Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Soy makes you Gay (and shrinks your Dick)

Soy makes you Gay (and shrinks your Dick)

Soy is making kids ‘gay’

There’s a slow poison out there that’s severely damaging our children and threatening to tear apart our culture. The ironic part is, it’s a “health food,” one of our most popular.
Now, I’m a health-food guy, a fanatic who seldom allows anything into his kitchen unless it’s organic. I state my bias here just so you’ll know I’m not anti-health food.

The dangerous food I’m speaking of is soy. Soybean products are feminizing, and they’re all over the place. You can hardly escape them anymore.

I have nothing against an occasional soy snack. Soy is nutritious and contains lots of good things. Unfortunately, when you eat or drink a lot of soy stuff, you’re also getting substantial quantities of estrogens.

Estrogens are female hormones. If you’re a woman, you’re flooding your system with a substance it can’t handle in surplus. If you’re a man, you’re suppressing your masculinity and stimulating your “female side,” physically and mentally.

In fetal development, the default is being female. All humans (even in old age) tend toward femininity. The main thing that keeps men from diverging into the female pattern is testosterone, and testosterone is suppressed by an excess of estrogen.

If you’re a grownup, you’re already developed, and you’re able to fight off some of the damaging effects of soy. Babies aren’t so fortunate. Research is now showing that when you feed your baby soy formula, you’re giving him or her the equivalent of five birth control pills a day. A baby’s endocrine system just can’t cope with that kind of massive assault, so some damage is inevitable. At the extreme, the damage can be fatal.

Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality. That’s why most of the medical (not socio-spiritual) blame for today’s rise in homosexuality must fall upon the rise in soy formula and other soy products. (Most babies are bottle-fed during some part of their infancy, and one-fourth of them are getting soy milk!) Homosexuals often argue that their homosexuality is inborn because “I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t homosexual.” No, homosexuality is always deviant. But now many of them can truthfully say that they can’t remember a time when excess estrogen wasn’t influencing them.

Doctors used to hope soy would reduce hot flashes, prevent cancer and heart disease, and save millions in the Third World from starvation. That was before they knew much about long-term soy use. Now we know it’s a classic example of a cure that’s worse than the disease. For example, if your baby gets colic from cow’s milk, do you switch him to soy milk? Don’t even think about it. His phytoestrogen level will jump to 20 times normal. If he is a she, brace yourself for watching her reach menarche as young as seven, robbing her of years of childhood. If he is a boy, it’s far worse: He may not reach puberty till much later than normal.

Research in 2000 showed that a soy-based diet at any age can lead to a weak thyroid, which commonly produces heart problems and excess fat. Could this explain the dramatic increase in obesity today?

Recent research on rats shows testicular atrophy, infertility and uterus hypertrophy (enlargement). This helps explain the infertility epidemic and the sudden growth in fertility clinics. But alas, by the time a soy-damaged infant has grown to adulthood and wants to marry, it’s too late to get fixed by a fertility clinic.

Worse, there’s now scientific evidence that estrogen ingredients in soy products may be boosting the rapidly rising incidence of leukemia in children. In the latest year we have numbers for, new cases in the U.S. jumped 27 percent. In one year!

There’s also a serious connection between soy and cancer in adults – especially breast cancer. That’s why the governments of Israel, the UK, France and New Zealand are already cracking down hard on soy.

In sad contrast, 60 percent of the refined foods in U.S. supermarkets now contain soy. Worse, soy use may double in the next few years because (last I heard) the out-of-touch medicrats in the FDA hierarchy are considering allowing manufacturers of cereal, energy bars, fake milk, fake yogurt, etc., to claim that “soy prevents cancer.” It doesn’t.

P.S.: Soy sauce is fine. Unlike soy milk, it’s perfectly safe because it’s fermented, which changes its molecular structure. Miso, natto and tempeh are also OK, but avoid tofu.


Soy is bad news and it is in almost everything

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

We have such a bad habit of going overboard for the new trendy item of the moment and soy certainly was and is one of those items. Way over promoted as the new “in” food group, the excessive use is now becoming evident along with the bad repercussions. Unfortunately the “goodness” snowball is still rolling as the article points outs.

Thank goodness I was and still am a meat and potatoes, and oh yes, a dairy kind of guy. :)

I found I was allergic to the stuff years ago. So I’ve not had a problem with it.

Originally Posted by petitfaun
I found I was allergic to the stuff years ago. So I’ve not had a problem with it.

Since you are allergic, your problem will be trying to avoid it.

Originally Posted by 7of9
No, homosexuality is always deviant.

Quite a few things about this article are rather extreme and alarmist. It reminds me a bit of the hysteria about fluoride in water that was coming out of certain circles years ago, and given the statements about homosexuality in particular, it may be coming out of the same ideological background.

There are some real questions about soy consumption by infants and in large quantities, though. But it’s probably just one part of the whole picture of hormones in food, synthetic estrogen-like compounds being introduced into the environment, etc. It’s not just the health-food industry, but the good old all-american meat and dairy industries, that are subjecting us to compounds (antibiotics, as well) with proper consideration of long-term health impacts.


Starting, summer '06: 6" EL, 6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG / Currently: Approximately .4" length and .25" girth gains / Stretched ligs .5" - .6", increasing PBFL and flacid hang

Goal: 7.25" BPEL x 5.75" EG, currently over HALF WAY THERE! on length and ACHIEVED GIRTH!

Piercings: 4 Gauge PA (currently not wearing), Two 4 Gauge upper frenums, other non-genital

Last edited by FrenumFellow : 12-22-2006 at .

Don’t you guys think this is a little over the top? I would like to see citations for some of these claims.

A quick Google of the author, Jim Rutz, shows him to be a person completely devoid of scientific training:

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

I have two young sons, and ever since I discovered some of the concerns over soy products my wife and I became very deliberate about avoiding it in our family’s diet.

However, my oldest son would not breast feed, and was raised on formula for the first 8-10 months of his life.
I know that some of that was soy-based, if not most of it. He seems like a regular kid now, but I do wonder if it didn’t effect him in some way.

Needless to say, I won’t let it happen in the future. In fact, I limit their milk and fruit juice intake too. Bovine milk was intended for bovine infants…not human adults. I don’t think there is any significant harm in drinking it (I do) but water is better for hydration and there are fewer concerns about chemical additives.

We should all watch what we consume more carefully.

"Debate the idea..."

Uhmmm, in regard to sexual orientation change, IMVHO, this news seems indeed a bullshit …

I knew soy contains female hormones (estrogens), so for a man it isn’t advisable taking too much of it (but in reasonable quantity AFAIK it doesn’t harm).

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

Originally Posted by goonbaby

However, my oldest son would not breast feed, and was raised on formula for the first 8-10 months of his life.
I know that some of that was soy-based, if not most of it. He seems like a regular kid now, but I do wonder if it didn’t effect him in some way.

Next time around consider goats milk, it’s a lot better for children than cows milk.

“Estrogens are female hormones. If you’re a woman, you’re flooding your system with a substance it can’t handle in surplus. If you’re a man, you’re suppressing your masculinity and stimulating your “female side,” physically and mentally.”

Oh noes! Damn those estrogens! They have no place in the male body god dammit! Or do they…? If I raise my testosterone levels, surely my estrogene levels must go down and make me all male.

“In fetal development, the default is being female. All humans (even in old age) tend toward femininity. The main thing that keeps men from diverging into the female pattern is testosterone, and testosterone is suppressed by an excess of estrogen.”

Somewhat true but I thought chromosomes or whatchamacallit were involved also.

“If you’re a grownup, you’re already developed, and you’re able to fight off some of the damaging effects of soy. Babies aren’t so fortunate. Research is now showing that when you feed your baby soy formula, you’re giving him or her the equivalent of five birth control pills a day. A baby’s endocrine system just can’t cope with that kind of massive assault, so some damage is inevitable. At the extreme, the damage can be fatal.”

What fucking research? Come on! The “damaging effects of soy”?! “Fatal”?! “Five fucking birth control pills”?! Someone please call Pen & Teller.

“Research in 2000 showed that a soy-based diet at any age can lead to a weak thyroid, which commonly produces heart problems and excess fat. Could this explain the dramatic increase in obesity today?”

Again, please name studies, names of researchers and so on. And please, don’t get me started on the whole why you shouldn’t be drawing conclusions on causality from correlational research.

Perhaps it’s true that an intake of soy raises estrogen levels somewhat. But so does drinking a lot of beer, being fat and so on… Argh, I can’t take much more of this insanity! Forget this shit.

The only thing I really know to be true is that masturbation makes you blind and every time you bust a nut God kills a kitten.

I’m sorry for the rant.

March 2003 5.7" EBPL 5.0" EG

Currently 7.7" EBPL 5.1" EG

Goal 8.0" EBPL 6.0" EG

Asian guys are small for a reason I guess..

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Also, in regard to “homosexuality is always deviant.”. That’s not necessarily true either since it depends on your, or society’s definition of deviant behavior. Homosexuality is no longer considered a physical or mental disease so it’s not comparable to other forms of deviant behaviors (for instance paranoid schizophrenia), at least not in Sweden. Also, according to the Kinsey study homosexual behavior is often more common than what is often believed by most people.

Moreover, how does this “soy is bad”-theory explain homosexual behavior in women?

March 2003 5.7" EBPL 5.0" EG

Currently 7.7" EBPL 5.1" EG

Goal 8.0" EBPL 6.0" EG

Originally Posted by kaan
Asian guys are small for a reason I guess..

So you are saying that guys raised on meat have big bull cocks while guys raised on soy have little bean cocks? :)


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