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Weak erection

Weak erection

My erections have not been able to stay without stimulation but after experimenting with various vitamins it can now at times stay erect for 10 minutes without stimulation.
I just started kegals and wonder how long before i notice any change.
Any advice for programme, at the moment i just contract and hold for 10 seconds and repeat maybe 20-30 its a start i suppose.


What else do you do to your unit throughout the day?

Why are you concerned about keeping erections without stimulation?

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba

Why are you concerned about keeping erections without stimulation?

yeah why?


You ask why im concerned about keeping an erection without stimulation well many guys can keep erect when with someone without actual sex right?

When it gets erect its supposed to stay erect according to most guys that is.


I think it’s normal to not be able to maintain an erection without some sort of stimulation. It could be mental, visual, physical, etc., but erections will go away if you’re not stimulated in some way.

As long as you can get and keep an erection when you need it, don’t worry yourself over this.

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