Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

1,8 Inch gain possible

I think your getting the wrong end of the stick the great divider.

I don’t understand why you keep insisting that I’m trying to lash out at anyone, I’m not being rude here.

I don’t want to convince anyone, but I cannot condone reading things that are not correct.

Let me explain from what I take my opinion from Marienera.

PE is fairly new, well lets say in the past 20 years it has been known and before that that it was probably quite unknown although history does hint that it was practiced by certain cultures and individuals.

So there we have it, people who have discovered this fine website, around 2001-2 and it started to take off, it probably was one if the first just behind TOM HUBBARDS website but don’t quote that.

PE is one if those things, people want to believe it works so badly that they will give up there time and even jobs to do it if it means they could go from 5 inches or less to a big 7 inches of meat right?

I’m not saying it doesn’t work so bare with this thought. What I’m saying is with people who are desperate and that is not many people here but they do lurk and read this forum want to believe anything, its been proven a man will part with his money to make his dick bigger and people target the weak and sell them all kinds of crap agreed?

Now it might seem that this is going of subject but stay with it.

The point that’s being made here is that PE is still new, we are all still learning, nobody here is right or wrong and I haven’t called anyone wrong, but everyone seems to be calling me deluded, this is a common reaction from people that are offended. I didn’t want to offend anyone I respect this community, but do t keep trying to exclude my opinion because that is all it is.

It is stupid to suggest that PE hasn’t worked for me, because it has, the poi t that’s being made is that PE is different for everyone, and I don’t have to link any proof or backup for any opinion I share because there is no real proof that any PE works is there ?

I know it does work, and so do you but which type?

A lot of people come to this forum with doubts and curiosity, that turns into big expectations at some point, it is natural to spend a lot of time on something whether is works or not and the outcome will be distorted because as human beings we all like to lie to ourselves about something .

Every man lies to himself about something, even if it is a conscious lie it is a deluded contrast if what has really happened.

Don’t misunderstand the point here is not that people lie that PE works but people deliberately overlook certain aspects of PE.

Its common sense.

Age- very important factor, how could we seriously record results with PE with People that haven’t finished naturally maturing? For this it isn’t me who has to provide proof, it is common sense isn’t it? It is you that has to prove this isn’t correct.

EQ - this is important too, every time someone gets an erection it could be a different quality to then last. How could we be sure you have gained anything when it could just be improved EQ or not even that, just that you’ve made sure your erection was at its best when you took your first measurement after spending so long jelqing. As compared to before you started PE and took you first measurement when it was a half assed attempt at measuring a shit erection which most people do.

These are only a small portion of reasons why jelqing along is doubtful to add anything apart from a routine and belief to make our erections harder, it is physiological at best.

But that just an opinion, based on common sense.

Originally Posted by Oneseven
These are only a small portion of reasons why jelqing along is doubtful to add anything apart from a routine and belief to make our erections harder, it is physiological at best.

But that just an opinion, based on common sense.

There isn’t anything in what you said that has eve a vague link with jelqing. Actually, what you said doesn’t make any sense to me, it just boils down to ‘You all are seeing things that don’t exists.’.

I think you have formed your opinion on some other forum and now have some trouble difending this view because it has no foundations.

All I’d like to know is actually the name of this previous website; if you don’t want to tell publicly you can pm me (not that you are obliged or kinda, just it could be useful for us mods).

Oneseven, you talk of common sense but you seem to imply that none of us are using it, which may be why you are getting the responses you are. I seriously doubt anyone on this forum has been swayed by success stories where natural growth is still a factor. I certainly never have been. There are plenty of inspirational stories here that push well beyond short term EQ gains and quite far beyond the age of natural growth.

Your arguments as to why jelqing doesn’t work are incredibly vague and can just as easily be applied to any form of PE, including your hanging success, so I am curious as to why you consider your own success to be anything more than improved EQ?

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

All I am saying is this.

Age plays a part in misguiding us PEers because some of the age of people doing PE are under 21.

Those under a certain age are giving the rest of the community false data because they are still naturally maturing.

Jelqing alone might help EQ but then who wants to gain EQ? People come here to gain penis size and jelqing does not do that alone.

That’s just my opinion. But I think we owe it to ourselves to admit it to ourselves. If you want to think that running your hands down your penis will add length to it then that’s fine, but common sense tells us better doesnt it?

Hanging on the other hand, makes perfect sense doesn’t it, your almost stressing your penis to elongate and stay that way for hours more day.

Though nothing is proven I think people should be less expectant of making gains with just a noob routine of jelqing alone.

Jelqing does nothing but physiologically build our confidence to expect a larger unit once we measure for the first time, and man being what he is, this is a dangerous thing for accuracy and then you have the age factor.

There are too many things against the theory that rubbing fingers down your penis makes it permanently longer.

I’m sorry

Originally Posted by marinera
There isn’t anything in what you said that has eve a vague link with jelqing. Actually, what you said doesn’t make any sense to me, it just boils down to ‘You all are seeing things that don’t exists.’.

I think you have formed your opinion on some other forum and now have some trouble difending this view because it has no foundations.

All I’d like to know is actually the name of this previous website; if you don’t want to tell publicly you can pm me (not that you are obliged or kinda, just it could be useful for us mods).

I haven’t said that at all.

Tu parli Italiano? Io saro parlo con tu in Italiano se tu piace?

The foundation is simple and obvious. There are too many factors against jelqing alone adding anything to your unit other than a physical therapy post proper PE.

Age plays a factor you cannot say that jelqing has worked for you accurately if you still under 21.

If you cannot understand why then I haven’t time to explain the basic common sense reason.

Measuring is most probably done wrong when people start PE, not all but a percentage of people just have taken a measurement with a poor erection.

If this is right them how could you take them serious when they jelq alone for a while then take a good EQ boner and measure it and say woah look what jelqing did. It is the same with every new member.

How many do you see that say hey man you know nothing really happened?

No gains?

Last edited by Oneseven : 05-11-2013 at .

Originally Posted by Oneseven


Tu parli Italiano? Io saro parlo con tu in Italiano se tu piace?

We have an Italian forum, you can post in Italian there. Are you sure your Italian is better than your English?

No my italian is poor but I get by

I very much doubt. We have a niche of people coming from a manual-exercise-only PE site there who are happy for their gains and are kinda jelqs fanatics; you coming there with your poor Italian and eccentric thoeries is just asking for shit raining.

Please explain the eccentric tendency s that this discussion possesses?

I think you overlook much, PE is not proven to work, please don’t forget that.

I’m not saying it doesn’t but on this discussion it is the person who is for the rubbing fingers on penis to make it longer that is the eccentric not the person who is using 1000s of years of common sense and finding no cement proof of jelqing actually doing anything and is not entirely against it working but more it less airing opinion on which data should be acknowledged and which should be disregarded who is actually not eccentric at all.

If anyone is eccentric here it is you not I.

I’m being very fair, and you sir, well your not are you?

Your opinions are eccentric because I can’t think of anyone who argues that jelqing is not effective for gains while other PE techniques are. Your so called ‘common sense’ looks very uncommon actually.

Did you give a look to the poll I linked?

Last edited by marinera : 05-11-2013 at . Reason: grammar


Just putting in my 2 cents. I’ve been PE’ing for about 7 years or so but in the beginning I was very inconsistent and erratic. Only for the past 3 years or so have I been what I would consider consistent. I went from just under 6”NBPEL to a little over 7”NBPEL and from 5”MSEG to 5.6”MSEG. So I gained about 1.25” in length and a little over 0.5” in girth.

I think that it is possible to gain 1 3/4” in 2 to 3 years but it is not especially likely. I think with some good consistency and dedication you could reach your goals in 4 years.

I wish I had started at 18 but I didn’t really start consistent till 24-25. You actually might still be growing in penis length and girth so you may gain some just because you’re not done developing yet. You’re penis can grow sometimes until you’re 21. My advice is enjoy yourself and don’t be afraid to have sex you’re not small at all your right at average almost exactly (lifestyles condom study). Start a consistence routine and you’ll make great gains.

Originally Posted by Oneseven
Please explain the eccentric tendency s that this discussion possesses?

I think you overlook much, PE is not proven to work, please don’t forget that.

I’m not saying it doesn’t but on this discussion it is the person who is for the rubbing fingers on penis to make it longer that is the eccentric not the person who is using 1000s of years of common sense and finding no cement proof of jelqing actually doing anything and is not entirely against it working but more it less airing opinion on which data should be acknowledged and which should be disregarded who is actually not eccentric at all.

If anyone is eccentric here it is you not I.

I’m being very fair, and you sir, well your not are you?

How would you explain the hundreds of people on this site who have had positive and *(some) astounding gains doing these exercises?
If you think this “snake oil” so to speak why are you here?
I personally have seen a nice gain *(1/2” BPEL) in the last month simply from doing stretching exercises and ~50 jelqs nightly in a hot shower. The missus has noticed these also and is very happy and excited.

It is simple, just like beginning in martial arts you stretch your body and with time you become more limber and agile. Lifting weights, with time and applied effort you become stronger and larger. Weight loss, you eat less and move more your body gets leaner and harder.

PE is the same, stretching the ligaments and tunica etc with time increases their length/strength.

Get in touch with Bib and tell him that PE doesn’t work. I think he may prove you completely wrong.

Originally Posted by Linntg
I was wondering if I will be able to get my 7,5” but I’m 5,7”, do you think its possible in two or may three years?

It’s possible. If you only gain 1.4” would that be a failure?

Originally Posted by wajiro
How would you explain the hundreds of people on this site who have had positive and *(some) astounding gains doing these exercises?
If you think this “snake oil” so to speak why are you here?
I personally have seen a nice gain *(1/2” BPEL) in the last month simply from doing stretching exercises and ~50 jelqs nightly in a hot shower. The missus has noticed these also and is very happy and excited.

It is simple, just like beginning in martial arts you stretch your body and with time you become more limber and agile. Lifting weights, with time and applied effort you become stronger and larger. Weight loss, you eat less and move more your body gets leaner and harder.

PE is the same, stretching the ligaments and tunica etc with time increases their length/strength.

Get in touch with Bib and tell him that PE doesn’t work. I think he may prove you completely wrong.

I’m not saying 100s of people are wrong, I’m saying a percentage of them are mistaken.

How old are you by chance? I will probably be able to com once you that jelqing did nothing for you if you use common sense.

I believe 75 percent of people get it wrong where the 15 percent gain only using jelqing as a side order of PE with a main course of hanging of pumping for example


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