Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

1 inch


Originally Posted by growing09
That’s awesome bigluke. Very motivational. Could I ask what your routine was like and how often you did it? Thanks.

The first few months was nothing but 5 way stretches at 20-30 sec reps, and 5-8 reps in each direction, wet jelqs, 3-5 seconds each, and about 100-150. This was done 3 days per week. I never knew about warm up, and warm downs, so that was not implemented until about the 6th month.

I added in the use of ADSer’s in August, I now have over 1550 hours of use. I added a penis pump last month.

I no longer do manual stretches for the most part, and rely on the ADS for that. I use an ADS 8-18 hours per day 6-7 days per week. (On a rare occasion I will use an ADS more or less then the listed hours.)
I do wet and dry jelqs (But not on the same days!) clamp, and pump. In other words, I do some type of PE 6 or 7 days per week, unless something gets in the way that will not allow me to perform the PE.

Hope this helps!

And thanks for the compliment!

2007-01-27 5.3" BPEL 4.8" EG, Less than 3" Flaccid, and sometimes less than 2"

As of 12-07-2008 7.75" BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.7"MSEG 6"+ BSEG. Ultimate goal 8+ inches NBPEL, 8.5" BPEL 6.3" EG (2" diameter just sounds so cool!)

Flaccid 5+ inches on a good day. 4 1/2+ pretty much anytime. My gains have slowed to a snails pace, but I will not quit!!!!!!!

Bigluke if you don’t mind me asking: Why did you change you routine 6 months in if that routine had already given you an extra inch of penis in just 6 months. It looked like you had found your sweet spot for fast gains.

Originally Posted by mightaswelltry

I can’t post in the Main Members Forum just yet or anywhere else for that matter so my questions is going to have to go in here.

I am starting out with a 6 inch NBP erect measurement which I know isn’t exactly big and a girth of about 5.5. I have no idea what type of gainer I
Am going to be but my goal is to have 7 inches of length and whatever it grows in circumference. Is a 1 inch gain a realistic possibility for me to achieve or is it a case of it is for some and isn’t for others.

What have some of the fastest 1 inch gainers reported achieving this feat in (time wise) and on the other end of the spectrum what are the slowest.

Any posts appreciated big time

Here’s a graph that will give you an idea of how many have gained how much how quickly:


And by the way… six inches NBP is above average, as is a girth of 5.5 inches. You are big. There are members here who aspire to the statistics you’re starting with.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by status135
Bigluke if you don’t mind me asking: Why did you change you routine 6 months in if that routine had already given you an extra inch of penis in just 6 months. It looked like you had found your sweet spot for fast gains.

The gains had slowed down over the last 6 weeks or so to no noticeable gain. So I thought it was a good time to change things up. (And it has worked great.)

2007-01-27 5.3" BPEL 4.8" EG, Less than 3" Flaccid, and sometimes less than 2"

As of 12-07-2008 7.75" BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.7"MSEG 6"+ BSEG. Ultimate goal 8+ inches NBPEL, 8.5" BPEL 6.3" EG (2" diameter just sounds so cool!)

Flaccid 5+ inches on a good day. 4 1/2+ pretty much anytime. My gains have slowed to a snails pace, but I will not quit!!!!!!!


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