Urologists who visit Thunders place on the east coast!
If there are any urologist who partake in PE on the east coast (Maryland,new york,PA,MA) please help me. My penis feels like its dying, its bleach white and frail, I cannot even begin to describe how its destroyed my personal life, but I am becoming hopeless Iv’e already been blown off by three urologists despite my excruciating pain, and the fact that I walked in with a frigging guitar amp and flat out told them I overdid it and hung this from my penis for 4 days straight. I asked them for all sorts of tests which they said they’ve never performed for anyone before (MRI, corporal cavernosography, ect) and they just said they didn’t know how to handle this. I don’t know if this is just bad luck or what, but I need help please. I’ve seen a psychiatrist, I’m taking all sorts ssri’s but even the psychiatrist who is a family friend agrees this is not sphycosomatic. Please someone help me!