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The Concept of Erection Quality

The Concept of Erection Quality

I’m having trouble understanding the concept of Erection Quality. Although I do understand Erection Levels (raging-hard, very-hard, hard, semi-hard, etc…) But at what point do you gauge your Erection Level, to determine your Erection Quality? (e.g. At the time of ejaculation? During sexual penetration? Right after you get an erection, while masturbating?)

Also I feel there should be more dimensions to the concept of Erection Quality. Not just your Erection Level at some point in space-time.

As a draft, I put together a rank list that might define/redefine Erection Quality for us. But maybe this list isn’t a definition of EQ, and it’s a definition of Libido Quality or a combination of both. So please take a look at it and give me your feedbacks. Scrutinize it, modify it, append it or just completely deem it irrelevant.

If it is irrelevant to the concept of EQ, does anyone see any other value in gauging these “qualities”? Personally I used to be a rank-10 when younger, but I have been moving down the list. And I feel this is an important gauge of our sexual health, so my ultimate goal is to find a combination of techniques for improving these qualities.

10 - Get erect without any physical manipulation and maintain erection more than 1 minute without any physical manipulation.

09 - Get erect without any physical manipulation and maintain erection less than 1 minute without any physical manipulation.

08 - Get erect with non-lubricated physical manipulation and maintain erection more than 1 minute without continued manipulation.

07 - Get erect with non-lubricated physical manipulation and maintain erection less than 1 minute without continued manipulation.

06 - Get erect with lubricated physical manipulation and maintain erection more than 1 minute without continued manipulation.

05 - Get erect with lubricated physical manipulation and maintain erection less than 1 minute without continued manipulation.

04 - Get erect with lubricated physical manipulation and maintain erection more than 1 minute with continued manipulation

03 - Get erect with lubricated physical manipulation and maintain erection less than 1 minute with continued manipulation

02 - Get erect with lubricated physical manipulation only once a week.

01 - Get erect with lubricated physical manipulation only once a month.

00 - Impotent

* physical manipulation = rubbing, masturbating or making any physical contact with your penis either by hand or some other object. although you may look at porn.

Notice I haven’t included Erection Level in this list, partly because it would make it bloated. And partly because I’m thinking the Erection Level is implicit. For instance, if someone can achieve rank-10 then they must have a raging-hard erection level at their peak and so on …

"Named after your father perhaps?" - 007.5" :-pulse:

Well, I’ve always thought of the two as being synonymous - EQ=EL.


Originally Posted by GlandMaster
Well, I’ve always thought of the two as being synonymous - EQ=EL.

So when someone asks you: “What’s your EQ?” How do you gauge that? For instance, when I’m about to blow a load, it’s always raging-hard. And when I’m penetrating during sex or masturbating it’s very-hard. And when I stop physically manipulating my penis it soon starts dropping in EQ/EL, until eventually it’s limp.

"Named after your father perhaps?" - 007.5" :-pulse:

Originally Posted by plenty_otoole
So when someone asks you: “What’s your EQ?” How do you gauge that?

I go by size. I find it much simpler and more empirical to take a measurement rather than use a 1-10 type of scale.

The eyes can deceive, the ruler does not lie.


It must be hopelessly frightening to be an agent 00.

07 very common for me, 21 years old. I’m off from masturbation and porn for 19 days straight. I had one erotic dream with very intense orgasm, ejaculation. Wake up two times with great wood that remained for about 3-5min after i woke from bed. I’m in a very intense study program so I’m not thinking about sex, but when I’m relaxed in my bed and start to think dirty my dick get up very slowly. I totally lost the desire for porn and masturbation, i was completely addicted. Being aware about it helped a lot, by being in the moment, meditating… sorry for my English guys. I hope to get back to 10, last times was in my 15 years


Thanks for your reply. Keep up the good work. And report back to us, about your progress with abstinence. I am also trying to quit masturbation, but I usually give-up after 2 weeks. Although I’ve given-up porn for at least 2 months. I’m struggling, but I’m determined to keep trying.

"Named after your father perhaps?" - 007.5" :-pulse:

Originally Posted by GlandMaster
I go by size. I find it much simpler and more empirical to take a measurement rather than use a 1-10 type of scale.

The eyes can deceive, the ruler does not lie.

So when do you gauge your EQ (e.g. At the time of ejaculation? During sexual penetration? Right after you get an erection, while masturbating?)

"Named after your father perhaps?" - 007.5" :-pulse:

:-pulse: :attention

"Named after your father perhaps?" - 007.5" :-pulse:

Well, p_ot, I try to gauge it at different times, as you have suggested.

Frankly, so much of EQ is mental for me, that I find it difficult to measure. I find myself at drastically different lengths in similar states of erection depending on time of day, fatigue, relaxation, arousal etc.

Frankly, I think that you need to provide a clinical definition for those terms before we go forward in any discussion of “The Concept of Erection Quality”. Perhaps there’s some research material that you’re not sharing with us? Links?


Originally Posted by GlandMaster
Frankly, I think that you need to provide a clinical definition for those terms before we go forward in any discussion of “The Concept of Erection Quality”. Perhaps there’s some research material that you’re not sharing with us? Links?

Actually I don’t have any research material. This is simply a personal observation, from watching the quality my of erection and libido drop over the years. And I was wondering if anyone else had observed this and were concerned. So I wanted to come-up with some quantifiable way measuring these “levels”, and then try to improve them.

Kegels have improved my erection quality/endurance during sexual intercourse but I’m still not able to get (or maintain) a hard erection without physically manipulating my penis.

Also I keep reading about Erection Quality and I was wondering what standard should be used to gauge it, for the sake of consistency and accuracy.

"Named after your father perhaps?" - 007.5" :-pulse:

Originally Posted by plenty_otoole

Also I keep reading about Erection Quality and I was wondering what standard should be used to gauge it, for the sake of consistency and accuracy.

I think it is a subjective standard, plenty; based on your life experience of being conscious of your own erection patterns. If you used to have rock hard ones (or strong, but spongy ones), and that changes, then look to the possible reasons for the change.

For sex, the usual gold standard is “unbendable.” Your shaft should not be pliable, although the anchor point of the shaft within your pubic bone may be moveable to right/left and up/down.



I go based on how it feels. When I feel almost a “stretching” sensation in the tissue (it’s not really stretching, it just feels that way. if that makes sense) then I know that I’m effing solid. Usually though, I’m just average. I might need to work on that lol

Current: 2/21/07: EL: 4.875" Eg: 4.875" FL: 3.0" Fg: 4"

Short Term Goal: EL: 5.125" EG: 5.125" FL: 3.5 FG: 4.125 ( Baby Steps)

Long Term Goal: EL: 7.00" EG: 5.5" FL 5.5" FG: 4.75"

Originally Posted by avocet8
I think it is a subjective standard, plenty; based on your life experience of being conscious of your own erection patterns.

I totally disagree: if the drug companies came up with a chemical concoction to fight ED, then they would have had to prove the efficacy of their drugs. There must be a clinically acceptable standard.

http://www.levi … ionquality.html

http://www.webm … ts/1/109289.htm

http://www.blac kwell-synergy.c … 09.2007.00701.x

QEQ, IIEF, SEAR, and EDITS outcomes correlated positively

Anyone care to help me wade through the alphabet soup?


“I totally disagree: if the drug companies came up with a chemical concoction to fight ED, then they would have had to prove the efficacy of their drugs. There must be a clinically acceptable standard.”

What makes it all subjective in the ED biz is that one is asked in person by a doctor or in the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) questionnaire given out - (the IIEF, btw, is being pushed to become the standard) - if his erections are “sufficient for penetration.”

“Sufficient for penetration” is the total goal of the drug companies; if you have ED, however with one of the drugs you can get in and do the job. What is sufficient for penetration is relative for each of us, depending on the type of sex we are engaged in and the partner we have. It matters not to the drug company or the doctor whether I have a Hard-On of Steel, or one just able to get inside whatever orifice, have an orgasm, and hopefully give my partner one during the same event. The IIEF does not differentiate between an erection of steel and one of, say, balsa wood or very firm Jello.



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