Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

20 posts to other areas

20 posts to other areas

I know this is the rule and I’m sure there’s a good reason but why?

Admittedly I’ve not been on the site long, I’ve read loads, searched loads, absorbed what I could, registered, posted one new thread I think but I’d like to post a thread in the Mens’ Sexual Health Forum as that’s the proper area for it but I can’t.

Leaving me with a few options, either spam the newbie forum hope I don’t piss a moderator off hit the 20 then go to other forums. Post 20 vaguely disguised newbie posts that I don’t really need any help on as I’ve searched and read whats gone on before or lastly post the thread in the newbie forum with the hope that a mod will do his job and move it to the correct forum anyway so, which ways up.

Originally Posted by Spod
or lastly post the thread in the newbie forum with the hope that a mod will do his job

Ummmmmm, not the best way of starting out here.

Welcome anyway.

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

I think he’ll get away with it Godzila, the mods never in here. Welcome spud, I like your writing style. :)

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