Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Old member, restarting PE

Old member, restarting PE

Hi I am an old member who started PE long back n then gave up as I went back to my home country to study General Nursing. Many months ago I wanted to start over as I remember that I gained a quarter inch from 6” to 6.25” from the stretching routine which showed up after some time. I’ve been eating Ginkgo tablets since September of last year for memory enhancement n Good vascular health.

The main reason I am posting the thread is that I would like to if someone is trying to straighten out his penis. I am left handed n my penis is bent from mid shaft towards the right. To be frank Nursing is a tough job and I couldn’t find any routine that is less time consuming (except for Kegels, you can do that all day long n no 1 gets to know about it). I came across it on a well known P2P software. It has 2 routines which I found convenient n less time consuming
1.Pull your penis around your waist.
2.Pull penis with leg.

I have been doing them for about 2 weeks. Just wanted to know any1 found any success in these techniques for straightening n PE. Plus is there any supplements that I can use with PE routine which can come in handy?( already using ginkgo bilboa)

Question : Any 1 from Pakistan who knows from where can I get L- Arginine. I have been looking for this, but couldn’t find it or looking for it in the wrong places.

You need to do some advanced searching and you will find lots of information.

An advanced search for “ADS” will yield great results. This is an All Day Stretcher that will stretch your penis and may straighten your penis.

For L-Arginine, is buying online an option? Many people buy Arginine online.

Other PE supplements can be found in the Supplements Forum.

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