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Testosterone Levels.

Testosterone Levels.

I got my T levels check and they came in the 471 or something like that..

Since the scale is between 400 and 900 , is this a low level ?

That depends on you. The number is a only marker. Some people could be completely normal at that figure, others would be considered hypogonadal.

How old are you? How do you feel?

I m 26 y.o. .When I ve gotten that test done I was feeling not very motivated in sex. ( Primary due to propecia maybe)

After having stopped medication for over a 1 year now, I feel that the t levels are very strong.

I will they would be much stronger so that I hav emore motivation to go out and get social.

Originally Posted by vanburen
I will they would be much stronger so that I hav emore motivation to go out and get social.

My Testosterone levels are twice yours and I’ve not gone out and been social in going on a decade.
Never gotten laid (I’m older then you)…

A little outside perspective.

Originally Posted by vanburen
When I ve gotten that test done I was feeling not very motivated in sex. ( Primary due to propecia maybe)
After having stopped medication for over a 1 year now, I feel that the t levels are very strong.

Several studies have shown that testosterone levels actually increase for men on finasteride. It does not cause a decrease. One side effect, for about 2% or less of men on the drug, is a decreased libido. But it does not lower testosterone levels.

http://www.ncbi … 5&dopt=Abstract
http://www.ncbi … l=pubmed_docsum

Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout
My Testosterone levels are twice yours and I’ve not gone out and been social in going on a decade.
Never gotten laid (I’m older then you)..

A little outside perspective.

T-levels that high you have features taht women like.strong jaw masculinity and aggressiveness.a definite plus.unforunetly there are no medicaitons taht safetly increase t levels.

Originally Posted by vanburen
I got my T levels check and they came in the 471 or something like that..

Since the scale is between 400 and 900 , is this a low level ?

I thought the scale was between 200 and 800 or high 800s. At least it was when I got my test 3 years ago.

When I had mine checked it was 682 considered normal, but I had been on gensing for about a month, as well as chromium picolinate. Because I still was in the throws of ED and had n to joined TP yet I do believe I had m ust of been much lower. This was back in 11/04.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

How do you go about getting it checked?

You can go to the doctor and during your next visit ask for it, if your insurance covers it. The results would show up with any other blood work you request or get like iron level, mercury level, white blood cell count and so on. There are other ways like self tests but they cost too much for my cheap ass. Beware though, I got the test once, and now want another. I feel like knowing what my T level just once isn’t enough I need to know yearly at least to see whats going on with my hormones.

Had blood work done recently , perhaps will get more recent numbers.

If you are in the “low normal” range (even at rock bottom of “low normal”) your doctor may be one of those who considers that “normal,” whereas in the past you were operating several hundred T points above that. There’s no knowing unless you have on record a base testosterone value which can be compared with whatever down the road.



Originally Posted by avocet8
If you are in the “low normal” range (even at rock bottom of “low normal”) your doctor may be one of those who considers that “normal,” whereas in the past you were operating several hundred T points above that. There’s no knowing unless you have on record a base testosterone value which can be compared with whatever down the road.

Yes, You must ask yourself how do you feel. Do you feel tired, especially after meals.

Advocet maybe you should post this andropause symptoms here as well.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

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