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1 18 inch difference between stretched flaccid and erect

1 18 inch difference between stretched flaccid and erect

Hi everyone,

Even after reading other threads, I still don’t understand the following:
My bone pressed flaccid (not erect) stretched length is 6 1/5 inches, and the flaccid non-stretch changes hugely (depending on I don’t know what), BUT the erect length is 5 inches bone pressed?

Is that a good or bad indicator for future PE progress? I don’t understand where the 1 and 1/5 inch is going to. The girth is a little past 5 inches when erect.

This troubles me.

Yup, I read other posts, but none was satisfying this question.

Did I need more liquids or to lose weight in fat pad?


Originally Posted by celestialhammer
Even after reading other threads, I still don’t understand the following:

My bone pressed flaccid (not erect) stretched length is 6 1/5 inches, and the flaccid non-stretch changes hugely (depending on I don’t know what), BUT the erect length is 5 inches bone pressed?

It could be various things. The longitudinal force you use to stretch out the flaccid penis could be greater than the internal longitudinal force generated when erect. When erect and the penis girth expands this takes it toll on the length. Think of a piece of gum, when you stretch it out it gets thinner, and vice-versa — somethings got to give.

Originally Posted by celestialhammer
Is that a good or bad indicator for future PE progress? I don’t understand where the 1 and 1/5 inch is going to. The girth is a little past 5 inches when erect.

Well, I’m pretty sure it’s not a bad thing. Some claim that an increase in BPFSL is an indication of a coming BPEL gain.

Originally Posted by celestialhammer
This troubles me.

It shouldn’t trouble you, it’s normal to have a bigger BPFSL than BPEL.

Originally Posted by celestialhammer
Did I need more liquids or to lose weight in fat pad?

Both measurements is bone-pressed so the fat pad shouldn’t be a factor here. If you want to reduce the fat pad, you simply have to lose weight and that’s another story.

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Okay, thanks for the info! I stretched it when semi-erect, and it wasn’t as bad as when fully erect. One thing, I think it increased in size since when I started!

I think it may be increasing! :)

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