Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Too much PE = limp dick?


Nope, check the date on that post and my joining date.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

PE definitely can have a negative effect on your hardness, and there seems to be a general agreement on this.

My concern is whether or not we are doing LONG TERM damage to our sexual function by doing PE. I know that increased blood pressure and trauma to your vascular system could possibly lead to plaque formation and atherosclerosis. I am speaking theoretically of course, but I think it is important to consider the possible effects of this PE stuff, and learn to read the signs your body gives you.

I agree with those that say that if you have a hardness problem you can usually just take a rest from PE and things get back to normal pretty quickly. But vascular disease is a slow process over years that eventually causes restricted blood flow and the process starts with vessel intima damage, inflamation, wound healing response, lipid and calcium deposition etc. Could we be accelerating this process? what do you guys think?

Well mravg, no one knows for sure… but expect the usual “wow my dick is rock hard since I PE”, which is mostly caused by kegels, which is not really PE.

Hm I just remembered that this is something that happened to me as well.
Routine ;) :
Penis gets hard
Penis gets harder
Penis gets really hard
Penis looses girth, length (general shrinking) => less erect

Lateron I can feel my slightly damaged ligs are more than a little sore.
This doesn’t happen when my ligs are feeling ok after sex BTW.

Pain / Injury != Good for erection

Maybe it’s something similar for you.



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