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1 inch growth after 4 months. now what

1 inch growth after 4 months. now what

Hey guys I’ve finally got an inch growth after 4 months. It really seams funny at first because today I read an inch growth from the previous measurement that I’ve taken and whats amazing is I had a long rest days since the last time I took a measurement. I guess rest days really work. I am able to get a 100% erection @ six inches in length nbp. Heh it’s really great but theres one thing though, it seams to sit on a 5.75 inch in length when the erction goes below 90% now I am just wondering how to keep this inch growth even in 90% erection


Grow another 1/2 inch. ;)

But seriously, I’m in the same boat; I’ve accepted that I’m going to have to overshoot my mark if I want a consistent reading at ‘X’ inches. To top it off, my NBP hasn’t kept pace with my BP, so I really feel cheated!

Still, your progress so far is pretty killer. I’d recommend sticking with whatever you’re doing until gains slow, then start mixing it up. Veterans please correct me if I’m steering a brother wrong.


Nov 2003: FL:3-3.75" NBPEL:5.5" BPEL:6" EG:5.25" Aug 2005: FL:4-5.25" NBPEL:6.4" BPEL:7.35" EG:5.5" BPFSL:8.1"!

Aug 2011: smaller. My recommendation? Don't quit PE for 5 years and gain 50 lbs. Sept 2011 FL: 3" NBPEL: 5.5" BPEL: 6.5" BPFSL 7.75"

Goal: FL:6" NBPEL:8" EG:6" BPFSL:Who Cares?

Wow that is fantastic :)

Do you mind posting your routine?? And yes, grow another 1/2 inch!

Interesting gains dude!

And yes, please post your routine. :)

0101001110010010100101 Started on 01/10/04. 0101001010101001110110

My routine isnt special. What I do first is stretch up down left right twenty counts each direction repeating it 3 times. I jelq afterwards. I used to start with oil jelqs but went to dry one hand jelq cause it’s really yucky to do oil jelqing before you go to sleep and it hurts to use 2 hands why you dry jelg, the skin gets doesnt get stretched when one of hand stops it from stretching as the other hand trys to stretch it. So I just use one hand. When it gets to 90% erection I masturbate and get it to 100% erection at this point I do KEGELS. I think this is what really conditions your dick to become accustomed from the stretching and jelqing. So anyways once it the erection goes down to 60% I jelq again and do kegels again as the erection shoots to 90%. I do this cycle 5 times. After this I stretch for the warm down doing the steps that I started with.

And thats it thats the steps I do every session.

Keep growing

eightInches : eightInches :eightInches :eightInches :


BPEL [5.51] -------------------------[8.0] EG [4.52] --------------- [6.0]

VOLUME [8.86] --------------[22.91] WEIGHT [206lbs] -------------------------------[175lbs]

An inch in four months is great! Id just keep doing what you’re doing and hope for another inch.

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