Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

3/4 inch gained so far

3/4 inch gained so far

I started PE in early September at 6.5 erect length, and as of 2 nights ago I measure at 7.25!


I started off with doing jelqs for 10 minutes, then I went to 150 jelqs so I knew I was doing them right instead of just 10 minutes of half ass jelqs, and I just started doing 200. I do 2 nights on, 1 night off. I masturbate first, and let it get to about 60-70% erection before I start, and by the end it’s about 50% or so.

I’ve noticed veins, and thickness. I don’t have any string or a sewing measuring tape that I could use, that will be the next thing, but a year ago when I measured at 6 inches I was 5.3.

My goal is 8x6, and hopefully I will gain length past that, if I get to 9 then it will look like 8x6 instead of 7x6, or I’ll have to lose about 40 pounds.

After I get to 8 (I’m hoping for about 1/4 inch a month, which seems about what I’ve gotten since I’ve started, I plan on being at 300 jelqs by 2006, maybe a month or so in) I’m going to start girth exercises, any suggestions?

I love this site, it gives me so much confidence knowing that I have a larger than average penis, and it will continue to grow. :)

So what about the other 33 inches?

Originally Posted by Mega-Lo
So what about the other 33 inches?


Originally Posted by ColtEtish
My goal is 8x6, and hopefully I will gain length past that, if I get to 9 then it will look like 8x6 instead of 7x6, or I’ll have to lose about 40 pounds.

After I get to 8 (I’m hoping for about 1/4 inch a month, which seems about what I’ve gotten since I’ve started, I plan on being at 300 jelqs by 2006, maybe a month or so in) I’m going to start girth exercises, any suggestions?

I love this site, it gives me so much confidence knowing that I have a larger than average penis, and it will continue to grow. :)

You are the winner of the most positive post of the day. I can just see you smiling from ear to ear whilst typing this! Good work though. But remember, it is best case scenario if you keep gaining like that at such a constant rate, so don’t get upset if the gains drop off a bit. But good luck to you, hopefully they don’t

Well lets see, 1/4 inch a month, 33 inches, so whats that? 132 months?

About 11 years

I think he was so eager he forgot the / :D

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Just so everybody knows what’s going on, I am inserting the missing slash between the 3 and 4 to make it 3/4 inch gained so far.

congrats! Your penis sounds very similiar to mine aswell as routines. However I do 15 minute stretches and I highly recommend you do so :-) Are you measuring bone pressed?

"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." Friedrich Nietzsche My Journey Start(march 24th 2005): 6.5"BPEL-5.0"EG. Now(Feb 1st 2006):7.5"BPEL-5.375"EG

Yes I do bone pressed. I dunno the idea of stretches never really did it for me. I already spend like 20-30 minutes in the bathroom as it is, and another 15 seems excessive.especially since as it is now my rents already ask me if I’m ‘OK” if they notice I’ve been in there, I manage to hide it with a shower ;)

Maybe I’ll save the stretches for when I start to plateau, so I can change my routine up a bit :)

34 inches, is it so unbelievable? ;)

Congratulations on your gains,

Keep up the good work

Congrats on your growth man! It’s weird cause I’m sort of the opposite of you, I didn’t start gaining length until I started taking stretching more seriously. Good gains, keep it up.

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