Thunder's Place

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Newbie Routine or New Newbie Routine

Newbie Routine or New Newbie Routine

Hey everybody!

I am really excited about the possibilities that are presented here. However, I am proceeding cautiously, as I don’t want to break what already works (aka - my dick, I have never had a problem with EQ or erection frequency). I did a somewhat scaled back version of the Newbie Routine last night, but I have also read quite a bit of the threads here, and I want to be sure I can do everything I can with my possible Newbie gains.

I’ve read about the LOT theory, the TGC theory, and also Spankyx’s thread about PI (all seem pretty sensible, especially the latter two). I just want to make sure that I can do everything I can with my possible Newbie gains; I don’t want to hinder later, harder to come by gains.

I would like to add both length and girth to my unit, especially girth as I am slightly below average (4.75 EG), however I will take anything I can get. So I am wondering what the general feeling around here is pertaining to Newbie routines. Is it best to start very slowly, avoid any type of stretching for a few weeks, and jelq for a very short time? Or is the general newbie routine the best place to start? I would like to prolong any Newbie gains that I may experience as long as possible - ie., I want as much as I can get from the Newbie gains, however, I don’t want to overtrain my junk right from the very beginning.

In short, should I follow the Newbie Routine or the “New” Newbie Routine? I do indeed hope that this question has not been rehashed over and over - I searched for this answer, but was unable to find anything definitive.

Thanks for reading my questions, I really admire and appreciate all of the help that is on this board.

Thanks again!

If you feel nervous about damaging your unit then go for the lesser one at first. Once you have gained confidence in what you are doing then you can move on to the more advanced routine.

The main thing to remember is to treat your penis with respect and don’t overdo things. Your post says that you care so you shouldn’t have any trouble. But as always, listen to what your dick is telling you. Difficulty in erections or spots are danger signs.

Hope that helps.


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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Thanks for the reply Petitfaun. I am going to start with J123’s New Newbie Routine and go from there.

That’s probably a good decision. I like the lighter newbie routine anyway. It seems as if starting out too light is much better (and more productive) than starting out too hard.

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