Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What time of day do YOU take your Propecia??

What time of day do YOU take your Propecia??

I’m just curious as, I have recently begun taking it. Way too soon to see results of course. I have heard it can take a couple months before it starts making a difference. I also never went to a doctor or got consulted or advised on taking it. I just did my ‘homework’ online. I take one, one milligram pill in the morning on an empty stomach right now.

What about you guys? Any of you had a doctor advise you on taking Propecia?? Thanks!


I don’t take it so I can’t answer your question but I’m curious to see your results and if it lowers your sex drive. My friend takes it and it does effect his sex drive but he use to be the horniest guy I knew and now he’s normal.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Nothing has changed with my sex drive yet…still horny as usual. My “load size” has increased. I think that is most likely do to my dropping all my soft drink intake to zero and drinking a LOT more water.


I take the propecia tablet every morning on an empty stomach when I wake up.


I take mine in the morning with all my vitamins during breakfast. It will take a couple months to have results. I’ve never experienced sexual problems in the four years I’ve been taking it.


I was thinking of trying it. I think my hair is getting thin on top. I think it has even gotten thinner since I started using Androgel. Does Propecia create new growth, stop the balding, make the hair shafts thicker? Thanks for the help.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

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