Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

urologist talks about PE


Great posts and thanks for the information. It never hurts to get everyones view point or knowledge on this subject. Just read an article on regarding men’s health called”These men want their forskins back” by Jon Bonne.

Caution is always wise with an exercises.

Not a medical professional, but I thought I’d weigh in anyway. I have been doing PE for about 1 year and I must say that the majority of my work has been jelqs. I intend to stretch more, but I have trouble maintaining the discipline to stretch. Since beginning PE, my erections have become harder than they’ve been in years - I mean rockhard (this is a typical erection for me now: This will teach them!).

I don’t doubt that the impaction exercises (such as jelqs) carry some risk, but I certainly don’t believe that injury is inevitable. I’ve gained a lot of girth & some length, but the hardness of my erections amazes me.

I think that you perhaps just had a bad experience with PE, but I don’t believe it is bad in general.

What this guy thinkin?

I find it VERY Interesting that jbh has not replied to any of the questions put forth in this thread that he started. As far as I’m concerned, that kills his credibility. What kind of Yahoo would make statements like:

manual stretching is probably ok, and may even produce some length gains. (In three years I gained .2 inches)

What the heck was this guy doing?? I’ve gain .25 in one month without any side affects.

If you read this and decide that I am full of shit

Well, he said it, I didn’t. But I think that he’s got a pretty good idea of what I think.

I would advise that you find some urology and radiology jounals and do some reading on your own before you making any further desicions regarding these methods.

jbh has had over a year to reply to the MANY members that have asked him to supply the information that he ‘advises’ us to read. This guy is almost as bad as hemorrhoids, a real pain in the butt.

I’d like to Thank the moderators and members out there that DO have a Good knowledge of what we are doing here. If it weren’t for you guys, people like jbh would close us down.


Life isn't fair, but why be bitter? Life is way too short to go though with a bad attitude.


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