Thunder's Place

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6 weeks into newbie routine and dick is shrinking. What am I doing wrong?


6 weeks into newbie routine and dick is shrinking. What am I doing wrong?

I’ve done PE on and off the last several years and decided to get back into it after an extreme bout of depression. I’ve always seemed prone to injury and low on the EQ side, so I really wanted to take it easy and did a light version of the newbie routine, with basically no more than 100 or so jelqs.

After 6 weeks of this, my EQ has gone down to the point that my dick isn’t even completely hard when I ejaculate. Length seems to have decreased about 0.2” . What the hell?!

This stuff has driven me to the point of suicidal thoughts (had another thread about that), but the only thing worse than a tiny dick is an completely useless one. I’m really trying to remain positive and make this work— what am I doing wrong? If anything my routine should’ve yielded neutral results because it’s VERY light…

Hey 4thewind,

The mind is the most important factor in erections. There is no guarantee you’ll be 100% erect at ejaculation, either. You can ejaculate as low as 70% or so. Stress makes your unit soft, as does depression… But it does suck and will likely lead to more stress and therefore worse results.

That said, there are some factors you can check. First of all, People are reporting gains with as few as 50 jelqs per on day, so if your unit isn’t conditioned enough for more, take a step back. Go to 80 or 60 or even 40 jelqs and see what happens. Do you do kegels? A strong PC muscle makes it a lot easier to obtain a strong erection. Certain substances such as caffeine stimulate the active nervous system which also inhibits erections while promoting ejaculation (being stressed is the most common cause for both the limp dicker syndrome and premature ejaculation, often at the same time). I don’t know if you’re in shape, but if you’ve just come out of a bout of depression you may want to exercise since the majority of depressed don’t do that much. It’s good for mind and body. You can also take more rest days. Try 1 on 1 off or even take a week off and see what happens, isolate the problem.

I’m sure you’ve been told this, but if you’re struggling with depression and/or anxiety you should get that looked at too and not just for PE purposes. Personally I benefited greatly from power poses and stretching the m.pectoralis minor which is a small muscle in the shoulder joint. When it’s tight, it pulls your shoulders forward slumping them and causing pressure on your chest and anxiety. Stretching the muscle improved both my posture and my mood.

You’re likely just too stressed. That’s all. Low EQ is usually in the head. Then when you notice this, it gets worse. Hope that helps, good luck!

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

Stop completely for a month.

Then start again with the linear routine or with half of what you are doing now.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

100 or so jelqs is actually alot, especially for someone just starting again. Try 10 - 20 slow jelqs first in your routine and see how your penis responds to it. If it doesnt shrink and retract much, then you can either maintain that amount for a couple of weeks or slowly increase the quantity as you get familiar w PE again. Just my 2 cents.

First of all, 100 jelqs isn’t alot. You don’t have the symptoms of overtraining. I would recommend doing some introspection and figuring out the root of your depresion. What caused it…family, girls, other people, society….that is the first step. Once you figure that out, find a plan to counter it, and stick with it. This may seem general, but depression is different per person, and only you can find out wht the problem is.

Once your outlook on life changes, so will your dick. If you change outlook and your dick is still not performing, then take the break, but for now it doesn’t seem like overtraining. Only you know that though.

Problem solving with fire.

Right now worry is your issue. Depression and PE are a bad combo. I’d drop the PE and get the mental aspects taken care of.

What you are describing sounds psychosomatic and mentally you are hindering yourself. The body is a toy of the mind and whatever feelings you have about your penis and body, conscious and willing or unconscious thoughts…will affect you. Your own belief that you have a weak penis or are injury prone sets the stage for poor PE performance, regardless of how light the workout actually is. Self fulfilling prophecies are always right. The mindset for gains and goals is your best weapon in life, not just PE. I don’t know where you are in life or what you’re dealing with but…it started in your mind. Maybe after something happened to you but…it’s in your head that despair starts. And you have to deal with that. PE won’t fix it. Gains wouldn’t fix it.

Racing to the Brick Wall- Gains before a fall

I’m no head doctor but I’ve done depression and PE. The times I got my worst injuries I wasn’t in my right mind.

That’s all I can say.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Last edited by thoughtfulgold : 09-27-2016 at .

I already do 1 on 1 off, but I’ll try to lower the jelq count even more. Somehow I highly doubt I’ll see gains doing basically 50 jelqs once every other day, but I guess it’s a shot?

I’m really worried I have a stretching injury. I can feel it when I stretch, and the lack of EQ happens right at the base. In other words, it gets hard but it doesnt really stand up. Maybe I popped a ligament!?

I want to address the depression of course, but I want to address my dick once and for all too. thoughtfulgold, your stats are amazing and a big inspiration (I’m close to your starting stats). I’d rather keep going than put this off anymore.

Originally Posted by 4thewind

I want to address the depression of course, but I want to address my dick once and for all too. thoughtfulgold, your stats are amazing and a big inspiration (I’m close to your starting stats). I’d rather keep going than put this off anymore.

What you would rather do and what will work are two different things at this point. I’ve tried to PE while depressed and angry. It ended badly. What you are doing is going badly now. You are already spiraling down a path of erect losses and injury. There is no longer a reason to keep going.

It’s your dick and your choice but unless you do some drastic changes you’ll end up worse off and more depressed with a broken dick at the rate you’re going.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Right now worry is your issue. Depression and PE are a bad combo. I’d drop the PE and get the mental aspects taken care of.

What you are describing sounds psychosomatic and mentally you are hindering yourself. The body is a toy of the mind and whatever feelings you have about your penis and body, conscious and willing or unconscious thoughts.. Will affect you. Your own belief that you have a weak penis or are injury prone sets the stage for poor PE performance, regardless of how light the workout actually is. Self fulfilling prophecies are always right. The mindset for gains and goals is your best weapon in life, not just PE. I don’t know where you are in life or what you’re dealing with but.. It started in your mind. Maybe after something happened to you’s in your head that despair starts. And you have to deal with that. PE won’t fix it. Gains wouldn’t fix it.

Racing to the Brick Wall- Gains before a fall

I’m no head doctor but I’ve done depression and PE. The times I got my worst injuries I wasn’t in my right mind.

That’s all I can say.

Thoughtfulgold I really didn’t understand the POWERFUL effect of mind
Now I see one of things that causes I didn’t see tangible gain in last 9 month was STRESS and DEPRESSION and OBSESSION about SIZE. (80% of my DEPRESSION is just about size)

I did many mistakes about my innocent mind:
For example I’ve been reading the micro penises problems and think oh god why you create me with this penis (while I was NOT micro penis (I was more than 6”) ) or seeing deceptive video that women humiliate small penis (probably for financial issue like porn) .(it was Terrible for my mind), and thinking any woman that I want to have a date with her, will humiliate me (while I wasn’t micro penis at all and also I think few woman do it with micro penises). Or in chat I’ve been asking ‘Dose size matter?’ or ..
But I’ve STOPPED all these mistakes and want to focus on thing that is good for my mind, body and penis.
I want to go to gym, Yuga and ..
I want to read about Psychological issues and positive things
I want to plan for my life and gold goal

And I thank you and clgp7 for your helps ( All you have to do is keep the faith was perfect).
I would be grateful if you could spend more on faith and mind topics

I think PE is NOT only PE, This is a lesson to be patient and perseverance

Last edited by mitavanam : 11-21-2016 at . Reason: mistakes in word

Originally Posted by mitavanam
Thoughtfulgold I really didn’t understand the POWERFUL effect of mind
Now I see one of things that causes I didn’t see tangible gain in last 9 month was STRESS and DEPRESSION and OBSESSION about SIZE. (80% of my DEPRESSION is just about size)

I did many mistakes about my innocent mind:
For example I’ve been reading the micro penises problems and think oh god why you create me with this penis (while I was NOT micro penis (I was more than 6”) ) or seeing deceptive video that women humiliate small penis (probably for financial issue like porn) .(it was Terrible for my mind), and thinking any woman that I want to have a date with her, will humiliate me (while I wasn’t micro penis at all and also I think few woman do it with micro penises). Or in chat I’ve been asking ‘Dose size matter?’ or ..
But I’ve STOPPED all these mistakes and want to focus on thing that is good for my mind, body and penis.
I want to go to gym, Yuga and ..
I want to read about Psychological issues and positive things
I want to plan for my life and gold goal

And I thank you and clgp7 for your helps ( All you have to do is keep the faith was perfect).
I would be grateful if you could spend more on faith and mind topics

Albert Einstein say : A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.

I think PE is NOT only PE, This is a lesson to be patient and perseverance

Hey 4TW,
Do not take anything I say over the mods and senior members here, they are the experts and I am only a learning newbie but..

Like you I have had questions about shrinking or a lower erection quality (due to over working the unit) making measurement and measurement results misleading.
Due to that, I now measure against my bone press flaccid stretch number as I find this to be much more repeatable measurement for me. It takes out variables about if the lesbian porn I am watching is getting me 90%, 95%, or 100% erect (under 90% watching lesbian porn is not possible) before measuring. Now it is a simple flaccid measurement and I can confirm if my routine is working in a positive direction without other variables in the equation.. And we all know the fewer the variables the more accurate the information.

As you already know, everyone is different so this may or may not work for you but I wanted to mention it as someone who just went through the same scenario.

The above info is for when you start back up. Again, these mods and senior members are the experts and you want to heed their advice.

Originally Posted by Mike03016
Hey 4TW,
Do not take anything I say over the mods and senior members here, they are the experts and I am only a learning newbie but..

Like you I have had questions about shrinking or a lower erection quality (due to over working the unit) making measurement and measurement results misleading.
Due to that, I now measure against my bone press flaccid stretch number as I find this to be much more repeatable measurement for me. It takes out variables about if the lesbian porn I am watching is getting me 90%, 95%, or 100% erect (under 90% watching lesbian porn is not possible) before measuring. Now it is a simple flaccid measurement and I can confirm if my routine is working in a positive direction without other variables in the equation.. And we all know the fewer the variables the more accurate the information.

As you already know, everyone is different so this may or may not work for you but I wanted to mention it as someone who just went through the same scenario.

The above info is for when you start back up. Again, these mods and senior members are the experts and you want to heed their advice.

Hi Mike03016
I usually measure pbfsl like you
One thing that I realize a bout pbfsl is that if you measure pbfsl for several time (Continuously in one session of measurement for example 20 times), your pbfsl at first time will not equal pbfsl in 20th time and last measurement is bigger (because of tissue tension)

I think PE is NOT only PE, This is a lesson to be patient and perseverance

Originally Posted by mitavanam
Hi Mike03016
I usually measure pbfsl like you
One thing that I realize a bout pbfsl is that if you measure pbfsl for several time (Continuously in one session of measurement for example 20 times), your pbfsl at first time will not equal pbfsl in 20th time and last measurement is bigger (because of tissue tension)

Yep, I have a set routine to eliminate variables as much as possible (being an engineer will do that to you). I use my AB Silicone ADS (or the same unit from MonkeyBar) for a half hour prior to my measurement.

I just want to be as repeatable as possible and compare apples to apples, this works for me.

Originally Posted by Mike03016
Yep, I have a set routine to eliminate variables as much as possible (being an engineer will do that to you). I use my AB Silicone ADS (or the same unit from MonkeyBar) for a half hour prior to my measurement.

I just want to be as repeatable as possible and compare apples to apples, this works for me.

Ya I’m civil engineer (lol)
At first when I was measuring and seeing it is not equal, I was nervous but now I understand what should I do
Wish the best for you

I think PE is NOT only PE, This is a lesson to be patient and perseverance

Keep it simple, pick a number and stretch to it the same each time.

Say your number is 10, stretch your penis ten times with a slight hold then on the 11th stretch take your measurement.

That is an easy way to compare apples to apples on the number.
Of course there is a down side to flaccid measuring.. You aren’t watching lesbian porn during the process. Lol

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