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3 months of hanging - lost length


I read everything the OP posted in the hanging 101 and also some comments later but I was not sure if all of that is relevant.. Should I read absolutely every comment in that thread? Thats what you meant?

Also thank you very much for advice, I’m gonna start to up the weight.

Actually, yesterday I had quite good PIs and overall good session. My problem is that sometimes I have really low libido, especially now in the period of drought.

I use Silistretcher2 as a hanger.

Originally Posted by Rumble
I read everything the OP posted in the hanging 101 and also some comments later but I was not sure if all of that is relevant.. Should I read absolutely every comment in that thread? Thats what you meant?
Also thank you very much for advice, I’m gonna start to up the weight.
Actually, yesterday I had quite good PIs and overall good session. My problem is that sometimes I have really low libido, especially now in the period of drought.
I use Silistretcher2 as a hanger.

No I meant just to read the instructions that are posted be the OP.
If you had read it and you were folowing it to the letter you would be at much bigger weight by now because u will have followed the progressive overload that the OP mentions.
Also you would have increased the sets to 6.
Also you would NOT start with low weight 1st set and increasing the weight in every set.

No need to thank me … this is why we are all here.

Also if u are using a vac type hanger you should aim for longer sets cause you don t have limitations of 20 mins sets as with clamp hangers.
I also don t think that the vac hanger you are using can hold more than lets say 3kg of weight.
So if you don t intend to go for an other hanger then you should add more time under tension because u will be hanging with low weights.

Originally Posted by Pe_is_an_art
You wanted to hang but you didn t care to learn WHAT PENIS HANGING IS.
The hanging is a PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD method.
EVEN if u are hanging with 0,5-1kg for 100 years you ll see no gains with it.
The 0,5 to 1kh is a perfect starting weight….
You should increase the weight by 250-500grams every week.
GO and read ALL the thread “Hanging 101”.

Now as far as the turtling and lost length…. HOW MANY rest days per week are u taking and what kind of hanger do u use and explain exactly your daily routine?

This makes no sens to me at all. If you always were supposed to go up in weight that way of thinking would apply to all PE and that is not the case. I can’t stretch harder every week or go up in hg when pumping on a regular basis or do more intense jelking.
I have hard to believe that the tissue in my penis react or behave different if i stretch, extend or hang. It’s just different ways to do the same thing. I this case I would rest until the penis feels ready to go again. Then of course you can expect much gain with 1 kg but he should not lose gains and lose EQ and having bad feelings fro hanging 1 kg.

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

With any type of stretching you have to folow 1 of 2 things if you aim for growth.
1) High intensity-low volume
2) Low intensity-High volume

Low intensity and low volume can not do anything for gains.(it can only increase EQ… and the goal of the OP is to gain a lot as he said)
Now the same applies if you do high intensity with high volume that will result in overtraining.

Original Hanging(hanging 101) is about low volume and PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD.
After 7-10 days(depending on the individual) the dick is used to the same weight and it feels very light and it doesn t produce fatigue… so you have to up the weight.

There are indeed people that gained good with LIGHT hanging and very small progressions in weights BUT they were all doing 6-8h of daily hanging… which in fact is like extending.

Originally Posted by Pe_is_an_art
With any type of stretching you have to folow 1 of 2 things if you aim for growth.
1) High intensity-low volume
2) Low intensity-High volume

Low intensity and low volume can not do anything for gains.(it can only increase EQ… and the goal of the OP is to gain a lot as he said)
Now the same applies if you do high intensity with high volume that will result in overtraining.

Original Hanging(hanging 101) is about low volume and PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD.
After 7-10 days(depending on the individual) the dick is used to the same weight and it feels very light and it doesn t produce fatigue… so you have to up the weight.

There are indeed people that gained good with LIGHT hanging and very small progressions in weights BUT they were all doing 6-8h of daily hanging… which in fact is like extending.

Yes of course but if you extend, stretch or hang with for example 4 kg force for the same amount of time and direction you likely will gain exactly the same.
Hanging is superior when it comes to force and time combined. Extending is long time with low force and stretching is (or can be) high force but hard to maintain for longer periods. But if one gets problems from 1 kg hanging I just can’t see that going higher is the right thing to do. Maybe I’m wrong.

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

Originally Posted by Patrik_16
This makes no sens to me at all. If you always were supposed to go up in weight that way of thinking would apply to all PE and that is not the case. I can’t stretch harder every week or go up in hg when pumping on a regular basis or do more intense jelking.
I have hard to believe that the tissue in my penis react or behave different if i stretch, extend or hang. It’s just different ways to do the same thing. I this case I would rest until the penis feels ready to go again. Then of course you can expect much gain with 1 kg but he should not lose gains and lose EQ and having bad feelings fro hanging 1 kg.

Just going to point out that with pumping you absolutely can and I believe should increase either time or HG as you continue to progress. You will read a lot about people needing to start at beyond low times and HGs when pumping only to eventually pull a 30minute session or gap over 5hgs without spotting or inducing edema. The opposite is true for the few guys who can hit 15-20hgs consistently with zero bruising, edema, or spotting, they conditioned to get to those high HGs. I do an average of 30-40 minutes a day broken into 3 sets, and can sit at 10hgs without issue, in the past however I would see both spotting and edema from even 5 minutes at that level. Conditioning is a real thing, objectively speaking. I have no idea about hanging but It wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

Actually now that I think of it, even the hardcore manual stretchers and jelqers routinely move to longer and longer times with more intense stretches and repetitions than someone on their first day could ever do without risking injury. We see conditioning and progressive loads and training in almost every facet of PE.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

What do you think about combining hanging and pumping?


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