Sex drive sucks.
For as long as I can remember, except when I was about 12 or 13 years old when I could cum all day and never get tired, I can normally only have 1 orgasm per day if I’m able to acheive one at all. I’m only 19 years old and I’m trying to figure out why I’m so different than everyone else I talk to. After an orgasm, I loose hard and I can’t regain it for at least 15 minutes and when I do, there’s no way I’m having another one until the next day comes around unless I hightail it to the bathroom and yank my dick like no one’s looking and there’s no tomorrow. Also, I don’t have a full on erection if I’ve had an orgasm that day. So, with my partner, we can never have sex like twice in a row or even twice in one day. When my dick does get hard again, it’s kind of sore somtimes, and doesn’t feel near the pleasure as before I had my orgasm. Also, sometimes, an orgasm is out of the question and I can’t have one at all. This makes me feel weird with my partner, I know you guys know how it feels when you’re girl can’t get you off and it makes them feel bad and you feel bad cuz it’s like they’re not pleasing you. I can always acheive orgasm through masturbation
Does anybody else have this problem?
I did PE for about 2 years about 4 years ago and gained 1 1/2” from manual excercises. Do you think this had any effect on my performance? I’m only 19 and my sex drive is supposed to be out of the roof, supposed to be a sex animal that can do it all day long and keep going, I can only imagine what it will be like when I’m 50 or 60.