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Restarting PE After a Year Out.


Restarting PE After a Year Out.

I PE’d religiously for about 7-8 months, I did some clamping too. I made a little amount of gains, although I believe it was just down to better EQ.

I haven’t done PE for about a year, I have decided to restart tomorrow(I have been saying that for 3 months now) Luckily, I have never had an injury, so I have been careful with how I PE.

My question is if J123’s newbie routine is sufficient amount of PE for me to see good and gradual gains, especially if I plan on using it for several months?
NEW newbie + advanced routine

Good to see you back at it, I hope you get a quick newbie gain. Did you lose any size on your year off?

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I never was able to measure it accurately due to my shape, but in terms of visual. Definitely.

So is J123’s routine enough?

For me I think than J123’s routine is not enough and the newbie routine is too much.

5 min of stretch and hundred of jelqs of qualities ( I make it between 50 and 100) should be good for your restart.

Thanks Dick Rivers, any more opinions?

I started back up again too. Here is where I am at: I began PE in 2001, did it for about 2 months (about 45 min sessions of stretching and jelqing) and gained about 1/4 inch and a little girth. Then I started back up again in 2004 for a few more months and gained another 1/4” then the gains stopped so I quit again. In 2006 I tried hanging and clamping for a few weeks with little or no success. Which brings me to now, I started a jelqing only routine 5 days on and 2 off 10 minute sessions and after the first week I think it’s safe to say I’ve made 1/8” gain at least. My erections are stronger and my cock feels bigger and wants to be worked out. So I’m pretty excited about working it out again and I will continue this workout until the gains stop. At which point I’ll either make a change or retire again for a while. I started at around 6” NBP, then moved up to 6 1/4”, then 6 1/2” now I’m almost 6 3/4” (7 1/2” BP) and almost 5 1/2” girth. I’m hoping to reach 7” NPB and a solid 5 1/2 girth before the gains stop again.

So basically I’d try just a good solid jelqing routine with quality jelqs and after a couple weeks decide if you are seeing gains or not. It’s only 10 mins a day (20 with warm ups and downs) and makes your erections strong.


Are there any believers of the less is more brigade? As that’s what J123’s routine is based on so I’d especially like an input from them but anyone else would be great too.

So J123’S routine or the Newbie routine? Please I need more opinions as I would like to start ASAP.

We should start a club or something: I’ve also restarted PE yesterday after a 1yr brake.

Did PE from 20nov 06 until about 20-30feb 07. I used no specific routine (mostly jelquing and stretching - not following a program but rather whenever I had the time and mood for it) and some hanging, gaining a full cm (maybe a little more) in NBP and about 1.5-2cm in BP. Don’t know about girth because I didn’t measure it at the start but I think I gained about the same, only from jelqing (about 1cm, maybe more).

I started yesterday with the same routine as I now have a new job and also a new gf which allow me to PE once again. Hope I stick to it this time.

Oh, I’ve also ordered a BIB hardcore starter today as most of my bpsfl gains came from hanging.

Edit: I didn’t try the “less is more” aproach - the more I jelqed/stretched/hung(?), the better I gained. Also, I didn’t lose length in the break, don’t know about girth but visually it seems the same (so I guess not).

18.02.08: NBP 6.7, BPSFL 7.9, EG 5.9

18.05.08: 6.9" NBP, 8.3" BPSFL, 7.7" BP

my lazy ass is on a break AGAIN, since late may '08


If I remember correctly(j123 routine,) you start off slow and then build weekly to whatever amount works for you. I’m basically in the same boat as you, and am just now building up my stretches and jelqs to 5 minutes each.

I had built up(at the end of my last push) to Mem’s routine and then “clamped only” for about 4 months. After that, I didn’t do shit for close to 7 months.

This time around, thought I’d try going lighter. Haven’t gained anything yet, so will see.

For me, I’m curious about finding the least amount of work required to “gain,” so I don’t mind pissing(tugging) away a few months in un-productive obscurity.

All of that to say, starting light and then building up gradually can’t hurt anything. If anything, you may be able to grow on a lighter routine(saving you time.)


Last edited by johnny9 : 02-20-2008 at .

Miron and Johhny9, What are your routines and how long has it been since you restarted? I don’t mind a sort of club to keep each other motivated.

Hi, I am about to restart PE too.

Had almost 1 year break too, before that I PE’d about 6 months. Gained about 1,5cm in EL, and some girth too.

But now most of it has shrunk back again, and starting to think about it, my unit looked much better before and I want it back.

So I’ll join the club :)

Restarting after a 4 year hiatus. Looking to pack on 1” BPEL + .75” MSEG by June 2009.

Originally Posted by outlaw_member
Miron and Johhny9, What are your routines and how long has it been since you restarted? I don’t mind a sort of club to keep each other motivated.

I don’t have a speciffic routine. When I get home from work I get naked and while watching a movie or something I start to pull on my dick - mostly jelqing with a small amount of stretching.

I also hang, but for only 10-15min. Waiting for my bib to arive so I can really start hanging.

I have restarted monday 18.02

18.02.08: NBP 6.7, BPSFL 7.9, EG 5.9

18.05.08: 6.9" NBP, 8.3" BPSFL, 7.7" BP

my lazy ass is on a break AGAIN, since late may '08


Right now I’m doing about 6 minutes stretch(2*2 minutes modified A stretch, 1 min out and 1 minute up) and 5 minutes jelq.

I started very light jelquing back in december and moved up to current 5 minutes. Was wondering, since it had been a year plus without any length exercises, if I could get some easy gains. Nothing yet.

I will keep upping my stretch routine until I hit 15-20 minutes(or until I actually gain again.)

Like I said though, gonna take it VERY slow this time around. Will keep in touch for sure.

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