Aridaje. Non era ‘superdotato di suo’.
‘At the age of twenty-five the
organ was of normal size. He is married and his wife has borne
him two children.
Shortly after his marriage he observed that when he donned
his tights, in which he appeared during his exhibitions, that his
appearance was quite unseemly. In order to rectify this condition,
he devised a harness so adjusted that he could strap the
penis to the scrotum between his testicles. For several years he
utilized this apparatus when he appeared in the ring; but frequently
when performing his gyrations the organ would become
twisted, causing pain, tenderness, and swelling, lasting for several
days, followed by a subsidence to his normal condition.
After using the apparatus for the space of two years he observed
that the organ was increasing greatly in size. This condition
was unaccompanied by pain. Finally sexual congress became impossible.
All’età di 25 anni il suo organo era di normali dimensioni. E’ sposato con due figli. Subito dopo il matrimonio cominciò ad usare un arnese che legava il pene al suo scroto attraverso i testicoli, allo scopo di nasconderlo durante le esibizioni sul ring. Spesso, facendo le acrobazie, il suo pene veniva torto, causandogli dolore e rigonfiamento per alcuni giorni, dopo il quale l’organo tornava normale. Dopo due anni dall’inizio si accorse che il suo pene stava aumentado di dimensioni, processo che non era accompagnato da dolore. Infine i rapporti sessuali diventarono impossibili.