Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

18, trapped in a 15 year old body


18, trapped in a 15 year old body

Okay, I have a bit of a dilemma.

I have the body of a 15/16 year old, yet I’m 18. Obviously I’m just a late bloomer I’ve accepted that as I know a few other people who are like me. But, I have a low self-asteem especially with my penis size. I am here to find out if it will be safe for me to start PE?

Well, I’m 18 but I seem to have a body of a 15/16 year old. I am 5”8, about 9 stone in weight and have a - flaccid: 4” long, 4” girth - erect: 6” long, 5” girth. I am totally unhappy with it and will do anything I can to make it bigger. I am not a virgin I have had sex with one girl numerous times as I have been in a relationship for 2+ years now having sex for just under 2. I masturbate most days also. My penis has a slight curve upwards and a minute slant to one side (I don’t think this means anything?).

So, my problem is I want to start PE but will it affect my growth? I know I am most probably going to grow (eventually - even though I have hardly grown in 1-2 years, exception of slight facial hair) but if I start PE will it affect the growth of my penis? Because I have in my head if I do it and see gains, I am also going to get natural gains maybe? Which might out shape my penis or make it decrease in size or have some abnormality.

If I was to do PE now:
Would it affect my penis growth?
Would it give me an abnormality?
What routine should I do, just stick to the newbie routine or a specific one that won’t affect the growth or whatever?

I need answers because I am thinking day in day out about my penis size, I know it may grow in time, it may not, but if it was too grow in time I don’t fancy waiting I would also like to have some gains now maybe straighten it out and let it grow in too ?


Thank you :)

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong to start PE right now.

1.) on the first question, Would it affect my penis growth?
Yes, but in a positive way. Nothing negative can happen, only growing :D

2.) Would it give me an abnormality?
Never heard that happened, I think not!

3.) What routine should I do, just stick to the newbie routine or a specific one that won’t affect the growth or whatever?
Stick to the newbie routine, it’s the best - every one did it, at least every one who was interested in proper PE!

Well I’m not a PE guru, but of all my experience and reading on this forum that’s all what I can tell you.

Started: 15.5cm x 12cm, Now: 19.5cm x 13.3cm, Goal: 21cm x 15cm

I'm going to reach my goal, and there is no one who can stop me! Yes, I'm a persistent bastard :D

My Pictures! I am back baby, and I will hang out with my wang out!

You are probably one of those double puberty guys, I know a few people like that. They seemed sort of small and immature for their age, but they had clearly hit puberty. But then all of a sudden around 20 they sprouted up to over six feet, got deeper voices and more facial hair. It is crazy. I have no idea if their penis grew, but you would think if the rest of them did, there is a good chance. I am pretty sure PE will not mess up your penis, you might actually be at an advantage if it is not fully developed. Maybe the tissues will be more easily manipulated since they are doing it on their own anyways. I messed around with PE when I was fairly young, and my penis turned out fine. The only trouble is you never know if you got gains, or if it just naturally grew that way.

First thing, rickyyyj, I would recommend that you work on being satisfied with what you have. You have a healthy, functional penis that is a normal size, you’ve had sex numerous times and masturbate most days, and you’re 18. Do you know how many guys here would love to change places with you?

I know that telling you this is not going to convince or change your mind, and I’m not trying to do that. I’m just trying to put things into perspective for you. It may mean more to you someday than it does now.

It’s perfectly OK to want a larger penis. Just don’t let that desire interfere with enjoying what you have now, any more than you can help it.

Having said all that - if you’re 18, and still expect some natural growth, I don’t know of anything that suggests that mild PE will do anything other than to help. The key is mild PE, consistent with watching your PIs (Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!) and EQ (Warning! If you haven’t gotten improved erections:). There is no advantage to you in rushing things or trying to do too much too soon. There are disadvantages to overdoing, including injury and toughening the very tissues you want to grow. Healthy, flexible tissues are going to grow better than tough, injured tissues.

I don’t think mild PE will adversely affect the shape of your penis, or its shape as it grows by some combination of natural growth and PE. If you are patient and go at it slowly, any changes that do take place will be gradual enough for you to easily evaluate whether you want to continue the path you’re on.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by rickyyyj
Okay, I have a bit of a dilemma.

I have the body of a 15/16 year old, yet I’m 18. Obviously I’m just a late bloomer I’ve accepted that as I know a few other people who are like me. But, I have a low self-asteem especially with my penis size. I am here to find out if it will be safe for me to start PE?

Well, I’m 18 but I seem to have a body of a 15/16 year old. I am 5"8, about 9 stone in weight and have a - flaccid: 4" long, 4" girth - erect: 6" long, 5" girth. I am totally unhappy with it and will do anything I can to make it bigger. I am not a virgin I have had sex with one girl numerous times as I have been in a relationship for 2+ years now having sex for just under 2. I masturbate most days also. My penis has a slight curve upwards and a minute slant to one side (I don’t think this means anything?).

So, my problem is I want to start PE but will it affect my growth? I know I am most probably going to grow (eventually - even though I have hardly grown in 1-2 years, exception of slight facial hair) but if I start PE will it affect the growth of my penis? Because I have in my head if I do it and see gains, I am also going to get natural gains maybe? Which might out shape my penis or make it decrease in size or have some abnormality.

If I was to do PE now:
Would it affect my penis growth?
Would it give me an abnormality?
What routine should I do, just stick to the newbie routine or a specific one that won’t affect the growth or whatever?

I need answers because I am thinking day in day out about my penis size, I know it may grow in time, it may not, but if it was too grow in time I don’t fancy waiting I would also like to have some gains now maybe straighten it out and let it grow in too ?


Thank you :)

You don’t have anything to worry about. You already have a very adult-sized penis. For more information, see:

Penis Size: The True Average
Kinsey Data (Part 3)
Flaccid Length Percentiles

Don’t worry,

I know how you feel.

I was (and still am) an INCREDIBLY late developer, I had pubic hair when I was about 15, but I didn’t start shaving properly until I was about 20, I’m now 27 and still haven’t finished yet (though I am close).

I am 90% sure my lateness of development is partly genetic, but also partly due to self esteem. I was incredibly shy and had very very very poor self confidence. Therefore my testosterone levels were very low, hence me being a late developer (testosterone is the main ingredient for puberty).

Don’t let this kinda thing get you down, don’t dwell on it. You have nothing to worry about (I’m not just saying that). You have perfectly normal attributes and have a girl, you should be happy!

Think of all the lonely people out there!!

Keep up PE and by the time you are my age, you will be laughing at the fact you ever wrote this message,

I too was almost exactly the same as you at 18

When I joined the army at 18 I was 5’ 9¼ inches and weighd 124 lbs - just under 9 stone.

I found out years later tthat I was allergic to milk and that had inhibited my growth. Then I really put on the gains

So it might be worth trying to get an allergy test to see if there are any foods which are holding you back.

(I got the information from my Army Pay book - after all those years.)

You’re doing allright!

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Truthfully if I was in your shoes I would do the same thing and rush into PE but if theres potential that you might grow more I wouldn’t jeopardise that just yet.

Because I don’t know if doing PE with potential growth anyway is negative for natural growth of the penis in general I would just leave it for maybe 2 years then see if you’ve grown naturally then go for it.

How that sound?

5’8” - average height

6 * 5 penis - above average

Am I missing something? Did you say you had a problem?

Just kiddin dude. But seriously you are very fortunate. I am 19 and barely have armpit hair and my facial hair is not even close to being done developing. If you do decide to PE, work on being happy with what you have presently, because this shit sure as hell doesn’t work overnight. Work on being the best person you can be, and being an amazing lover. The ladies will come crawling.

Most reasonable girls won’t worry about penis size and wouldn’t be able to tell you whether a 6 incher is 4 inches or 8 inches. This girl I used to fuck had a conversation with me one time after I found out she was fucking another guy. (We weren’t together so I didn’t care, I just stopped fucking her for the time being). She told me 1. “you are a much better fuck” (I am amazing at foreplay, which can be mastered much quicker than a penis will grow) and 2. “I’d rather have sex with someone who actually likes me” (little did she know I was hooking up with 2-3 girls a weekend.)

Also, do you lift weights? It increases testosterone, makes you stronger(which is very beneficial in life), and makes your body look more appealing and attractive to women.

All in all, be happy with what you have because worrying is just a waste of time.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Thank you for all your in-puts!

I am now examining the forum more thoroughly and looking into the newbie routine as well as the supplements page (maybe they will help my testosterone levels?). I don’t want to sound selfish with my post because I know I am much better of than many other men out there and I am grateful for that, but there is no harm in ever wanting more right? Especially when it keeps me feeling like crap most of the time, I’d love just to be hung, but who wouldn’t? I could just see it improving my happiness dramatically by having a larger penis and I know that is not coming over night. But if I do this along with my natural growth maybe I could get greater gains? That’s what I’m hoping for anyway.

I have just started to go the gym again so yes I am just beginning to lift weights, I have done so in the past but never stuck to it more than a week. I used to be quite ripped when I was around 10 years old from martial arts but I lost it due to personal issues which left me depressed and I still think I have a slight case of depression even today, so my looks/body doesn’t help anything.

It’s took me a couple of weeks but I have put together:
- A new diet/supplement plan (going to add supplements from this forum)
- A training regime ~ cardio/weights/ sport ~ mainly weights
- Also, I have found a website that tells you how to apparently get taller in 7 weeks no matter the age!
So I’m giving that ago. I’ve inter-grated the diet, sleeping and exercises into my daily regime
- Now I am putting PE into my daily routine too!

So I am hoping to go through a complete body transformation in the next 6-12 months (bring on 2009!)
I am going to keep a log of all my gains in height, weight, muscle and penis size, each week and I will post my gains and everything else here for everyone to see and possibly help people with their developments :)

Hopefully this will work as well and maybe even kick start my genetics as both sides of my family are more around 6 foot than my 5”8. I also know my dads side are quite well hung! Hopefully I have picked it up from them and I’m just a late bloomer!

Thanks again for your in-puts, if anyone has anything else to say please do because everything is help for me now :)

Oh, I’d like to add that I have perfectly fine and very regular erections. But that’s normal for my age right? Just wanted to throw it in there to make sure

Well Done rickyyyj . You are going the right way to improve yourself. It will require some dedication. But the rewards are there for you to reap.

One point on the gaining height. Don’t spend any money on it. There are too many sites that are just rip offs.

Good luck! and we hope to hear you are making steady gains and are throwing off the anxiety.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Patience, my friend, is the key… Plus, you basically have a “head start”. By the time you start looking for “the one”, you’ll look younger but be much more mature, intelligent, and have a lot of confidence from your time PEing. :)

To make it clear, say a girl is looking for somebody who looks a little older than them. Say, 21. By the time you’re 24, you’ll still look like you’re 21, but you’ll have the experience, intelligence, etc. of a 24 year old, as well as the results of 6 years of PEing!

If you want to increase your testosterone level without a lot of pills you can do the same thing as I do.

One large cup (250mm) of milk filled 1/3 with oatmeal.
This provides you with a lot of egg whites which you will need for bulking up. Plus oatmeal appears to enhance your body’s natural testosterone production.

And when taking multivitamins watch for the amount of zinc they provide. Zinc also enhances testosterone production.

Luckily you have already decided to do weightlifting because this helps a lot.

BTW. Be glad you do not have a lot of testes in your system right now. Lot of lady’s prefer men low on body hair.

22 years. BPEL 7.4 inches. Girth: 6.3 inches. Goal: Becoming a tripod!

My other hobby and project:

Last edited by HappytoPE : 01-16-2009 at .

Hi Ricky, welcome to Thunders!

I am certain that if you hit the gym consistently incorporating both weights and cardio, eat clean, and PE consistently, you will be happy with the results. Just don’t overdo any of them and you will see results from patience and consistency.

You should be happy with yourself as you are right now. Don’t approach any of this as a way to “change who you are”…you are merely making the most of what you are already.

Good luck and go easy, but be persistent!

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