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Too much PE = limp dick?


Too much PE = limp dick?

Have any of you over done the PE to the extent that your dick will get hard initially and go soft about midway through having sex with your woman?

Due to some things going on, i know that there was going to be a week before i had sex with my girl again. I decided with the extra time, to get more intense with my PE. Did it quite a bit more than usual. I’m not in to it big time, like some.

My girl and I get together, and I haven’t cum for a week. I could tell that I was loaded for bear. We go out, my dick is hard as a rock, i almost accidentally cum several times because it feels so good, but i was able to hold off. I decided to kiss her pussy and let my nuts simmer back down. While tasting her sweet pussy, my dick goes down to half mast.

I figured that once back inside her, it would come up again. Never did. We did everything and it would never get fully hard again. It was hard enough to get it in, but i wasn’t ringing her bell like usual. We both finally came, but it was short and weak compared to our normal screaming orgasms.

She was an absolute sweetheart about it. Made me feel better, but it still bothered me a bit. We went out today, two days later, and we fucked like wild animals again. I don’t want any repeat performances of the floppy dick routine, so i hope it was just a fluke.

Try taking Viagra, half an hour to an hour before sex on an empty stomach, this may help……

Gettin Bigger

Been there, done that and I’m f***ing nineteen! :D

It makes a real difference, sometimes I need help from the lady to get completely hard, in form of a BJ, and still I probably get softer while “in the action”. Hell, when I was on my hardcore 95-100% erect dry jelq routine, I couldn’t necesserily get it up in certain nights at all. That gave me a scare and made me slow down a little, all returned normal.

Another thing. Don’t forget your kegels. They have their role in this too.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

I think the worst thing we can do is panic. Once that happens then you are headed to limp city. It sure helps when you are with a woman who is sweet and understanding. I was glad that i was able to redeem myself today. Ooooh and did I ever redeem myself.

Sounds more like a mental thing than a physical thing. You hadn’t been with her for a week, hadn’t cum, held off ect. I think your mind went into overdrive and your body took a break.

Since you were able to perform all right afterwards, I don’t think it was the extra PE that did it.

If I hang I need to have some time between the last set and sex or it will be harder for me to get hard. I need 2 or 3 hours this is only if I hang longer that 2 hours.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Well, it happened to me last week too… frustration needless to say… Must have been that third set in the tube that did me in…. Started out great, but by the time it was my turn I could just about fold it in half, sigh…. I’ve recovered now, but it was disappointing for both of us…


Speed costs money... So how fast do ya wanna go?

toys n stuff

Get a cock ring


My take on what happened.

You got softer unexpectedly. you got concerned/panic and couldn’t get up again. Probably started out because of the relative lack of physical stim when you stopped to go down on her. That happens to me sometimes too. I learned not to rush back into the pussy if your not ready, slip into 69 a while untill you are hard again. Then no prob.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Yes that same thing happens to me. I must watch the amount of PE I do. I always take the day before off, when I know sex is on the agenda. I rarely masturbate anymore either.

I think people need to really keep kegels on their main “to do” list.

I know they can be boring, but kegels are a godsend to us guys, we just need to hit them head on. The more you can be bothered, the better your sex will be period.

This has happened to me on more than one occasion. Don’t sweat it … things will get back to normal. If you girlfriend really loves you, it doesn’t matter to her if it happens a few times. Things “happen” and she understands …


Luvdadus made a real good point that I agree with.

The only thing I would add is that it may be an indicator for you to cut back on the time/force of your PE.

Loss of erectile quality and quantity CAN be an indicator that you are not completely recovered from your last PE session.

The most sensible response is to know that amount is too much. At least in that recovery time frame.

Interestingly enough, most guys get their best gains WHEN they are also getting improved erections.

So the best amount of PE for penile growth, is many times also best for sexual performance!


Like bugger, if I know that sex is on the agenda, I schedule my days off before I get together with my gal.

Originally Posted by base
Been there, done that and I’m f***ing nineteen! :D

So…You were underaged when you joined? LOL I’m also 19. :D

drgmerlin: How much foreplay did you use?

Maybe I don't like it, but I have no choice

I know that somewhere, someone hears my voice

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