Thunder's Place

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Erection problems, some help

Erection problems, some help

I did PE on and off for a few months, and stopped about two months ago because I fear I injured myself (I think I jelq too hard at too high % of an erection). I wasn’t able to get a full erection for about a week. Even now, however, I find that it is difficult to maintain above about a 3/4 erection. Is there any way to fix this? I know I can get a 100% erection if I focus but then it kind of slips away back to an above-semi.

Second question is about how long do I need to kegel for before I can master stopping ejaculation? I’ve been at it for about two weeks now and I can do roughly 400 kegels in one go but I still can’t prevent ejaculation.

I really want to begin PE again, but I’m worried I’ll only make my erection problem worse. Please help me out.

I suggest you don’t PE again until your erections are back to normal. Just stick with kegels until your completely healed. PE can still wait 1-2 months.

Agree with john. Stay away from PE for 6-8 weeks and see what happens. If it does not get better, visit a doctor (a urologist would be the best). From my personal experience, I think that relaxing and not thinking about your erection is the first step towards overcoming this kind of problem.

About kegels and ejaculation control, you are going to need to be way more patient than this to achieve total control. Question: do you have a steady sexual partner? I ask this because I don’t think you can really practice ejaculation control with masturbation. Keep on kegeling and be patient…very patient.

At the moment I do not, though I suppose I can get one if it’s necessary.out of curiosity why is such control not able to be done via masterbation?

I suggest you make sure you make sure you drink enough water and make sure you are eating healthy as well…..I had this problem too….I took some time off, only PE’d 4 days a week instead of 6 and made sure that I was only jelqing at a 50-70% erection…

Also, start an exercise regiment while you are taking the time off from PE…if you are bad shape or aren’t active at all, don’t expect your penis to be any different

I have bad circulation and found that doing cardio 3 times a week and weightlifting 3 times a week (make sure you work your legs - they help in the production of testosterone) helped DRAMATICALLY!

Take your time - we all want a big penis and want it in the quikest time possible…but that’s a wrong way to think. Ease yourself into the PE lifestyle. In fact, many on this board believe that less is actually MORE.

good luck.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Thanks for the reply man. I’m actually in pretty good shape, and I just resumed weight lifting recently. However, I have kind of always noticed my circulation isn’t that great because my hands are always cold and despite the fact that I have fairly low bodyfat %, my veins aren’t too visible anymore. I want to do cardio but I’m told that it’s counterproductive to me bulking up with weights.

I think that masturbation is to sex what hitting the bag is to boxing. I’M not saying that you can’t achieve anything by masturbating, I’m just saying that you need to practice with the real thing since it just isn’t the same thing as masturbating. On my personal experience, I once learned how to get perfect control over ejaculation. Then I got no sexual partners for two. When I got back to it, it was like starting all over again right from the beginning. It’s been two years since then and I’m getting better but still not as good as I used to be. Still I don’t do the specific ejaculation control exercises I was doing back then.

Smoke hash man !! Look I ain’t even kidding and I just found out about this solution recently . Whenever I smoke and sleep my dick wakes me up because it hurts so much. I get morning hard on’s so frequently that it gets annoying at times. It makes me feel like a horse.The problem is I can’t smoke everyday, but before sex I will definitely smoke a loc ! Moroccan hashish is the best .. It’s my Viagra :D

Current: 8+ x 5.5

soon to be nine.

Originally Posted by NineInchNails
Smoke hash man !! Look I ain’t even kidding and I just found out about this solution recently . Whenever I smoke and sleep my dick wakes me up because it hurts so much. I get morning hard on’s so frequently that it gets annoying at times. It makes me feel like a horse.The problem is I can’t smoke everyday, but before sex I will definitely smoke a loc ! Moroccan hashish is the best .. It’s my Viagra :D

It may work for you, but unfortunately I had to quit smoking weed cause it was THE reason I was becoming ED. It made me lazy as hell and there is no way I could bring myself to do PE.

I have poor circulation and smoking weed, hash or cigarettes is NOT a healthy choice (in my opinion). It didn’t help MY health or MY PE gains, but everyone is different.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

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