2d:4d ratio and penis size
Recently I’ve been researching on the subject of digit ratio, particularly on 2d:4d ratio. It goes like this: people with an average or more amount of prenatal testosterone tend to have a ring finger longer than the index finger (low 2d:4d ratio) which is found in most men. People with an index finger as long as the ringer finger, or even longer, tend to have less prenatal testosterone and an increase in prenatal estrogen, which is found in most women. To get a 2d:4d ratio, measure the ring and index finger from the tip to the furthest crease and divide the ringer finger by the index finger’s length. The average male has a 2d:4d ratio of about .96 to .98, while women are usually around 1. What I am curious about is if there could be a link found between 2d:4d ratio and penis size.