Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

1 Year of PE


1 Year of PE

As of 10/22/11, it has been a year of PE for me. My method consisted primarily of an extender from x4 Labs and jelquing. I had toyed with PE for a few years, having bought an extender in 2002 from some European outfit. I wore it pretty regularly for the first few weeks, but in retrospect, I didn’t wear it long enough daily for it to be effective. Plus, it had a simple rubber noose with no other fastening straps, so you can imagine it was very uncomfortable.

Over the years, I had also tried pills, toyed with a jelq routine, but didn’t put forth enough effort to see any gains. I guess the reason why I had no discipline was because I wasn’t sure that I wasn’t wasting my time. I finally decided to give it another go in the summer of 2010 because I happened upon a peer reviewed study about the efficacy of extenders in a focus group. The results were promising, plus the study was legit. My wife looked at it for its scientific qualities and it checked out, so I was optimistic about taking PE up again. So after much deliberation and comparison shopping, I finally settled in on the X4 Labs extender.

I live and work overseas, so I ended up with a lot of time to dedicate to PE. I took some measurements, but they weren’t very consistent. I took some sitting, some lying, and some standing. Standing BPEL was about 6”. Sitting was 6.5”. I initially measured girth at the widest point, which of course is the base, which was 4.75. I started wearing the extender 2-3 hours a day, and planned to measure monthly. But I cheated after the first week and decided to measure to reconfirm my BPEL because I had never before measured in at 6.5. Well after that first week, I had already grown to 6.625. I was very excited by then because I knew that the EQ was the same, and my fat pad was slim.

I kept it going, and slowly started incorporating dry jelqs into the routine between hourly extender sessions to get the blood flowing back into the glans, but nothing serious. Well, after the first month, I had gained 5/16 in length, and minimal gain of .075 in EG. I was totally hooked and motivated after that. So I kept up a disciplined routine, wherein I would jelq in the mornings, up to 1000, and wear my extender in the evenings. For awhile, I incorporated a pretty effective ADS that I rigged up out of some boot blousing straps, moleskin, and medical tape.

I seemed to gain an average of 5/16 inches per month in length, and got my BG up to 5.75. During the course of the year, I would come home every 3-4 months, and my wife certainly noticed the difference. I was bottoming out consistently, and it was like she was getting the frame of reference that, being a virgin when we met, she simply didn’t have. She had my sixer for awhile, which was more like a fiver after I had ballooned from about 190 lbs to 258 lbs. Before I started my PE, I had actually lost 55 pounds in 6 months, all of which while I was overseas. When I got back weighing 185 lbs, my wife remarked about how much deeper I could go. Then fast forward to December of that year, I came back home just as thin, but with an extra 3/8 of an inch in length.

It kept up that way. Every 3-4 months, I would come home and my wife would get to experience a ‘new cock’. But my extender routine steadily decreased in between. I went from 2-3 hours a night six days a week, to 2+ hours a night, then to 1 – 2 hours a night, but during this last interval, I could barely pull 1 hour a night in the extender. The issue was that I was growing very weary of wearing the extender. It was too uncomfortable for me to wear at the tension that I required to produce the steady gain of 5/16 per month. Plus, I began having other important things to do in my evenings, which were very difficult, to impossible while wearing the extender. During roughly the last 3 months, I largely dropped jelqing because it was far too tedious, and it would periodically leave me in pain. Instead, I experimented with clamping/edging. The process of clamping and edging was fun. I was shocked to see how plump my penis was when clamped, however, after a month I experienced no gains, so I gave that up.

That being said, after one year, I measured in at 8” plus BPEL while sitting down, and 7.5” while standing. The difference is noteworthy because for most of the year, I solely measured progress while sitting down, which gave me a very inflated BPEL. I always thought that 8” plus was a bit extreme, although the ruler doesn’t lie, so I researched in the forums how to measure, and a lot of people said that measuring while seated was improper. So I manned up and started measuring standing up. Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, I’m still very happy with my progress. My wife is too. When I got started, I couldn’t in any way shape or form measure anywhere near 7 (or 8). Now I’m over that by .5 inches (at least). My BG is up an inch. I didn’t record my starting UHG, but I think it was about 4.25. I am now just under 5.0 UHG. When I got started, I thought that it would have been worth the time, effort, and expense just to gain a solid half-inch. I’ve far exceeded that. I had no initial girth goals, but I gained an inch there so I am OK with that, but want more.

What’s impressed my wife the most about my year of PE is that my penis is much, much straighter. It used to bend significantly to the left and backwards. The bend is still there, but dramatically reduced.

Now, I am going to give it one more year with a revamped routine. I’m going to go with a hanger for length and pumping for girth. I’ve pumped on my returns to the States, and have always been happy with the response I get from it, so now I’m going to do it on a steady routine. I should be getting my hanger pretty soon. By October 2012, my goal is to be 8” NPB and 6” UHG. I’ll top it all off with getting liposuction on my stubborn fat pad and then go into maintenance mode.

Comments and questions welcomed.


Start 10/24/10: BPEL: 6.0 BPFL: 4.25; EG: 4.75

Current: BPEL: 7.75 Base Girth: 5.75 UHG: 4.9375 NBPEL 6.75 Goal - 9.0 BPEL

(Extender to Bib Hanger|Jelq to Pump)

Let me be the first to congratulate you on your gains! And all the best for your 9 x 6 goal next year! :)

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

Very impressive. What’s UHG? Under head?

Great post and congratulations on your progress! With your dedication (and good PE genes) I think you’ll reach your goal soon.

I also measure sitting down, but only for checking progress (or the lack of it ;) ) since it’s the easiest and most consistent way to measure. All of my “official” measurements, however, are standing up.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Congrats, and I’m glad to hear you trust your wife enough to let her know you do PE. Also, good luck with your hanging routine. It’s not nearly as time consuming as an extender, however, there is a learning curve, depending on which type of hanger you choose.

Hope you reach your goals.

First congratulation and second thank you a lot because I started before 20 days the same programme with you.I wear 2-3 hours per day extender and at the end make jelquin.I hope I will gain the same with you.if you have something else to tell me about your experience From all this it will be a treasure for me

Originally Posted by marinera
Very impressive. What’s UHG? Under head?

That’s what I was guessing.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Very nice gains dude keep it going and you’ll sure reach your objective

Start BPEL 5.5 EG 5.2 09-20-2011

GOAL 7x6 - on a 5'5 guy it will look huge

Great gain!! I also have the x4 labs extender, and any tips you might have to help are welcome (PM me)

Great gains Guvnor,

Can you share with us the details of your extender routine?

What level of tension did you use to see the initial gains? What angle did you wear the extender? Did you use the strap or the noose or both?

Last edited by totoro21 : 10-25-2011 at .

Wow, great gains and i wish i can’t wait until i move out and i will order the extender right away. I have always had problems gaining length and i measure sitting down so now i feel even worse. I think i might start making my official measurements standing up as well.

STATS: BPEL-7.5 EG-5.6 BG-5.8 -- MT Goal reached

Goal: 8 x 5.75

My Pictures My Progress

warmachine1, you going to capitalize those “i” in the future? Thanks.

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

***The issue was that I was growing very weary of wearing the extender. It was too uncomfortable for me to wear at the tension that I required to produce the steady gain of 5/16 per month.***

I forgot to ask. Have you looked into adding a vac-head attachment to your extender? It’s much more comfortable at higher tension then using the straps, or noose.

Originally Posted by marinera
Very impressive. What’s UHG? Under head?

Under Head Girth. I started measuring there because while I was seriously jelqing, I got the appearance of the baseball bat effect, but BG was always larger.

Thanks Marinera

Start 10/24/10: BPEL: 6.0 BPFL: 4.25; EG: 4.75

Current: BPEL: 7.75 Base Girth: 5.75 UHG: 4.9375 NBPEL 6.75 Goal - 9.0 BPEL

(Extender to Bib Hanger|Jelq to Pump)

Thank you all for your kind words.

As far as my method of using the extender, I’ve copied and pasted my technique from my post on the x4labs forum which is where I first started logging my routine and progress (which is also where I learned about thunders). I hate to introduce a more jargon, but I call it tracking the MESL —see below.

If anyone is interested in the details of my progress log, check out ‘Seeker’s PE Project’ (http://www.x4la … /topic3633.html ). I faithfully updated it weekly from 10/10 until 06/11. From that point on, it’s been just a hand written journal. Once I get my BIB hanger, I’ll probably start a new log with pictures on Thunders.

Keep the Ruler Handy
http://www.x4la … 838.html#p12055

by seeker » Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:34 am

One of my beginning goals for use of the X4Labs extender was to be able to max out the tension. I was able to do that early on in my PE program. Since then, using the full 2100 Grams of tension during my extender sessions has been the minimum standard for a successful session. Another standard I gone by is how the device is fitting. If it is sagging or pointing off to one side, I know that I must tighten the thumb screws beyond the max tension to ensure I’m getting the best stretch possible for the session.

When I had to extend the device out deep into the threading, making it unsteady, I knew it was time to go up to the next increment of tension bars. I felt that this was imprecise because there were spans of days of extender use where I could not tell exactly how much tension I was using because the last increment, 2100g was a baseline. To compensate, I would try to keep it taught or extend the device to my comfort threashold. Recently, I accidentally discovered a better way to measure the tension past 2100G.

Now, I keep my ruler handy. I discovered this method as I was checking to see how long my penis is while at max extension while wearing the device. It was not as long as my last BPEL , so I thought I might have been cheating myself and increased the tension to just above that.

Then it dawned on me that I should record my maximum extended stretched length (MESL) and any new maximums reached on a daily basis. This may not seem groundbreaking, but when you consider that I’ve already increased MESL .1875 over the last two days with slow incremental extensions, it’s clearly beneficial.

I’m going continue to measure daily MESL for two reasons:

1. Precise measurements will allow me to see if my tension is as much as previous sessions; preventing me from wasting time at previous tension levels.

2. As a means of challenging myself to achieve the next 1/16th of an inch.

As PE’ers must be comfortable with always wearing the divice at no less than 2100G, this is for advanced extender users. Slowly work your way up to that level of comfort to avoid injury. 2100 G will become the baseline, so be prepared for considerably more force applied to the penis. Happy stretching!
seekerJunior Moderator Posts: 34Joined: Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:01 pm

Re: Keep the Ruler Handy

by seeker » Fri May 13, 2011 10:56 am

Update on this…since i’ve been measuring MESL (04/05) during extender sessions, I’ve gained .5625 inches. Thats 1/16 more than a half-inch. I’ve been tracking MSEL since 04/05, and measured BPEL at 7.5 on 04/27. As of 05/12, 15 days after my last measurement, I shot up another .25 for a BPEL of 7.75.

Guys, track and steadily increase your MESL!
seekerJunior Moderator Posts: 34Joined: Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:01 pm

Start 10/24/10: BPEL: 6.0 BPFL: 4.25; EG: 4.75

Current: BPEL: 7.75 Base Girth: 5.75 UHG: 4.9375 NBPEL 6.75 Goal - 9.0 BPEL

(Extender to Bib Hanger|Jelq to Pump)

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