.25 gain but strange ache
This is my first post and I want to start by saying that this is a great forum and I appreciate all of the knowledge available on the subject of PE. I started PE about 2 months ago and I have gained .25 which is really motivating yet, recently I have noticed a strange aching sensation during my routine, it feels like it’s on or around my balls close to where the shaft and balls connect. It’s not the skin but deeper, I am not sure if it is the tunica or not.
This ache reoccurs very mildly a few times throughout the day and when I get into my routine again I can feel it. Is this a sign of growth or a negative PI from over working?
My routine: 5 min warmup, 5 min stretching, 10 min jelqing. 2 on 1 off
I have taken 3 days off and the feeling is gone, I plan on starting the linear newbie routine and see how that works out for me.
Can you guys maybe shed some light on what I am experiencing and tell me if you think this new direction is a good move?
Any responses are much appreciated.