Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

6 weeks into newbie routine and dick is shrinking. What am I doing wrong?


Originally Posted by Mike03016
Keep it simple, pick a number and stretch to it the same each time.

Say your number is 10, stretch your penis ten times with a slight hold then on the 11th stretch take your measurement.

That is an easy way to compare apples to apples on the number.
Of course there is a down side to flaccid measuring.. You aren’t watching lesbian porn during the process. Lol


I do exactly what you said
At first I expect that all measurement should be same (lol), and what a vain expect from my self

I think PE is NOT only PE, This is a lesson to be patient and perseverance

Hey, 4thewind. I will start by letting you know that your situation is actually pretty common, people just rarely talk about it when it happens. I have had serious bouts of depression and have turned to PE to try to find gains to lift my spirits. The problem is that when you are in a depressed state your brain is dumping a bad mixture of chemicals into your blood stream. Not only does this have a negative affect on your mood and thoughts but also your libido and penis.

The times that I was depressed I found that when I focus on eating better, staying properly hydrated and light PE. When stressed and depressed the penis will actually shrink. It sucks. It just makes things worse. But, if you hydrate (or over hydrate) and focus on a light PE workout you can atleast get your penis to a larger and more plump state. I would drink tons of water, warm up, do 10% erection soft bends (Orange bends), and a light manual BTC stretch and hold. You can do other light PE exercises but nothing that would cause and micro tears at all.

When you are stressed out, fearful, depressed or have anxiety your mind and body falls into a primordial state of “Survival” mode. So basically your body makes decisions based on whether something is needed, how to use energy and how to react to outside interactions. When in “Survival” mode your body keeps the blood circulating to only your most vital organs, which shuts off your large constant flow to the penis to a minimal amount, which makes the feel and appearance of your flaccid state pretty pathetic looking. It monitors your food intake and whatever it doesn’t need for current energy consumption it stores as fat to use for when you don’t have food. If you weren’t in “survival” mode the body could use the extra calories and nutrients to build muscle, repair tissues (micro tears in your penis!) Or any number of positive things. So, any crappy food that you eat that has tons of preservatives, bad fats, bad chemicals, etc get stored as fat to be burned later and cause problems down the road when all the bad stuff gets released back into your blood stream.

There is a ton more scientific stuff I could write but I think you get the idea. It has taken me years of research, filtering through the doctors and scientists that want to be right about everything and make money and TONS of reading to feel like I have enough knowledge to understand the basics of how the human body works. The knowledge I am sharing is not the end all-be all answer to all of your problems, but it has worked for me and I think it might work for you too.

The way to end your depression and stress is not with gains from PE. But, feeling a bit more manly with a plump penis rather than your “Survival” mode penis can make things seem a bit more tolerable. However, LOOSING gains, size and/or EQ can definitely have a negative effect and make things worse.

So, my suggestion is to get help with your depression. Thats the most important.
-Hydrate as much as you can tolerate. Proper hydration is key to healthy cells. Cells that are properly hydrated can carry more oxygen and nutrients throughout your body plus it will help to flush out toxins that affect you negatively.
-Focus on light PE that will not cause micro tears. Your body in “Survival” mode will not take the nutrients or energy to repair your penis, likely leaving you with negative gains than with positive gains.
-Exercise. Exercising have proven to elevate your mood and release positive chemicals in to your blood stream, will promote much more blood flow and warms you up.. Not to mention burns fat and makes you healthier.
-Eat properly. Cut way back on your junk food, pop, fast food and salty snacks.
-Don’t masterbate. The build up of horomones and other chemicals in your brain help elevate your mood and gives you energy. After you masterbate your mood and energy falls sharply. By keeping those chemicals in your brain you can use them to exercise, accomplish tasts you otherwise would put off, it allows you to be more creative and it encourages your penis to stay plump and ready for sex.. That alone makes it feel bigger than your “survival” mode penis.

You CAN make gains in your state but its just much, much more difficult. You have to force your body into a false state of “Non-Survival” mode so it will run and use energy and nutrients to make repairs. It is very possible to force your body out of “Survival” mode permanently by continuously forcing it out of survival mode until it forgets it is in survival mode. This is also achieved by altering the brains chemistry synthetically by doctors.

I hope this helps. Sorry I rambled. I am trying to type this while watching my daughter and getting ready for work.

Originally Posted by GettinaBigger1
Hey, 4thewind. I will start by letting you know that your situation is actually pretty common, people just rarely talk about it when it happens. I have had serious bouts of depression and have turned to PE to try to find gains to lift my spirits. The problem is that when you are in a depressed state your brain is dumping a bad mixture of chemicals into your blood stream. Not only does this have a negative affect on your mood and thoughts but also your libido and penis.

The times that I was depressed I found that when I focus on eating better, staying properly hydrated and light PE. When stressed and depressed the penis will actually shrink. It sucks. It just makes things worse. But, if you hydrate (or over hydrate) and focus on a light PE workout you can atleast get your penis to a larger and more plump state. I would drink tons of water, warm up, do 10% erection soft bends (Orange bends), and a light manual BTC stretch and hold. You can do other light PE exercises but nothing that would cause and micro tears at all.

When you are stressed out, fearful, depressed or have anxiety your mind and body falls into a primordial state of “Survival” mode. So basically your body makes decisions based on whether something is needed, how to use energy and how to react to outside interactions. When in “Survival” mode your body keeps the blood circulating to only your most vital organs, which shuts off your large constant flow to the penis to a minimal amount, which makes the feel and appearance of your flaccid state pretty pathetic looking. It monitors your food intake and whatever it doesn’t need for current energy consumption it stores as fat to use for when you don’t have food. If you weren’t in “survival” mode the body could use the extra calories and nutrients to build muscle, repair tissues (micro tears in your penis!) Or any number of positive things. So, any crappy food that you eat that has tons of preservatives, bad fats, bad chemicals, etc get stored as fat to be burned later and cause problems down the road when all the bad stuff gets released back into your blood stream.

There is a ton more scientific stuff I could write but I think you get the idea. It has taken me years of research, filtering through the doctors and scientists that want to be right about everything and make money and TONS of reading to feel like I have enough knowledge to understand the basics of how the human body works. The knowledge I am sharing is not the end all-be all answer to all of your problems, but it has worked for me and I think it might work for you too.

The way to end your depression and stress is not with gains from PE. But, feeling a bit more manly with a plump penis rather than your “Survival” mode penis can make things seem a bit more tolerable. However, LOOSING gains, size and/or EQ can definitely have a negative effect and make things worse.

So, my suggestion is to get help with your depression. Thats the most important.
-Hydrate as much as you can tolerate. Proper hydration is key to healthy cells. Cells that are properly hydrated can carry more oxygen and nutrients throughout your body plus it will help to flush out toxins that affect you negatively.
-Focus on light PE that will not cause micro tears. Your body in “Survival” mode will not take the nutrients or energy to repair your penis, likely leaving you with negative gains than with positive gains.
-Exercise. Exercising have proven to elevate your mood and release positive chemicals in to your blood stream, will promote much more blood flow and warms you up.. Not to mention burns fat and makes you healthier.
-Eat properly. Cut way back on your junk food, pop, fast food and salty snacks.
-Don’t masterbate. The build up of horomones and other chemicals in your brain help elevate your mood and gives you energy. After you masterbate your mood and energy falls sharply. By keeping those chemicals in your brain you can use them to exercise, accomplish tasts you otherwise would put off, it allows you to be more creative and it encourages your penis to stay plump and ready for sex.. That alone makes it feel bigger than your “survival” mode penis.

You CAN make gains in your state but its just much, much more difficult. You have to force your body into a false state of “Non-Survival” mode so it will run and use energy and nutrients to make repairs. It is very possible to force your body out of “Survival” mode permanently by continuously forcing it out of survival mode until it forgets it is in survival mode. This is also achieved by altering the brains chemistry synthetically by doctors.

I hope this helps. Sorry I rambled. I am trying to type this while watching my daughter and getting ready for work.

Excellent post, very informative. I agree with almost everything based on my own research and experiences. Everything except masturbation.

4 weeks ago, I would have wholeheartedly said yes, abstain from masturbation. However, 3 weeks ago, I felt depressed, and stopped PE. It took complete mental focus to get a 30% woody. Then, I decided to watch porn (which I would have been against), and released a few times (only at 50% EQ). EQ grew, and within a week I was back to 80%. Now I am back to normal, 90-95% EQ just from thought. All things in moderation, I guess? I don’t know why, but it worked.

Everyone is different, but I found a once a week nut busting session works for me (all other 6 days I get boners every 15-30 mins or so at work). I think timing your nut busting sessions with whatever interval it takes to peak your EQ might work.

I can safely say that I have little idea how masturbation affects general performance. Abstain from it for a week? I can always go that extra set during workouts, and mental energy is increased. However, it is hard to do work since I slip so easily into fantasizing about girls.

Wank one off? Easier to wake up in the morning, workouts are more difficult, mental focus is better but mental energy is worse. That’s all I’ve found.

Problem solving with fire.

After rereading my post I wanted to clarify a few things and explain some other things in more detail.

First, I think it would be best to consult a professional and talk to loved ones who will help and support you in the matter of your depression.

When I say “Survival” mode think of your body flipping a switch from “I’m okay, no worries, Let’s populate” to “Survival” mode. Its either on “Survival” mode or off from “Survival” mode, to which “Survival” mode is the default setting because it allows us to survive much more than the non survival mode. Humans have two basic modes: Survival, which is the default where it stores energy into fat cells, reduces blood flow, reduces heart rate and anything it can do to be more efficient. The other mode is where our brain and human inputs are satisfied with out environment, there are no stresses and the human switches from survival to populate. This is where your body will use nutrients to build muscle, repair tissues faster, allow your body to relax, breath better, has more blood flow and anything that it isnt using or will need in the near future it will get rid of (via defication, sweat, urine etc) instead of storing it all in as fat. So, when I say “survival” mode think about how you would make decisions if you were being stalked by a very big, angry and hungry grizzly bear because there is not much difference between being stressed out and being stalked by a grizzly as your body can tell. Stress, depression, anxiety etc all trip the switch in your brain, and in turn-your body, to the survival mode.

Now, to the matter of negative gains. When your mind is in a “Survival” mode it will pull in your penis close to the body, limit blood flow and ignore it as far as damage or repair for the most part. If you think about it the only important job the penis has as a “Survival” mechanism is to urinate. Other than that it just gets tucked away to prevent damage and to be more efficient. When the penis is fully retracted it is easier to keep warm and you don’t need much blood flow to keep the tissues from dying from lack of blood circulation. So, if you start stretching and tugging your penis and making micro tears while being stalked by a grizzly, do you think your body will sent appropriate nutrition to repair and strengthen your penis? Or let your penis be, tuck it in more and store energy so you can sprint away or fight off the grizzly if you had to? So basically you caused micro tears and your body pulled it back to a minimal state and either did not repair them or started the repair process in a minimal state, resulting in negative gains. Now, you can reverse these gains but its best not to put your penis through this to begin with. IMHO Its best to work on other areas that doesn’t take as much to heal and get gains from.

I hope this helped to clarify some things from my last post.

@ Fornestruct. Thank you. Thats the other thing that I wanted to clarify. I meant to say that I would obtain from masterbation until your penis heals from the jelqs and stretches. Use the chemistry in your brain that builds up to your favor. There is no sense in jacking off if all your going to do is think about your poor EQ afterwards making your mood and depression. When you get hard later on with good EQ then have at it. Let your penis relax and heal. It takes much longer to recover and heal while your brain/body is in survival mode.

Use the energy to accomplish tasks that will make you feel better and healthier. The more you stay horny, the more it fools your brain and body into thinking that your out of survival mode and in “prosperity and population” mode and it will help elevate your mood, health and overall mental health. Once you reach a plato and your EQ is up then you can make the decision to continue to ride the horny chemical wave to enjoy the sudden release of chemicals after a release. Its short lived but intense and it also has its benefits.


Originally Posted by GettinaBigger1
Hey, 4thewind. I will start by letting you know that your situation is actually pretty common, people just rarely talk about it when it happens. I have had serious bouts of depression and have turned to PE to try to find gains to lift my spirits. The problem is that when you are in a depressed state your brain is dumping a bad mixture of chemicals into your blood stream. Not only does this have a negative affect on your mood and thoughts but also your libido and penis.

The times that I was depressed I found that when I focus on eating better, staying properly hydrated and light PE. When stressed and depressed the penis will actually shrink. It sucks. It just makes things worse. But, if you hydrate (or over hydrate) and focus on a light PE workout you can atleast get your penis to a larger and more plump state. I would drink tons of water, warm up, do 10% erection soft bends (Orange bends), and a light manual BTC stretch and hold. You can do other light PE exercises but nothing that would cause and micro tears at all.

When you are stressed out, fearful, depressed or have anxiety your mind and body falls into a primordial state of “Survival” mode. So basically your body makes decisions based on whether something is needed, how to use energy and how to react to outside interactions. When in “Survival” mode your body keeps the blood circulating to only your most vital organs, which shuts off your large constant flow to the penis to a minimal amount, which makes the feel and appearance of your flaccid state pretty pathetic looking. It monitors your food intake and whatever it doesn’t need for current energy consumption it stores as fat to use for when you don’t have food. If you weren’t in “survival” mode the body could use the extra calories and nutrients to build muscle, repair tissues (micro tears in your penis!) Or any number of positive things. So, any crappy food that you eat that has tons of preservatives, bad fats, bad chemicals, etc get stored as fat to be burned later and cause problems down the road when all the bad stuff gets released back into your blood stream.

There is a ton more scientific stuff I could write but I think you get the idea. It has taken me years of research, filtering through the doctors and scientists that want to be right about everything and make money and TONS of reading to feel like I have enough knowledge to understand the basics of how the human body works. The knowledge I am sharing is not the end all-be all answer to all of your problems, but it has worked for me and I think it might work for you too.

The way to end your depression and stress is not with gains from PE. But, feeling a bit more manly with a plump penis rather than your “Survival” mode penis can make things seem a bit more tolerable. However, LOOSING gains, size and/or EQ can definitely have a negative effect and make things worse.

So, my suggestion is to get help with your depression. Thats the most important.
-Hydrate as much as you can tolerate. Proper hydration is key to healthy cells. Cells that are properly hydrated can carry more oxygen and nutrients throughout your body plus it will help to flush out toxins that affect you negatively.
-Focus on light PE that will not cause micro tears. Your body in “Survival” mode will not take the nutrients or energy to repair your penis, likely leaving you with negative gains than with positive gains.
-Exercise. Exercising have proven to elevate your mood and release positive chemicals in to your blood stream, will promote much more blood flow and warms you up.. Not to mention burns fat and makes you healthier.
-Eat properly. Cut way back on your junk food, pop, fast food and salty snacks.
-Don’t masterbate. The build up of horomones and other chemicals in your brain help elevate your mood and gives you energy. After you masterbate your mood and energy falls sharply. By keeping those chemicals in your brain you can use them to exercise, accomplish tasts you otherwise would put off, it allows you to be more creative and it encourages your penis to stay plump and ready for sex.. That alone makes it feel bigger than your “survival” mode penis.

You CAN make gains in your state but its just much, much more difficult. You have to force your body into a false state of “Non-Survival” mode so it will run and use energy and nutrients to make repairs. It is very possible to force your body out of “Survival” mode permanently by continuously forcing it out of survival mode until it forgets it is in survival mode. This is also achieved by altering the brains chemistry synthetically by doctors.

I hope this helps. Sorry I rambled. I am trying to type this while watching my daughter and getting ready for work.

Could you spend more about SLEEPING and it’s effect on PE and healthy? Especially about duration and the time we should go to bed.
I don’t know why I couldn’t sleep before 3am
I myself understand it is bad because when l wake up my wood morning is bad, but when I go to bed soon, I have good wood morning.

I think PE is NOT only PE, This is a lesson to be patient and perseverance

Originally Posted by mitavanam
Could you spend more about SLEEPING and it’s effect on PE and healthy? Especially about duration and the time we should go to bed.
I don’t know why I couldn’t sleep before 3am
I myself understand it is bad because when l wake up my wood morning is bad, but when I go to bed soon, I have good wood morning.

Sure. Proper rest is another very important aspect we should all focus on. It should also be a focus in everyone’s PE routine. Sleep, the brain states associated with sleep, your natural Circadian Rhythms and metabolism all have a huge part to play in how your body uses energy, provides energy, repairs muscles and tissues and so much more that can directly affect gains and the rate of gains regarding your penis growth.

While we are active and awake our body uses its resources to supply our muscles, nerves, tissues, organs etc with what they need to function at a higher rate to move and do laborious tasks. When we enter a deep, high quality restful sleep our brains switch into “repair” mode. Our organs, muscles, tissues etc relax because they are told by the brain when in the sleep brain states that they will not have to do any work for a while. The brain then uses calories, trace minerals, vitamins, etc to repair muscles, tissues and so forth during this time of peak rest. The body is always making repairs as it can spare the energy but during proper resting states it it supercharged. Not only will a healthy sleep schedule help to provide gains, the gains will come much faster. Your sleep cycle times can vary depending on your schedule and lifestyle but its best to have a consistent cycle to condition your brain and body to be ready for the rest cycle to be more efficient and effective.

So its easy to realize why a proper, healthy sleep schedule should be a staple in your PE routine. If you are having difficulty getting good quality sleep you should consult your doctor about what you can do to improve your sleep cycle. If there is enough interest I could give tips and suggestions to improve your sleep cycle schedule and quality of sleep. As it is, I work 70-100hrs a week, have a wife and children, am a moderator on another forum and have to try to make time for my PE and other hobbies and I’m not sure my posts and comments are useful and appreciated by very many folks and I don’t want to waste any more time and effort than I have to.

My EQ drops if I get depressed or upset. I’m mid-40s, so age is also a factor. Drinking also affects it, and I don’t do drugs, but I would imagine most drugs also have a negative effect.

Anyway, as others have said, mood is a BIG factor in EQ. Your erection happens between your ears. Clean that up as best you can.

Also, I’ve found that jelqing conditions my mind to separate masturbation from PE work. It is a bit more difficult to masturbate than it used to be. I have to really be in the mood, and I don’t need to masturbate as often. With my wife, EQ is no problem, but when it’s just me and my jelqing mitts, masturbation is sort of routine. So right there it shows me how much is in my mind, and how much is just me being used to my hands.

So a few things may be happening. First, you’re in a bad place and your mood is bringing you down. Second, the jelqing may be conditioning you to the feeling of your hands, and masturbation is simply not as arousing as it used to be. Third, you may not need to masturbate as often, now.

So you might try modifying your masturbation routine. Something as simple as swapping hands or changing grip, or maybe try a new lotion or a vagina toy or something. Maybe some porn. Something. Anything. Just change it up. You might also try laying off the masturbation until it really gets uncomfortable.

Also, are you still getting night/morning wood? I may have missed that in the other posts if you mentioned it already. If you still have dream woody, then that demonstrates your body is still functioning as it should, and that there is a disconnect between head and groin.

- Saul

Bigger, Stronger, Thicker, Longer

2016-08-26: 6 1/8" x 5 ... 2017-02-28: 6 3/4" x 5... 2017-07-08: 6 7/8" x 5 1/8"

Originally Posted by GettinaBigger1
Sure. Proper rest is another very important aspect we should all focus on. It should also be a focus in everyone’s PE routine. Sleep, the brain states associated with sleep, your natural Circadian Rhythms and metabolism all have a huge part to play in how your body uses energy, provides energy, repairs muscles and tissues and so much more that can directly affect gains and the rate of gains regarding your penis growth.

While we are active and awake our body uses its resources to supply our muscles, nerves, tissues, organs etc with what they need to function at a higher rate to move and do laborious tasks. When we enter a deep, high quality restful sleep our brains switch into “repair” mode. Our organs, muscles, tissues etc relax because they are told by the brain when in the sleep brain states that they will not have to do any work for a while. The brain then uses calories, trace minerals, vitamins, etc to repair muscles, tissues and so forth during this time of peak rest. The body is always making repairs as it can spare the energy but during proper resting states it it supercharged. Not only will a healthy sleep schedule help to provide gains, the gains will come much faster. Your sleep cycle times can vary depending on your schedule and lifestyle but its best to have a consistent cycle to condition your brain and body to be ready for the rest cycle to be more efficient and effective.

So its easy to realize why a proper, healthy sleep schedule should be a staple in your PE routine. If you are having difficulty getting good quality sleep you should consult your doctor about what you can do to improve your sleep cycle. If there is enough interest I could give tips and suggestions to improve your sleep cycle schedule and quality of sleep. As it is, I work 70-100hrs a week, have a wife and children, am a moderator on another forum and have to try to make time for my PE and other hobbies and I’m not sure my posts and comments are useful and appreciated by very many folks and I don’t want to waste any more time and effort than I have to.

Thank you very much

If it’s possible for you, please give me your tips.
When i use quetiapine my sleep and morning wood is good.

I think PE is NOT only PE, This is a lesson to be patient and perseverance

Hi friends

Do you think that shrinking the flaccid penis and ED could be caused by high level of Hemoglobin? Because the blood could not be pumped to penis (because of high density)

I think PE is NOT only PE, This is a lesson to be patient and perseverance


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