Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

1 inch


1 inch


I can’t post in the Main Members Forum just yet or anywhere else for that matter so my questions is going to have to go in here.

I am starting out with a 6 inch NBP erect measurement which I know isn’t exactly big and a girth of about 5.5. I have no idea what type of gainer I
Am going to be but my goal is to have 7 inches of length and whatever it grows in circumference. Is a 1 inch gain a realistic possibility for me to achieve or is it a case of it is for some and isn’t for others.

What have some of the fastest 1 inch gainers reported achieving this feat in (time wise) and on the other end of the spectrum what are the slowest.

Any posts appreciated big time

I have seen a .7” increase in a 2 month period… I am due to measure on the 1st of Dec. and I am sure that I have gained at least another .3”, if not, more. I am still messing around with the newbie routine. I am positive you will get your results if you just stay consistent, remember to go slow and use a hot wrap. Hope this helps and motivates you.

STARTING STATS -- 9/15/07: Bpel 5.7" • Eg 4.7" • Fl 4" • Fg 4"

4/15/09: Bpel 7.2" • Eg 5.125" • Fl 4.25" • Fg 4.15"

View My Pics, Stats and Routine

When I started PE a poor erection used to get me 5 3/4”. A very good erection got me 6”
Now, after 3.5 months of PE a poor erection gets me 6 1/4”. A very good erection gets me 6 3/4”.
So that’s 3/4” in a tad over 3 months. I’m very confident that I will break the 7” mark by the end of the year.

I’m expecting to see my gains starting the plateau soon. However I am still pushing to have an 8” love boat by the end of 2008.

I have read about 1 inch in a month. From reading here, I consider that very rare.

I have read those who have no gains in the first months of trying.

I did just over 0.5 inch in two months.

I think 1/4 inch per month is not an unreasonable expectation, as long as one realizes that this is not even close to guaranteed.
And, many seem to stall between 1/2 to 1 inch.

It also seems to me that overall a one inch total length gain is not completely unreasonable, but it may take months or years.

I think that 1.5-2 inches is not out of the realm of possibilty.

Girth gains are all over the place, but it does seem that 0.25 inch can happen in terms of months, or not at all.

No matter what, it takes time.

I am new to this. The opinions expressed above are only from reading here at this forum.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits


If you find out how to measure bone pressed, and start reading more on this forum, you might “grow” a lot without even starting.

Because guess what at 6 NBP and 5.5 girth, you are on the large side.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

It took me about 12 months to gain an inch, it may take you longer or you may me extremely lucky and be a super fast gainer. You also may be one of the hard gainers or one of the few that never gains either because they just can’t or they give up way too fast. Only time will tell so lets see if you got the right stuff or will quit in a couple of months:) .

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Some nice replies guys, thanks a lot

Make sure you take a BPEL measurement before you start (or now if you’ve already started). BPEL is much more accurate than non-BPEL. You might get some screwy measurements if you only look at non-bone-pressed. If you’re already at 6 inches non-bone pressed, you’re already larger than average. I gained an inch and a half in two months by simply stretching whenever possible.

September 20, 2007: BPEL: 5.8 inches, EG: <5.5 inches

March 15, 2008: BPEL: 7.6 inches, EG: 5.75 inches

Yes, that's a gain of 1.8 inches. And no... That's not my real picture.

I will do a BP measurement but if I am honest I am really after a 7 inch NBP pennis.

A bit of subject but how long does everyone dedicate to this activity a day. I spend 30 minutes on it but that includes the warm up and warm down and was just curious as to what others do.


I think one inch is not only possible but fairly likely given the results of most of the people on this forum.
I spend about 40 minutes including warm up and down.

Good luck!

You have good starting stats. Good luck with your gains.

I have now gained 2” in just under 10 months, but I am guessing close to 1/2” of those gains come from better wood, and measuring technique. (May be even more, but I know without a doubt that I have made great gains. I can easily see the difference when I view my hard-on.)

My guess is anyone with determination can gain 1” or more, some will just take more time then others. But the only way you will even know if an inch is possible, to to give PE your all.

2007-01-27 5.3" BPEL 4.8" EG, Less than 3" Flaccid, and sometimes less than 2"

As of 12-07-2008 7.75" BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.7"MSEG 6"+ BSEG. Ultimate goal 8+ inches NBPEL, 8.5" BPEL 6.3" EG (2" diameter just sounds so cool!)

Flaccid 5+ inches on a good day. 4 1/2+ pretty much anytime. My gains have slowed to a snails pace, but I will not quit!!!!!!!

That’s awesome bigluke. Very motivational. Could I ask what your routine was like and how often you did it? Thanks.

On and off since 2007

Started (October 2007) at: 5.5 BPEL x 4.75 EG

Last Did PE (March 2012) at: 6.00 BPEL x 5 EG

My routine is taking longer to do, because I want to make sure that I get a good workout feeling when I devote time to PE. I went from a 30-40 min. workout to probably about an hour to an hour and 15 min. I am starting to think that I might mix it up throughout the day though. It’s starting to really take a longer than I want to spend.

Good question though, you’ve got me thinking…

STARTING STATS -- 9/15/07: Bpel 5.7" • Eg 4.7" • Fl 4" • Fg 4"

4/15/09: Bpel 7.2" • Eg 5.125" • Fl 4.25" • Fg 4.15"

View My Pics, Stats and Routine

I have the mind set of quality over quantity. Being very new to this whole technique I am not to sure if that’s the rights way to look at it, so perhaps someone with some sound knowledge and or experience might be able to share there thoughts and observations. You see if I need to spends an hour a day on it instead of say for example my 30 minutes of quality I would appreciate knowing just so I can make a serious effort at this. I just want to give myself a good opportunity to grow, I know we all react differently but there are obviously tried and tested methods.

WOW a 2 inch gain is superb mate, lets be honest though this will not actually happen to me, if it does great but the odds on that are pretty low especially in a year let alone ever lol, but hey at least I have accepted this early on so I won’t get to deflated further down the line. Can I ask is it bigger without a BP, does it genuinely look bigger when your just standing there with a boner, this is what I am aiming for.

I would like to take advantage of the archived files that are accessible via the adv search facility to look up threads from people who have had success with P.E, is anybody able give me the names of some peoples threads to search for that show success and pictures along there journey please.


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