Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

1 week? Funny results

1 week? Funny results

Okay, I’ve been at it for a week now, with the routine I posted in another thread.

From all the reading I did, I didn’t expect any noticeable gains until 3 weeks or so.

Already my flaccid length has increased noticeably, I haven’t measured but it hangs a lot more “out” of me, my erection’s are stronger and thanks to kegels, I already last twice as long in bed with my girlfriend. All of this I’m absolutely sure about, I also noticed a gain already in my BPEL, but my original measurement was a little bit off and the gain wasn’t that big.

Who knows- maybe I’m just fooling myself into thinking what I’m seeing is more than it is, because a week is a ridiculously short time…but my girlfriend noticed too and I haven’t even told her about the whole PE thing yet.

I’m in a rest period now since I went kind of hard for a first week. Just wanted to see if anyone else has noticed anything like this in their own experience…

Yeah, I had that happen to me too. I gained what appeared to be about a half inch after one week of doing PE hard, and I mean hard, like 2.5 hours a day. God, the elation I felt, like PE really was going to work for me and that I the sky was the limit.

Well, it is now a month later, and of the last four weeks or so, I have had intermittent lapses or rests, whichever you may want to call them, of approx. 2 - 3 days straight at times. I am about to do my “monthy” measurement tomorrow, as I understand that pscyhologically one should get into habit of only checking at most once a month. In any event, I have to admit, there are times I still like to measure my penis during PE when I’m manual stretching it to see if I can tell a difference. Sufficeth to say, I don’t expect to be blown away tomorrow—that is, I expect I will still show about a half inch gain (though girth may surprise me, we’ll see).

Nevertheless, to have a half inch gain after one month is definitely great in my book, though I am thoroughly curious as to whether a plateau effect has already set in for awhile or if it is not unreasonable to expect another half inch gain by end of next month. I’ll keep you posted as I hope you do the same.

Newbies just starting out. Yo, more power to you and me.

Start: 7.5 x 6 BPL; Current: 8.75 x 6.5 BPL; Goal: 10.5 x 7 BPL; Why we do it: "After half an hour of foreplay I was ready and although it was initially hard to get in, once it was fully in, I allowed it to rest there for a few minutes and allow my vaginal canal to relax more. The following sex was amazing, . . . it made me have multiple orgasms for about 40 mins. . . . How naive [I had been]. . . . size is everything."

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