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1 vs 3 sec jelq

1 vs 3 sec jelq

What’s the best for a begginer?

How about for an intermediate/advanced?

Is there a progress in executing this exercise?

Thanks very much.

I remember starting with about a 1.5 sec stroke, then progressing to a 2-2.5 sec stroke. A 1 sec stroke seems more like a masturbation speed to me.

Starting slower...

It would probably be best for you if you started out with quicker strokes. Faster may be masturbation speed, however, jelqing will not actually make you orgasm. As I read somewhere, you can only orgasm if there is both upward and downward friction, and since jelqing is only upward, it should be impossible to orgasm if you do it right. Just make sure you actually feel work going on.

>>A 1 sec stroke seems more like a masturbation speed to me. <<

It was more of a figurative phrase. I did not mean he would actually be masturbating. IMO, there is a certain amount of time that a stroke should take to get a substantial pressure buildup.
Many people would think that a 2-2.5 sec stroke was pretty quick.
I just thought a 1 sec stroke was quick, but I guess ‘quick’ is relative to the length of a dude’s weiner.

As for the upward/downward friction, I would say a girl’s tongue under the glans kind of boinks that theory, wouldn’t you agree? Interesting thought, though. I wonder who proposed it and why? I know for a fact I can bring myself off with only downward or only upward strokes. That theory is kinda like standing up and having sex so as not to get pregnant…

Not busting on ya, Phoward!


I think the 3 sec stroke is best for most purposes. It doesn’t feel like jerking off, so you have less problems with getting to erect.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

From what I read...

And this was years ago, admittedly (I must have been bored, health magazies aren’t my thing) I don’t remember the exact language, but it was something to the effect of what I said. However, I’m not sure exactly what kind of oral sex you were referring to, but any I’ve gotten with my current girlfriend or past ones have involved the mouth going both down and up. Handjobs too. Never once have I seen someone (referring to g/f’s, past and present, I’m not in the habit of watching others try) grab and stroke up, then release, grab at the base again, and stroke upwards again with no downward stroke, and have it actually achieve orgasm. If it does work, as you say, then I guess I learned my new thing for the day.

No, what I meant was that it is quite possible to masturbate with an up or down stroke exclusively, but you’d likely need to cross the coronal ridge for stimulation. Although I guarantee there are many guys who wouldn’t even need that. Consider that during a wet dream none of that is going on. Heightened stimulation can be a real killer. And I’d not masturbate with a jelq stroke anyways.

Anyhow, I was just correlating that the speed wasn’t really (what I thought) beneficial for jelqing. That’s all. Not really so much a comment about masturbation vs. jelqing.

sorry for asking this (probably has been answered before)

so i should jelq with a speed of 3 seconds to get to the top right very slowly?

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