Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

1 inch in 4 months

1 inch in 4 months

Hi All

Just want to say that for any PE doubters out there PE works - well it has for me.

I came across this site more by accident than as a direct search and was very sceptical at what I read. Never the less at the beginning of June this year I thought I’d give it a try. At first I did a few half hearted stretches and jelqs in the shower but after about a week I began to feel and see a difference. I measured and came in at 6 x 4.75 EG

Since then I have diligently continued PE and today I have just reached 7 x 5.2 EG (7.3 BP). I am of course delighted.

I have not told Mrs Jayk yet, as I want her to notice the difference for herself, although she does climax quite quickly during intercourse (before it was mainly through foreplay) and yesterday she actually said - “.now that’s a mouthful”.

My goal is 7.5 x 5.5 (Not being too tall I think that would be a good size)

Mrs Jayk is away for a month so I am going to have more private PEing time - so it will be interesting to see what I can achieve (any tips please?).

Thanks to a great web site and more power to everyone’s elbow.

Great News Jayk, Well Done

Gives us all hope:) Go you good thing:)

Waiting in the queue for the 8 Inch Club


What routine did you start with and which one are you currently doing?

I miss this place.

Old stats: not sure but not much smaller

Currently: BPEL: 7.5 EG: 5 Goal: The holy grail of course. (8x6)

I sort of followed the newbie routine for a couple of months but introduced hanging (not for long periods) fairly early on.

I try and vary my routine where I can but currently I will manually stretch in the shower 15 to 20 secs in all directions - This is followed by 10 mins of Jelqing using either a massage oil or lubricant - during jelqing I will also some horse squeezes and Ulis to add variety. I hang (2 or 3kgs depending on my mood) two times a week for about 20 to 30 mins. I have also now introduced clamping where possible once a day (not rest days) for 10 to 15 minutes.

At other times during the day I might just do a few dry jelqs, also some stretching just before I go sleep. Also try to sleep in fowfer position.


Congrats Jayk you deserve it :-)

Your results have been awesome Jayk, I’m on my 4 week of PE and tonight I will do my first gain measurements to see if I am on the right track. My goal is 1 extra inch in 4 months just like you, so hopefully I can make it. Your story is an inspiration to me, thanks man.

Initial Measurement (11-Sep-2006): BPEL: 13.8 cm, NBPEL: 12.7 cm, EG(Mid): 13.0 cm

9th Month Progress (6-Jun-2007): BPEL: 15.2 cm, NBPEL: 14.2 cm, EG(Mid): 13.5 cm

Why do you want tips/change routine when yours works wonderful? Stay with what you’re doing until gains stop.

Congrats on your impressive gains Jayk :up: .

Good job and don’t forget to cement those gains.

Hey man, as a guy with the same starting girth stats as you. Mind telling how did you achieve the girth gains? Any tips?

Hi Damnwork

See my post (7 above) for my current routine. Have been clamping for a month or so and that seems to helping girth (with the clamp on girth measures just over 5.5 inch (It looks like a monster - it frightens me let alone anyone else). Please note CLAMPING is NOT for NEWBIES or the faint hearted.

I am very pleased with my results and it’s like I having a brand new dick!

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