Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Still no improvements on Erection

It’s all in your head. I know things are hard, I wish I could say about my family but I can’t because of omerta vow. Been depressed some of my favorite family members got ., but my boner didn’t get whacked.

Try stay positive, I know you can do it. Do something that cheer you up and makes you happy instead of stay depressed. Like play sports, poker, go out with guys, or whatever you do for fun.

I have had some girls made a comment about me when I was young, but it didn’t stop me and made me a better than before. Don’t let those girls fuck your mind, try improve and prove them wrong.

Few of most famous celebrities failed university or dropped out of high school/college. Look at Johnny Depp and Mark Wahlberg, they are a high school drop out and they are very famous now. Brad Pitt was in military and dirt poor before became famous. Bruce Willis dropped out from the university. Dick Cheney failed university, he came back to different university and graduated. GW Bush is an idiot but still graduated from Yale undergrad and Harvard graduate school, I still don’t understand how he graduated from top tier universities, someone must have done his homework/exams.

look at these high school dropout celebrities.

Move out of the religious house and be on your own.

Don’t let someone stop you!

Forgot to mention, my grammar skill isn’t that great and I’m deaf, that didn’t stop me from graduated from top tier business university. Don’t be a bitch, YOU CAN DO IT!

Originally Posted by gprent
Seems as though the more you describe your problem, the more likely it is all in your head. Your brain is your most powerful sexual organ and if you let your brain tell you erections and sex is over, well that is what will be your truth.

You have to turn around the way you think about sex and erections in your head. I don’t know exactly how to help you do that, but if you search for “brain most powerful sexual organ” I think you will find lots of good ideas to get things turned around.

Just to try sparking some life back into your cock, I think you should try taking some Viagra. Viagra and a little sexual stimulation is just about a guaranteed erection and once you get your cock working again and turn things around in your head, you probably won’t need the Viagra any more.

Good advice, I’m going to go and see a doctor tomorrow and try and persuade them to give me a low dosage of viagra to try out. If I don’t get a full on stiff erection then that points to a more physiological than a psychological problem right?

Originally Posted by HollaBigJ
It’s all in your head. I know things are hard, I wish I could say about my family but I can’t because of omerta vow. Been depressed some of my favorite family members got ., but my boner didn’t get whacked.

Try stay positive, I know you can do it. Do something that cheer you up and makes you happy instead of stay depressed. Like play sports, poker, go out with guys, or whatever you do for fun.

I have had some girls made a comment about me when I was young, but it didn’t stop me and made me a better than before. Don’t let those girls fuck your mind, try improve and prove them wrong.

Few of most famous celebrities failed university or dropped out of high school/college. Look at Johnny Depp and Mark Wahlberg, they are a high school drop out and they are very famous now. Brad Pitt was in military and dirt poor before became famous. Bruce Willis dropped out from the university. Dick Cheney failed university, he came back to different university and graduated. GW Bush is an idiot but still graduated from Yale undergrad and Harvard graduate school, I still don’t understand how he graduated from top tier universities, someone must have done his homework/exams.

look at these high school dropout celebrities.

Move out of the religious house and be on your own.

Don’t let someone stop you!

I don’t look like Brad Pitt or Mark Warlberg. ;)

Haha, only joking.

I think my biggest problem in life, far beyond that of my penis and it’s smallness is that of my ability to get on with people. I never have really got on with people. People of my age instinctively do not like me. Strange because older people, younger children etc all get on well with me and I can talk well. However in my peer group, I’m always the last selected, I don’t integrate well or make friends.

Originally Posted by shogunite
Good advice, I’m going to go and see a doctor tomorrow and try and persuade them to give me a low dosage of viagra to try out. If I don’t get a full on stiff erection then that points to a more physiological than a psychological problem right?

Well, you still can’t just take the Viagra and still have a total negative outlook on the process. To give it the full test I would also suggest Viagra, porn and a nice masturbation session. If you dissolve the tablet in your mouth, it should start taking effect in 30 minutes or so. I little bitter, but not that bad.

The lowest dose should be at least 25mg, but since you might need a real ice breaker, it also comes in 50 and 100mg doses. If the doc does give you a higher dose and it is successful you can always then cut the higher dose tablets in half or quarters to suit your needs.

And by the way, your cock is not small. In fact I would say it falls right in the middle of the average size tables.

So think positive, fuck the rest of the world and enjoy yourself. :)

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Ok, good luck dude! The most important fact of life: stay positive!

You’re not on any medications?

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Nope, no medications at all.

edit: just thought I’d say that I did masturbate today, probably shouldn’t leave it that long in future, I’ve never had such an output. :/

At least 2 tablespoons worth haha.

Originally Posted by shogunite
edit: just thought I’d say that I did masturbate today, probably shouldn’t leave it that long in future, I’ve never had such an output. :/

At least 2 tablespoons worth haha.

You need to do it everyday when you wake up even if you don’t feel in the mood. It will boost your testosterone and eventually it will all come back to normal. Your to young to not enjoy it don’t use it you loose it.

05/01/2012 BPEL 6.000 EG 5.500

10/19/2012 BPEL 6.625 EG 5.500 BPSL 7.2

First Goal BPEL 7 - End of 2012 second goal BPEL 8

Originally Posted by dogbone
You need to do it everyday when you wake up even if you don’t feel in the mood. It will boost your testosterone and eventually it will all come back to normal. Your to young to not enjoy it don’t use it you loose it.

Well I woke up with a wet dream this morning, first time that’s happened in literally years. Never really had them before.


Does that count? haha

Originally Posted by shogunite
Well I woke up with a wet dream this morning, first time that’s happened in literally years. Never really had them before.

Does that count? haha

What your last couple of posts show is that you are coming out of your funk. Good for you! :up: :up:

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I hope so.

My erection quality still isn’t great.

Previously my penis would be so hard it was sore. Now even though it’s solid, it’s definitely not as firm.

It takes time you stopped using it for so long so its not use to being active.

05/01/2012 BPEL 6.000 EG 5.500

10/19/2012 BPEL 6.625 EG 5.500 BPSL 7.2

First Goal BPEL 7 - End of 2012 second goal BPEL 8

I watched the secret documentary movie from netflix stream, it changed my life; thought of you regarded to that. You would work on the law of attraction. You focus on "not want" negative energy a lot. Try to focus on "want" positive energy such as you wanted to have your erection back to normal; DO NOT THINK OH I GIVE UP, it won’t come true.

This secret has been suppressed by many powerful people and don’t want average joe to access this kind of secret.

Here’s the explanation of law of attraction, it will makes you think hard and change your your life.

http://www.stev … -of-attraction/

It happens to me many time when things came true without realize it; it opened my eyes.

You will see many famous people’s quote that gave you hint of the secret but doesn’t want to reveal the secret because powerful people would kill them for that.

Example: “Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive, because your words become your behaviours. Keep your behaviours positive, because your behaviours become your habits. Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny.” – Gandhi

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

""You create your own universe as you go along." — Winston Churchill

Search here for the TGC theory. And masturbate once a day, thats “cardiovascular exercise for your penis”.

05/oct/12 = 13.0NBP x 13.0cm (inicio)

11/nov/12 = 13.3NBP x 13.5cm

Jelq + andropenis + masaje testicular + Ballzinger


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