Thunder's Place

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Vasectomy reversal, PE? Help

Vasectomy reversal, PE? Help


Anyone got a vasectomy reversal? I would like to know if it’s safe to do PE and hanging once everything is fully healed after a vasectomy reversal (reconnecting the vas deferens).

Hanging with weights and extending involves the shaft and the vasectomy reversal is in the scrotum so shouldn’t really bother but it’s a sensitive area where you want to avoid any inflammation, would love to get some input!

I had a reversal (unsuccessful thankfully), around 12 years ago. I started PE 2 years ago, and have had no ill effects. I’ve never really got into hanging, but I don’t think it would be a problem. I would give it lots and lots of time to heal properly though.

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

Originally Posted by Lookinforgirth
I had a reversal (unsuccessful thankfully), around 12 years ago. I started PE 2 years ago, and have had no ill effects. I’ve never really got into hanging, but I don’t think it would be a problem. I would give it lots and lots of time to heal properly though.

Yes, will take it easy for several months. Why unsuccessful thankfully?

Well, I ended up divorced from my wife at the time. Plus I already have 2 kids and since it didn’t work out, I’m mighty happy I’m not paying child support at 51 years old!

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

It’s cheaper and more effective from what I’ve heard to have the sperm extracted.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Yeah, we went that route before my reversal. Obviously didn’t work either. She had an ovary removed when she was young, and other issues down there. She just couldn’t get pregnant, by me or anyone.

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

I should say, you should definitely take Titiliest advice. It’s a lot easier, cheaper and painless!

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

Not only getting it for fertility reasons actually.

If anyone else has experience with PE after reversal, feel free to share

Originally Posted by jlog202

Not only getting it for fertility reasons actually.

I can’t imagine any other reason why you’d want a RV than for fertility. What is it?

Originally Posted by Lookinforgirth
Well, I ended up divorced from my wife at the time. Plus I already have 2 kids and since it didn’t work out, I’m mighty happy I’m not paying child support at 51 years old!

You payed 18yrs already or never had to pay?

Originally Posted by Don Logan
I can’t imagine any other reason why you’d want a RV than for fertility. What is it?

I’m curious as well, if the OP feels comfortable sharing.

I have heard that some people experience unpleasant sensations for years after a vasectomy, akin to “blue balls”, which they attribute to sperm getting “backed up” inside the testicles.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

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