Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

1,8 Inch gain possible

You can tell OneSeven knows very little about PE.

Start: 17 Feb 2012, 8.25bpel x 4.92mseg; bpfsl=??; fl=6.5x4.5

Current: 29 April 2013, 8.875bpel x 5.8mseg; bpfsl=9.25; fl=7x5

Goal: 9NBP x 6.25mseg and the best EQ ever!

Originally Posted by Oneseven
I think EQ and gains are mistaken by the majority of people. There is no difference from spending a year jelqing or watching some good porn you actually like the results are the same.

If your penis was your bank account, improved EQ is wisely spending the money you have and making it go further, while new growth is working and earning money and actually adding it to your account.

Ultimately you want to do both.

It takes less time and effort to improve EQ compared to new growth but the results in that short time are a healthier penis that functions at a larger size than before. There is nothing wrong with that, it’s a quick fix, one that a lot of guys are looking for. If you want more than that you need to put in the work.

Just because a partner says they don’t notice doesn’t mean you haven’t gained. This is such a slow process and there are too many factors involved for that to be your only gauge of success. Especially since your partner probably doesn’t think PE is possible so they wouldn’t consider it an option. If someone could change the size of your room slightly, every night, how much would it have to change before you started to question it to yourself, then how much more until you admit to someone else that you may be losing your mind but that you actually think your room is getting bigger?

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Could someone please quote me where I said masterbation and jelqing were the same?

You will not be able to because I never said that.

I was making a simple point. You might as well masterbate to your favourite porn for some time as you will be at the same point than if you jelq for some time.

As the only gains you will get are from getting a good erection compared to before.

If you measure wrong or with a poor EQ then jelq for sometime and see a larger penis after jelq routine for sometime. Then all you have done at best is measured a better erect penis.

You have not added any new penis tissue to your penis.

So theoretically you are correct, jelq routine and gains through better EQ which arent real gains at all, could be mirrored by a good erection from some good porn.

Don’t you see?

Real gains come from hard work and hard PE

Less is less. Deal with it

Originally Posted by cantlook

Just because a partner says they don’t notice doesn’t mean you haven’t gained.

So if we put 6 inches onto your penis and nobody notices, what was the point of it? Isn’t this why you PE?

If your partner hasn’t noticed your size then even if you did it for yourself then its been a wasted effort

I know I’ve jelqed almost all of last year, I damn well am sure that EQ improvements doesnt cause me to jump to my new size.

Start: 17 Feb 2012, 8.25bpel x 4.92mseg; bpfsl=??; fl=6.5x4.5

Current: 29 April 2013, 8.875bpel x 5.8mseg; bpfsl=9.25; fl=7x5

Goal: 9NBP x 6.25mseg and the best EQ ever!

So let me get this straight. You are trying to convince us that all the people who claim that gained from jelging are either lying, mistaken their improved erection for gains or measured wrong? Are you serious? Have you even tried jelging? Have you tried ANY of the manual exercises?

Starting 20/02/2013: NBPEL 6 inches; EG 5,85 inches

Current : 7.2 NBPEL

Second Goal : NBPEL 8 inches; EG 6 inches

Originally Posted by coZma
So let me get this straight. You are trying to convince us that all the people who claim that gained from jelqing are either lying, mistaken their improved erection for gains or measured wrong? Are you serious? Have you even tried jelqing? Have you tried ANY of the manual exercises?

Yes I have tried the manual. I’m quite experienced with PE.

Jelqing doesn’t really make your penis bigger, it might help EQ but that is about the strength of it. If you could explain how it makes your penis bigger then you are welcome to, but for the sanity of the forum and for the experienced members of this forum who know I’m right, the only way to really make your penis bigger is the steps after jelqing.

Pumping although most gains are repeated edema that cements

Hanging which forces the tissues to tear and repair this is the best way to gain, no doubt.

Also clamping, erect bends.

These are the real hard workers who actually want to gain.

No disrespect but I never called anyone a liar, we should be more realistic than kidding ourselves that we are making a bigger penis using jelq alone. It’s not fair to let people think they will add an inch to their penis or even a half an inch using the jelq method. The gains these new people see are just EQ or they measured wrong with a half limp dick or didn’t measure at all and are remembering an old measurement from when they were younger.

You also get people who are between the ages of 17 and 22 that try PE. They gain good but forget to realise that they naturally aren’t finished maturing yet and it isn’t PE that’s done it. Some people mature after 22 and girth is more common.

These results that people give have small errors and flaws be uses they aren’t accurate. People should be more realistic and less expectant of gains from jelqing alone.

Think about it

Don’t get me wrong I’m just being honest I don’t want to offend anyone. I like this forum and the people that post here, but if someone asks my opinion I will give it.

Last edited by Oneseven : 05-09-2013 at .

Ok just being honest and trying not to offend you…..

You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about. You speak with authority, but you have no idea how jelqing works.

This is not just based on your experiences or your opinions on which exercises are “best”.

You have no idea how jelqing works, because you don’t even jelq yourself. I doubt you ever stuck with it for long enough to see results.

So you have no say in what others here should or should not be doing because you do not speak for EVERYBODY.

Like myself, I don’t hang so I don’t tell people looking for advice that hanging doesn’t work.

I may tell them about manual stretches, but I’m certainly not going to act like the leading authority on PE.

If you want to express your opinion, do so. But be respectful of other PE’ers experience and opinions yourself.

Especially as a newbie to these boards, you have little power yourself…

And whatever respect you do get you have to earn with intelligent posts that work with others, instead of being skeptical about something you don’t have a firm grasp on yourself.

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.75", Meg: 5.5", Aheg: 5.25", Heg: 4.5" - 11/18/11

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg: 5.63", Aheg: 5.38", Heg: 4.75" - 5/18/12

Bpel:+1/4", Bpeg:6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg:+1/16", Aheg: +1/16", Heg: +1/16" - 6/18/12

I think I have been respectful unlike yourself. I apologise if what I have said offended you. I have jelqed and I have gained but no size, only EQ.

I did it for a long time that is why I am experienced
And through discussions with more experienced PE ers that yourself too.

The difference between you and I is, I read posts properly and I notice the good points as well as the negative.

Then there’s you, who is offensive because you don’t read a post properly, possibly you were on your way to work and didn’t read it thoroughly, so I will forgive your rudeness. But please don’t think because I post what I think that it applies to you personally.

I’m sure your gains have come from jelqing alone and it was all down to jelqing and .. NO sorry I can’t lie, how did you gain?

Curious now

The difference between you and I, you’ve only been here for 4 DAYS and you’re already pissing people off acting like an insensitive jerk.

I’ve been here for two years, people know I don’t act like a jerk all the time…. Only on special occasions.

And I’ve been PEing every which way since 14 years old. Yeah I gained a lot through puberty, but I still continue to gain.

You trying to tell me the gains I got last year, the ones under my sig, from jelqing are all in my head?

Newbie, behave!

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.75", Meg: 5.5", Aheg: 5.25", Heg: 4.5" - 11/18/11

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg: 5.63", Aheg: 5.38", Heg: 4.75" - 5/18/12

Bpel:+1/4", Bpeg:6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg:+1/16", Aheg: +1/16", Heg: +1/16" - 6/18/12

Originally Posted by Oneseven
I have jelqed and I have gained but no size, only EQ.

Ok, let’s say jelqing didn’t work for You. Does that mean that it doesn’t work for everybody?? No.

People are different, different things work for different people same with penises you can’t state a fact that: “jelqing doesn’t work” based just on your case.

Why jelqing didn’t work for You?
Maybe you have a tougher tunica/3 layered one and need more force to PE succesfully. There can be a number of reasons from bad technique to your anatomy.

Start: 8 BPEL- 7.5 NBPEL - 5.5 midEG

Current: 8.6 BPEL - 8 NBPEL - 5.8 midEG

I wish You all kinds of gains!

Originally Posted by Oneseven
Yes I have tried the manual. I’m quite experienced with PE.

Jelqing doesn’t really make your penis bigger, it might help EQ but that is about the strength of it. If you could explain how it makes your penis bigger then you are welcome to, but for the sanity of the forum and for the experienced members of this forum who know I’m right, the only way to really make your penis bigger is the steps after jelqing.

Jelqing is based on principle of stretching fibrous tissues. Such traction creates an adaptive reaction of the penile tissue components at the structural level, with an increase in cellular multiplication.
The process is similar to the exercises designed to harden your shins and forearms in martial arts where you stimulate the bone to create more tissue by controled damage (hitting a brick or a tree with small force repeatedly). We even have the same 2 on, 1 off program btw

Starting 20/02/2013: NBPEL 6 inches; EG 5,85 inches

Current : 7.2 NBPEL

Second Goal : NBPEL 8 inches; EG 6 inches

Originally Posted by TheGreatDivider
The difference between you and I, you’ve only been here for 4 DAYS and you’re already pissing people off acting like an insensitive jerk.

I’ve been here for two years, people know I don’t act like a jerk all the time.. Only on special occasions.

And I’ve been PEing every which way since 14 years old. Yeah I gained a lot through puberty, but I still continue to gain.

You trying to tell me the gains I got last year, the ones under my sig, from jelqing are all in my head?

Newbie, behave!

I don’t see anyone getting pissed off apart from you. You also seem to hold some sort of imaginary authority and importance based on how long you have been a member on a penis enlargement forum site. In the real world I am just as welcome to post my views as you sir.

Possibly you are from SS decent? Do you wear a black leather jacket too Mein Fuhrer?

This forum is a place where people share their views regardless of how long they have been here .

Now back to the discussion,

If you would like a serious discussion on why I think this way then I will need to know

Your age
How long you’ve PE for
What gains you’ve made
What type if PE

And if you have it, measured pictures before and after with clear markings, and of course without jamming a ruler through to the asscheeks.


Ps possibly it is all in your head.

Let’s calm down people.

Oneseven, when you jelq, you are also stretching; actually jelqing is an ‘all-in-one’ excercise, a combination of stretches, mild clamping and Kegel’; if you are experienced with physical training, it is like dips for your upper body part. I’d say that you could be correct that people on hanging don’t gain much more than 1/4” EL per year on average; but people who do manuals gain a bit more than that, on average - actually, a honest 1/4” EL is generally gained in thye first 3 months with the newbie routine. It sounds like you come from a forum where everybody seems convinced that hanging is the holy grail for gains - which could be wrong.

There are many people who reports to have gained up to 1” in length and more than half inch il girth just with jelqing; I think some of those have pics also, if one trusts such kind of proofs.

So said, of course you can have your own opinions. I think what bothers most of people who are replying is your tone. more than anything else; simply putting an 'I think' before statements like ‘Jelqs can give the same gains as masturbation’ would help IMO.

The Before-And-After Measurement Pictures thread is a good place to look: Before-and-After Measurement Pictures

Braindrain gained about an inch over five months of jelqing/stretching, and eventually gained near two inches, though I’m not sure what his routines were for that time period.

Of course, some of the big gainers did intense hanging/ADS, pumps, etc. I’m as new as they get to this, but I’d have to think there is something to jelqing and stretching.

05/06/2013: BPEL: 6.250" | MSEG: 5.125" | BPFSL: 6.250" | MSFG: 4.375"

10/15/2013: BPEL: 7.000" | MSEG: 5.375" | BPFSL: 7.563" | MSFG: 4.750"

Goals: BPEL: 7" ACHIEVED New goals: BPEL: 7.5" | MSEG: 5.75" | Brad the Bartender\'s Progress Log and Pics


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