Thunder's Place

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0,5 inches in 5 days

0,5 inches in 5 days

Hey there.. Just wanted to share my experience with PE until this day. I began about 5 days from now, starting with the following routine:

-5 minutes wet warm up : hot water running
- 10 minutes +/- stretching (downwards, upwards; Don’t know my LOT!)
- 20 minutes wet jelqing (upwards, I find it more comfortable), with some dry jelq (although still with lube <olive oil>) when I get bored of the wet technique. (I do a kegel between each stroke when dry jelqing)
-5 minutes wet warm up, as above.

The second day I began to notice that my penis looked bigger. But I thought it was due to the jelqing that caused my penis to swell. Therefore, I waited a whole day before taking a measurement, so the right-after-swelling would not affect my results. On day 6 (I didn’t do the routine yet today), I have just measured again, and confirmed a 0,5 increase in length, with no measures of girth due to the lack of previous data to compare with, though it feels somewhat thicker!!

Hope this will encourage new-starters, but don’t discourage people getting no immediate results, because I guess everyone responds to PE in a different way.

But the thing that puzzles me is this: I always get 11:30 hard erections.. So I initially thought my LOT was around that “hour”. But after trying the method explained by Bib and others, I saw no noticeable tugback at a very low “hour”; 6:30, or even less! This really disoriented me, and I find myself not knowing which direction to concentrate my stretching. Can you please help! IS THIS REALLY MY LOT? Should I concentrate more on tunica?


Pd: Wish you luck, not with PE but with your personal lifes. Set your priorities again, because penis size is far from being a key factor in life. If you think you need a big penis to be happy, then I pity you.

CONGRATS DUDE!! Keep it up! (I never get tired of reading successful stories). :D

You got .5 inch in 5 days? I’m jealous :( . I can’t even get .5 in 2 years.

With a LOT of 6:30 the theory states you should work on upper angles.

Good luck

Thanks SNM. But the true problem is that I can’t decide on my LOT!
I seems to be at low angles, because I see tugback in higher ones. And they become less visible at 6:30
But then why are my erections around 11:30?? Does it have anything to do with it?

How would you explain my fast gains? I’m not sure what my gains really are, I have some trouble when measuring. All I know, is that after PE, I measured 5,9 inches when I somehow “cheated”, though I didn’t know about bone-pressing at those times. Now, I reach (with bone pressing, and pressing the ruler firmly against pubic bone) 6,3 inches. I thought I increased by 0,5 and not 0,4 because of the difference of measuring techniques. Perhaps I’m all wrong, if it is the case, I sincerely apologize (tough I still feel it’s getting bigger)

Please answer about my LOT!!



Originally Posted by syd
All I know, is that after PE, I measured 5,9 inches when I somehow “cheated”, though I didn’t know about

Sorry, I meant BEFORE, not AFTER!

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