Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

One inch makes a difference

One inch makes a difference

Why would one measly inch make a difference?

In 7 months I have gained a little over 1 inch in length (1/2 in girth) and it has made me feel so much different about my self. I have more confidence.

PE has also seemed to have caused a sexual awakening for me. My dick is not only bigger in appearance but it seems to function like I was a teenager again (this includes the multiple morning woodies).

Also, sex feels much better and for the first time, a women I slept with told me (a couple days ago) that she had an internal orgasm and it had been 5 or 6 years since she had one like that. I asked her why and she had stated that it was because “I fit her well.” Was she referring to my size? Wait until 5 more months from now!

That’s great, I love success stories. I think every inch counts very much so. I’m always interested in how much of a difference it makes.

If magically I found myself in the same situation that Bill Murrey found himself in Groundhog Day, but with the added twist that my dick was any size I wished for each time the day started again, one of the things I would do would be to have sex with the same woman each day with a different size beginning with small and ending with large after so many repeat days.. I would then begin the research over again with a different woman starting with small again and ending with big. I would record the differences in each woman as the sizes went up an inch at a time and the girth grew a half inch at a time.

It would be a very shallow existence I suppose, Bill Murrey couldn’t hardly stand it, and I’m sure it would be trying on me. Yet what I would do in Bill Murrey’s situation is just make the best of it like I’ve always done with any situation in regular life. I would simply use each day repeating to study changes in everything, not just sex.

I would then come here and report my findings and hope someone believed me. :(

Hey beenthere,
I love stuff like that, although if everyday was ‘starting over,’ your dick would never get bigger! Interesting idea, though. I wish I could just make my dick change size at will, anyway, nevermind the Groundhog effect.

Congrats, Ophiosaurus - that’s inspiring.



I think your title is a little understated. One inch makes a huge difference!

Congrats man on your increases in size and self confidence. This truly does make a new man out of you!

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Hey Legless Lizard,

If I can make the gains you have in 7 months, I’ll be the happiest man alive! I just hope I’m capable…just started a month ago.

Congrats and thanks for sharing.

I was going to ask what Ophiosaurus meant, but I think Fingers just told me. Is your avatar a picture of one?

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Re: One inch makes a difference

Originally posted by Ophiosaurus
Why would one measly inch make a difference?

In 7 months I have gained a little over 1 inch in length (1/2 in girth) and it has made me feel so much different about my self. I have more confidence.

PE has also seemed to have caused a sexual awakening for me. My dick is not only bigger in appearance but it seems to function like I was a teenager again (this includes the multiple morning woodies).

Also, sex feels much better and for the first time, a women I slept with told me (a couple days ago) that she had an internal orgasm and it had been 5 or 6 years since she had one like that. I asked her why and she had stated that it was because “I fit her well.” Was she referring to my size? Wait until 5 more months from now!

Big O,

I feel the exact same way you do. I also have gained over an inch in length and 1/2 in girth and FINALLY for the first time last week the wife made a great comment about me being “longer and definately thicker”. It made me feel great. I know in the showers at the gym and in the mens rooms I dont hide myself at all anymore. I am way over that.

Good luck and keep up the great work.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

In my progress report on “another” forum I’ve tried to keep a record of my wife’s reactions. I’ve said over and over again that progress is not just measured with a ruler, but with her reaction.

That inch makes a huge difference. Since early Nov. I’ve added 1 inch in erect length and am now consistently getting 5/8” in girth gains since that time.

For the past month or so I’ve received more “big dick” comments from her, more than almost all previous years of our marriage. Her moans, groans, breathing, arching of the back, grinding, name calling, scratching, pulling on my ass, choking me with her tongue, requests for sex … hell, it reminds me of when we were dating and that pussy was a lot tighter (we have 2 children now).

Just today we tied up AFTER I had spent nearly 2 hours doing extreme ulis. Hell, the wood was not 100% as you can imagine after that workout, but her reaction was damn near mind blowing. Can’t wait to try it out after some rest.

So hell yeah, one inch makes a huge difference! If you don’t think so, I’ll take a picture of my wife’s facial expression … NOT .. LOL


Excellent work Ophiosaurus and congrats. It’s one thing to see the results on a ruler, but so much better to see the results during sex.

I’ve got the same take on this as 789 and marty - sex is so much better now. The wife enjoys is so much more and so do I. My unit is behaving like it did 20 years ago and the sensations are so much more intense. You can’t beat longer strokes except maybe with bigger girth. Put them both together and it’s a whole new experience in the bedroom.

I'm hung like Einstein and smart as a horse.

Originally posted by gprent101
I was going to ask what Ophiosaurus meant, but I think Fingers just told me. Is your avatar a picture of one?


Thunder asked me the same question, here is my response:

“I am a biologist and I work with this genus of legless lizard. It is a phallic symbol (like the snake) and I thought it would be a good one to represent me. There is a picture of one species with each of my posts. The Latin name means “snake-lizard.” The one pictured is from Southeast Asia. I chose this one for its larger head. We have two species in the southeastern U.S. “


I am happy for your success :)
I myself would be quite pleased with a half inch gain.
so 1 inch, I consider to be a huge difference!

Unfortunately I haven’t slept well for a very long time and I have not had any morning woodies for as long as I can remember…

And I AM a frequently masturbating 18 year old!

If God is all powerful, then the devil must be nothing more than a darkness in the mind of God, however if the devil is something real and seperate, then perfection is impossible and God cannot exist except in the aspirations of fallen angels.

Let’s see, I add one inch to my present length and one inch to my present girth would put me at 8 1/4 bpl x 5 3/4 mid g. Yep, one inch makes a very big difference to me. In my eyes that size is so much bigger than I am now.Anyone reading this ,think about what your size will be with one inch added in length and one inch added in girth and I’ll bet it will make a big difference to you also.

Of course I suppose it can be said that’s really two inches (L plus G), but officially it’s one inch each way.

For me, one inch (girth) is a HUGE difference, I’ll go from 13 in^3 to 19 in^3… a tremendous increase… So yeah, one inch is total heaven.

Started: 7.1x5 1/1/04

First Goal 7.25x5.5

1” would put me so close to my goal. Man I can’t wait! I gotta go get busy. C-ya!

The Plumber Starting @ 6.5x5 bpe 12/20/03 Now 7.0"x5-1/8" bpel 1/20/04 Goal @ 8.5x6.5 bpe

Sex is definitely much better with a bigger dick. I had a repeat performance with the same women the other night. She loves my size. It is so nice to make a women come vaginally. In the past I had to rely mostly on my tongue. I think a lot of it is mental to because your confidence level is up.

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