believe Chia says somewhere in the book not to sweat it too much if you “spill the seed” during practices. It’s the practicing that matters over the long term.

When I do choose, on rare occasion, to try the “break on through” method, I notice that the blue ball feeling or any headache tends to go away after 4-12 hours, or at the most, overnight. Doing this has some profound effects on the baseline energy levels of the body. For example if I retain for a week, doing SKF practices throughout that week (and getting heavily blue balled by the end of it) and then the second week I cease all SKF practices, then the energy seems to diffuse through the body. I have the energy levels of a man 10 years younger than myself, and I feel strange chi flow sensations all throughout my body during the day.

The combination of the two approaches is what seems to have led to an increased capacity for retaining the seed over the years. I used to get blue balls, or less often the headaches, after only one session of SKF practice. Now it is very rarely on the first practice, and almost always on the second or third practice. That may seem like “so what?” but I can tell you it is pretty awesome to be able to go at it as long as you want for one whole night and have no blue balls from it. After retaining the seed for the first session, it seems easier to retain on subsequent sessions, that is less of the “need to ejaculate” feelings, but also with more of a tendency for the blue ball feelings. So there is a trade-off between the two.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by Bhauk
Wait… I have fairly good control of my pelvis and waist for a white guy. I can do that wasp thing you mention. What I don’t understand is what you mean by “jing vapor” and what you are using chi to refer to (as chi means a lot of things in Mandarin)

BTW I just took a shit and no longer have the crazy urge to nut that I was bearing for a few hours before I took that shit. How does that work?

We cross posted Bhauk. Hopefully xeno has more to offer about the pelvis move, aka the wasp sting maneuver, BC to sacral pump hand-off which is the most important part of the process that we’re missing, and that will prevent the blue balls. I’ve tried it many times in many ways. All I can say is that I’ve found clenching the BC muscle along with rhythmic flexing of the lower back is instrumental in being able to do a whole first session without any blue balls feeling. If I just sit down and attempt to retain without moving the lower back around, it is way more likely that I will get blue balls.

And regarding the dissipation in your urge, I think taking a dump relieved some pressure, and that it naturally dissipates over 4-12 hours.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

What I was talking about wasn’t blue balls. That’s just how I feel when I’m horny. A strong physical urge all up in my groin and eyes.

If I’m not horny then there’s no point in arousing myself, and if I am then it’s not something I like to bear for too long. The cool draw, big draw, pelvic rocking, pelvic/anal contractions. edging and even meditation don’t get rid of it for me.

Well I’ve managed to use contractions & somatic awareness to move what seems to be chi.

If I am horny I will do that and eventually the urge to ejaculate dissipates and is replaced by what feels like orgasmic energy, topically in my spine, base of skull, heart or navel. it feels a lot more controlled and less imposing than what it feels like in my groin (what is jing I think). Xeno has said that this is chi leaking out of your MO but I was unable to find any mention of that in the Winn/Chia book and I’d like to know where he found that out from.

I just tried the “break on through” method and ended up going over, and had to use a long and hard contraction to abort the ejaculation.

I’m at a point though where I’m really wishing I could get some satisfaction out of this. I’m having to contract my pelvic floor and anal muscles 100’s of times a day to keep my libido in check. They aren’t getting any time to recover. Maybe I should do an external lock ejaculation to allow my muscles time to heal.

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
We cross posted Bhauk. Hopefully xeno has more to offer about the pelvis move, aka the wasp sting maneuver, BC to sacral pump hand-off which is the most important part of the process that we’re missing, and that will prevent the blue balls. I’ve tried it many times in many ways. All I can say is that I’ve found clenching the BC muscle along with rhythmic flexing of the lower back is instrumental in being able to do a whole first session without any blue balls feeling. If I just sit down and attempt to retain without moving the lower back around, it is way more likely that I will get blue balls.

And regarding the dissipation in your urge, I think taking a dump relieved some pressure, and that it naturally dissipates over 4-12 hours.

Sorry, just seeing this. Yes, the wasp sting maneuver. The key element of this is the “viscosity” of the jing. The best way that I can describe it is: it’s like sucking hot honey through a paper mache straw: when the honey is too hot, it melts the straw, when the honey is too cool, it’s too viscous to suck through the straw. Only when the honey is at exactly the right temperature, can it be drawn up the straw without melting the straw. Although jing is releasing chi distillate during all states of arousal, it is only when the arousal state is just right that the chi distillate is at the right “viscosity” to be successfully tapped into the cerebrospinal fluid by means of dipping the coccyx into the pelvic cavity, i.e. the wasp sting maneuver, while simultaneously pulling upward with the sacral musculature of the lower back, ie. the sacral pump.

It is hard to master, took me 10 years, but once this stage is mastered, full MCO mastery is a very short time away.

And valuable control of one’s body is realized.

Sorry for the long time for a reply.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Thanks for the reply.

I have tried SKF at varying arousal levels (which should equate to varying jing viscosity) with the idea that if I tried the whole spectrum, I’d hit the right “temperature” somewhere in there. Not making much progress, I figured I was doing something wrong on the pump movements.

It has been a few months since I’ve done any SKF, but this has inspired me to dust off the old books and try again.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"


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