Thunder's Place

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STD or what?

STD or what?

Alright, just looking for a little advice here. I know everyone will tell me to see a doctor, but I just don’t have time right now, plus been having problems with insurance. I’ll get around to it. I have these little bumps on my raphe (the little skin line that runs from your sack to the underside of your shaft to your gland. It’s weird but they are only there, and there are 2. They have been there for 2 - 3 years, and don’t really come and go. I’m a little worried that it’s something like herpes but I wanted a few opinions. I always have protected sex, even with my past girlfriends. and have only had 4 sexual partners, but I’ve had a few extra blowjobs. I’m 21, don’t smoke anymore, drink a little. These bumps don’t hurt, but it’s like damn, it freaks some people out. I’d like to stress that they don’t really disappear, and no more have come up - that’s not a symptom of herpes right?

There are also a few bumps right near the glands, little skin-colored ones grouped together. They don’t hurt either but are slightly more noticable with an erection. I’ve included some pics, I know they’re not high quality but just to show where they’re at. I’m just looking for a few second opinions if anyone already knows what it is - please don’t tell me to go to the doctor, because I plan to, just want that second opinion in the meantime.

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Goal: Any visible increase in size, so I can lay my doubts to rest.

They’re almost undetectable. Could it be you never took a good look there before?

No pain, no inflammation, no discharge?

Probably no problem.

But get it checked out in order to feel better and not worry.



I’ve had the same bumps since I was around 11, or 12 years old. I’ll be 44 next month. Mine are in the same spot as yours, on the under side near my glans. I’ve had two doctors look at them over the years, and they didn’t seemed to be concerned. I still think you should have a doctor check you out. you’re only 21, you don’t want to wait too long for anything to fester.

Right on, thanks for the input guys. Makes me feel a little better at the moment Naab.

Avocet - No, none of that, but sometimes I can “feel” the bumps. As in when I touch it I can feel the bump through my unit, not just my fingers.
And they’re more noticeable up close, i.e. when I’m getting a BJ haha. They’ve definitely been there awhile tho.

Goal: Any visible increase in size, so I can lay my doubts to rest.

Completely normal. I have them in the same spot as your second pic. I have four of them in that spot. I was a virgin when I noticed them a while back so there goes the thought of an STD.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Whew thanks bro. But what are you doin on this site man? Your unit is fuckin huge! I mean how good could a blowjob be? I’m just strugglin to get to where you are haha.

Goal: Any visible increase in size, so I can lay my doubts to rest.

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