Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

3 Months Of PE

3 Months Of PE

WOOOOOOT!! I am in. I have been reading everything I could for the last 12 weeks and I have been dieing to post about everything PE has done for me. So.. Here it is. I started with the newbie routine and stuck with it for the first 8 weeks. The first 2 weeks I went a little overboard and had crap load of red spots, but my dick got bigger and my erections got way harder. In fact the first 4 weeks or so when I got an erection my penis felt like it was being stretched just by getting hard. Although my gains have slowed I feel it is due to not getting a good stretch when I PE after the first 4 weeks I can’t seem to get the same type of stretch I used to get probably due to my penis being tougher. I have added the V stretch, some hand clamping, Uli, and some edging (Edging is freaking hard I just want to blow it so bad) I really don’t have a set routine but this is basically what I do. Wake up and manual stretch for 10-15 min this includes 4 sets of V stretch using a snorkel LOL! Some times if my morning wood is to strong I have to jelq for a while first. Often my dick becomes fully erect and I switch from jelq to hand clamping/ Uli until it’s safe to jelq some more. After I feel my dick has been stretched enough I take a really hot shower I then stretch more in and right after I get out of the shower All in all I stretch 3-4 times a day and jelq once or twice I do this one on one off at the moment. I am very flexible with my PE always trying new things I am still a newbie and haven’t found what I feel would be the best possible routine for me. I am sorry I did not measure but I really don’t care how big it is as long as it is bigger (and it is way bigger I can tell you that) I know some of you would really like it if I would post my true gains but I do not want to be disappointed in my size if it happens to be smaller than I think, but anyway here is some things PE did for me

1. Harder Erections
2. Bigger, longer, fatter penis
3. Soft skin on my hands, penis and balls
4. At least 2X flaccid length and girth
5. Extreme boost in self-esteem and confidence
6. A happy Girlfriend
7. I lost 28 pounds
8. I am just happy happy happy!!

Thanks for all the info this site has given me if you have any questions for me please feel free to ask

(Sorry for any Spelling/grammar mistakes)

Congratz on the progress. What are you stats?

Long Term Goal

The perfect 8x6 cock aka the pussy destroyer (one day).

Yeah show us your stats! :D That are really a lot of benefits for you, I’m happy for ya! I hope that I’ll stick to the newbie routine for at least a while to see some improvement myself! :)

- Dark Blight

Congrats mate.

Congrats Wanna B Big!

Great- congratulations :)

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Thanks Every one. I will measure and post back in a few weeks. O’ I guess I am going to have to scratch off the Happy Girlfriend part. LOL! Hey what can you do girls are strange and unpredictable creatures. At least I have a bigger cock.

Sorry to hear about the girl.

Congratulations on the progress though, and keep it up!

"My anaconda don't want none Unless you got buns, hun" -Sir Mix Alot, "Baby Got Back"

Originally Posted by Wana B Big
Thanks Every one. I will measure and post back in a few weeks. O’ I guess I am going to have to scratch off the Happy Girlfriend part. LOL! Hey what can you do girls are strange and unpredictable creatures. At least I have a bigger cock.

That is probably, seriously, the funniest thing I have read in about a year. Because in all reality, that bigger cock, DID MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER.

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

Girl Friends come and go. A bigger Cock last forever.

Originally Posted by Wana B Big

Thanks Every one. I will measure and post back in a few weeks.


We are all curious now to see how much you gained in 12 weeks. Why wait a few more weeks ?

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