Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



Okay so I’ve been doing some experimenting with my ejaculation timing how long it takes and different masturbation methods and I’ve got this

59 minutes: starting with dry manual masturbation sliding my shaft skin up and down to create pleasure and then when I got close to that point I applied lube. (It wasn’t straight masturbation I would pause when things got to intense or slow down)

13 min: just manual masturbation sliding shaft skin up and down at a steady and consistent pace.

6 min: with a condom on and lube sliding my hand up and down at a steady and consistent pace going up over the head completely and down to the bottom of the shaft.

I was just wondering what other people think of these results I don’t know they don’t make very much sense to me I would figure that I would have lasted much long with the condom and lube but maybe the sliding of shaft skin isn’t as pleasurable? I don’t know any other opinions would be greatly appreciated

You know when Prime Time Live does a special about this place threads like this are going to make us look bad. LOL

Hm what a weird thread. I have no idea what this has to do with PE. Why Would anyone wanna know about your masturbation?

Well I like this thread. I have done similar experiments. I had similar times even too. I never done it with a condom on though, because I thought it would take forever. Interesting idea.

What are you trying to do here?

If your trying to increase your staying power, I recommend kegels and edging sessions. I changed my masturbation sessions to edging sessions and I feel so in control when I fuck my girl’s brains out.

Their are other techniques too. When your on a 9/10 on the ejaculation scale you can press down your pc muscle and hold a kegel as well. Another one I don’t do often is pinch the tip of the penis on about 8/10 on the ejaculation scale.

10 on the ejaculation scale is the PONR (Point of No Return). I can prevent ejaculation scale on a 9 these techniques.

First Measurement November 1 2009: EBPL 7.5

Current Measurement June 1st 2010: EBPL 8.0

Short Term Goal: 8.5 inches || EBPL Long Term Goal:9 inches EBPL

59 minutes is because you weren’t focused on ejaculating, you kept the pace at a rate so you wouldn’t absoultely blow.

The 6 minutes was most pleasurable and closest to sex since you stimulated everything even with a condom so quickest time.

The 13 minutes was just consistent jerking of the shaft.

Results are pretty obvious. But yeah I’m assuming that you’re doing this to compare to sex or something not just out of curiosity. But really the only thing you could apply to sex is, slow down at some points maybe take a break so you last longer. And yeah do what Gainer Guy said.

Originally Posted by master33598
You know when Prime Time Live does a special about this place threads like this are going to make us look bad. LOL

And the guy who did fowfers by sticking his dick up his ‘anal’ won’t? Not to mention the thousand other things including some sort of incest thread.

I’m a great lover. I practice a lot when I’m alone.

-Woody Allen-

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Haha I know it’s a p.e website but I’ve come to see thunders as a place where guys can just talk about their own personal sexual issues, am I wrong? Cus if I am won’t happen again. But yea this particular thread is about staying power and I’ve tried edging but when I’m actually having sex the ponr comes so suddenly it’s hard to effectively lay the wood and also keep track but yea I guess theres nothing I can do but just work on it. Also @ gainer I’ve been trying to clear this up do kegels actually increase the amount of time your able to have sex before you start feeling like your going to ejaculate or just allow you to control that ejaculation by blocking off semen?

Try this when you feel you are at 8 or 7 on your ejaculation scale press real hard on you pc muscle until your urge goes away!

I did this when I was a beginner and still do it to prevent a 9.5 or less on my ejaculation. I have been practitioning for years so don’t worry it takes time.

When I first had sex I came twice in under 5 minutes. I felt so embarrassed. Now I can fuck for 3 hours if I pushed it (i actually timed myself including foreplay).

I usually fuck between 1.5- 2.5 hours. According to statistics sex lasts on a average of 13 minutes but this is not enough time to stimulate a woman.

What I recommend to you is start on the very basics. First every time you go pee stop your urine flow with your pc muscle. Hold it for 5 seconds then return the urine flow. Do this 5-10 times while you piss and every time you piss. After awhile your pc muscle will get stronger. After you master this simple exercise try doing 50 kegel squeezes everyday for a week. Then work your way to 100 then 200. After your a while you will notice your pc muscle a lot stronger. After here do intermediate kegels.

Another trick I recommend if you have a wife or girlfriend whom you trust and has no stds, you should have sex with no condoms. In my opinion their is a big difference between condom sex and no condom sex. Once your used to the pleasure of no latex. You can secretly do your edging sessions to no condom-sex. Then after a lot of sessions of having no condom sex with your partner, put a condom on and your resistance to cumming will be alot and you can fuck her brains out easily.

Also how do you fuck your partner? Do you go balls deep? Do you breathe calmly or intensely? Tips such as don’t go as deep and do positions that do not stimulate you as much.

Remember you need to build your resistance to the urge of ejaculation up. Once you have gained these skills girls will be truly impressed and sex will feel so much better for you and you will definitely give her the big O every time you fuck. Skills like these are important. Having a big dick is nice but having a large cock and fucking her like your some sex God will drive her crazy and make her beg for you to sex her :D

Good luck on your quest for staying power and size.

First Measurement November 1 2009: EBPL 7.5

Current Measurement June 1st 2010: EBPL 8.0

Short Term Goal: 8.5 inches || EBPL Long Term Goal:9 inches EBPL

Originally Posted by aboveaverage91
Haha I know it’s a p.e website but I’ve come to see thunders as a place where guys can just talk about their own personal sexual issues, am I wrong?

No sir., you are not. Compared to many of the thread topics, this one is rather ho-hum.

Originally Posted by GainerGuy
According to statistics sex lasts on a average of 13 minutes but this is not enough time to stimulate a woman.

Very sad and even worse than it sounds. For most guys we are looking at 13 minutes start to finish, including 4-play.

The majority of guys are quite clueless as well as being frightfully quick off the draw.

Think of it like this, Quantity vs. Quality.

Quantity is how many inches you got below your legs.

Quality is how well you can use your dick.

Girls will always prefer the 6 or 7 inch dick that knows how to use it than a 8 or 9 inch cock that just rams and has poor performance.

Imagine if you had a super hot sexy babe but when you fucked her she came in 10 minutes and was done… but you like to fuck for at least 1 solid hour. This would suck and I am sure you would want to move on if this was your fuck buddy and not a lover of some sort.

The problem with a lot of guys including my self is how we brought our selves up. When we were around 13 we started masturbating. We used our hands and stroked our selves and usually made our selves cum less than 5 minutes. Since we were young we have been doing this. These habits now have our mind on set on cumming as fast as we can because that is how we always pleasured ourselves.

We men need to correct his bad habit. Stop all five minute masturbation! When you masturbate don’t cum unless its after 1 hour. I know it’s tough and it will take a while to achieve this but keep practicing. It takes many months and years to increase your staying power but the reward is sex that last hours on end and ecstasy of bliss.

Remember guys making your dick bigger is great and how but mastering on how to use it is what will bring you the most pleasurable sex. Also a side note the G spot can be found within the first 3 inches of the vagina. Find this spot and target it with your dick and girls will love this if you feel you are lacking in the length department!

First Measurement November 1 2009: EBPL 7.5

Current Measurement June 1st 2010: EBPL 8.0

Short Term Goal: 8.5 inches || EBPL Long Term Goal:9 inches EBPL

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