Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

6 months of PE still some questions about it.

6 months of PE still some questions about it.

Ok, here is the truth I found out and announce it to add another personal statement that pe works!:
Excercising your penis can help increase its dimensions and proportions.

I gained about almost an inch in girth and almost half an inch in length.

Gaining more girth than length was in my plan.
I have been through jelqs and sometimes ulis.
I have been excercising almost every week, some of them 7 on 7 days and some of them just a couple of days.

Here are my questions:
1) Could these gains have been or become faster and how?
2) Going on from here I don’t want to gain any more length and especially no more girth at the base or near the base ( on the contrary I would appreciate if I lose some of it I’ ve got). What should I do? Till now jelqs and ulis have been developing the base as well ( there isn’t a part of the penis that haven’t developed) What I want is really increase and develop the dimensions of the upper shaft ( but without developing the base a mm further). My penis has the form a missile and I want to change that to a form of a baseball club ;) . So what I do for this next?

Thank you guys. It’s great you are here!

Hi amok,

>1) Could these gains have been or become faster and how?<

After gaining a friggin inch of girth in only six months, you are an easy gainer, no doubt about it. Those are fast gains already.

>2) Going on from here I don’t want to gain any more length and especially no more girth at the base or near the base ( on the contrary I would appreciate if I lose some of it I’ ve got). What should I do? Till now jelqs and ulis have been developing the base as well ( there isn’t a part of the penis that haven’t developed) What I want is really increase and develop the dimensions of the upper shaft ( but without developing the base a mm further). My penis has the form a missile and I want to change that to a form of a baseball club . So what I do for this next?<

The only thing you can really do is to try to put less pressure on the base area while jelqing. Start your uli’s further up the shaft, and perhaps add squeezes while holding at midshaft. God man, you want to lose gains? You are a rare breed indeed, thinking of all the hardgainers that have been around, I would be thankful for any gain that I got.


Hey amok,

great gains man (envy you)! Can you post your routine, or any specifics aimed at increasing your girth? Thanks!

Hey guys thanks for your input and encouraging words.
I didn’t realize gaining an inch in six months was such a big deal. I will try to tell you how it worked for me and how I think it could have work better.

But first I will give you what I have learned over the last six months.

1) Don’t do any excercise that you have been told to that it works for pe like you were following an order. Instead read whatever you can only for developing your imagination ( this includes also this column)

2) Listen to your body. There are no miracles no magic around. It is all natural process that goings around. Forget about inspiration, enthusiasm and words: this is no nature’s logic. Instead use only your senses. Your senses should guide your words and linguistic thoughts and not the other way around ( and to this rule must be no exception). This propably is the #1 step in this column and make the above number 2.

3) See your penis and see along your life all the day, week, month around. (see your penis erect, semi-erect, flacid: overall). While you are watching your penis see how you want it to be for your eyes. Now you know that it may be done if you do certain things for some unlimited time of your life (and this is your way that also happens to be a similar way to those of others). Without lube propably you are going to try a kind of a grip on your penis shaft and see it swallow. You may imagine that if you had lube you could massage it in a way that could help it develop bigger for your senses.*
Important: when I say senses I mean not only the eyes but consider everything ( how you feel overall etch…)

*To all this behind will be the development of your imagination for what your eyes could be wanting to see of your penis.

This is what you must do to achieve your goals. But to be able to implement all these you must be able to find time for your own, time for yourself and you must dedicate those personal moments. And this is not just 10 minutes or an hour a day. It must be an hour when you can feel at max and have none other dedication to do. So remember to find an hour when your power for pe is at max. And this must be for your daily life routne, must agree and be along with the unlimited daily routine of life time schedule we spoke above ( not just for the day ). All these you must feel them all the moments ( without exceptions as told above).

Now for my girth programme what I have understood is this: you must use a very good lube for your jelq, the best you can find for your purpose: this is propably the most important thing you can do that might have a change. Ultimately has arrived in Italy, Johnson’s baby oil GEL which is the thing you should use for whatever I have seen.

The other things will come by therself. You will propably see that you need good erection percentage when jelqing ( at least 70 %) and that your hands and forearms need to have endurance for your excercises. Also implement in your imagination hot water bathes for your routine. I have found that hot water warm ups sometimes advance the pe routine potential to follow. Also doing this after the routine sometimes speeds me up to recover which is important to do it because of the continuous daily life routine process I mentioned above. I repeat: Any moment is no exception, no different from the other moments: always there are the same rules and the whole process is linked overall, a continous thing always. Imagination is for every moment: jelq, hot wrap, cool down, what will must be the next routine eg no jelqs, but ulis,…etch…

So to this comes obvious if you want pe that your overall life must it be balanced for it: eat well, don’t dike drugs, don’t overtrain in the gym etch…be healthy.

I believe that if you are healthy and have the convenience to afford the above and want pe you succeed.

This was for you.

Now for me I want to ask SS4Jelq how exactly he sees squeezes while holding at midshaft. SS4Jelq can you fully describe please the whole image of it?

One big gesture of respect to all the nice members of this forum.

Congrats on the gains Amok.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."


I agree with you that the key is to do it when you feel good & powered up, rather than do it for the heck of keeping up the routine. For the past week I’ve been doing it for the sake of keeping it going. I noticed that after the workout my penis would not be hung/heavy. It would be almost back to normal. Before it used to be hung after the workout. I guess I should take your advice of not doing PE till you feel powered up.



>Now for me I want to ask SS4Jelq how exactly he sees squeezes while holding at midshaft. <

The exact way I see squeezes while holding at midshaft is to do it and look at my dick at the same time.

>SS4Jelq can you fully describe please the whole image of it?<

The image is like this, my left hand has just jelqed to midshaft, where I tighten my grip strongly, then my right hand carefully squeezes the shaft above my left hand, towards the head, which causes the tissues above it and between the squeezing hand and the grip hand to expand. Then I hold the squeeze for a few seconds but longer if I had a month of experience with squeezes, and repeat a few more times. Then I loosen the grip hand and finish the jelq. Then repeat with the other hand after a few normal jelq strokes had been done.

OK so it was a moving image.


SS4Jelq I have never seen a clearer description of an excercise of yours: it was the best for me. Thanks.

It makes sense to me for not focusing energy and efforts at the base but rather more the above parts of the penis. I will try implement this technique. Thanks SS4Jelq!

Grats on the gains man.

Thechuck, what’s with the old thread bumping?

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