3 months in - results and questions
Hi all,
I’m 3 months in to PE. Routine has been:
5 min hot wrap
10 min manual stretch 30sec holds
300 wet jelq
5 min hot wrap
50 kegels of 5sec holds
2 days on 1 off..
My progress has been:
Started 4-20-2011
Didnt measure correctly - approx 5.0 nbpel
5-20-2011 nbpfsl 5.0 - bpfsl 6.0 - bpel 6.0 - nbpel 5.2 - eg 4.5
6-20-2011 nbpfsl 5.5 - bpfsl 6.5 - bpel 6.2 - nbpel 5.25 - eg 4.5
7-20-2011 nbpfsl 5.75 - bpfsl 6.75 - bpel 6.25 - nbpel 5.45 - eg 4.5
My questions are, I have read that after workouts it’s valuable to use the penismaster for 1 hour or so? Any thoughts?
And although I do have some small gains and decent flaccid stretched gains, would it be too soon to use the bib hanger. I have heard that most major gainers have used the bib hanger.
Also I have heard it’s best to stay with current routine until you see no gains for 1-2 months, then add to routine or switch routine?
What do you PE’rs think?