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7-10 Second Jelqs

7-10 Second Jelqs

I jelqed the standard 3 seconds for about a month and a half and noticed very little gains. After a workout my cock felt regular as if it didn’t just receive an extensive workout. I don’t know where I came up with this idea but started significantly slowing down my jelq strokes to about 7-10 seconds and the results have been amazing. After about a couple weeks of inconsistent PE I have still managed to gain almost a half inch in girth. Has anyone else had experience with this? It’s harder to stay soft through the extended period but I feel a great deal more “worked out” afterwards. I noticed that after I jelq if I get an erection the next day there are visible lumps which I think are those tears repairing which causes growth. I could be wrong but I think longer strokes are worth at least trying once.

I will definetly try slower jelqs. I consistantly jelqed for 3 months with no girth gains whatsoever. What percentage of an erection do you slow jelq with and how long (the whole workout)?

Starting: (2/1/06) (nbpel=7.8) (bpel=8.15) (eg=5 3/16)

06/29/07: (nbpel=8 1/2) (bpel=9) (mid eg=6) (base eg 6.25)

Comparison Pictures, 8in to 9in= My Comparison Pic thread.


1) Are do wet or dry jelqs?
2) How many minutes do you jelq for?
3) How inconsistent is inconsistent - 1 on/1 off, 1 on/2 off?
4) At what erection percentage do you jelq?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

As soon as my newbie routine will stop to work, I will try that out !

I’m already gaining nice, so I won’t change it immediately :)


In my opinion, if your willing to try advanced girth techniques and do not have the patience (like me) to do a 7 to 10 second jelq stroke, try clamping.


Yeah, I’ve been thinking about this for a week now. What I did was build up from 250 to 500 Wet Jelqs at 3 seconds each, and now I’m thinking of switching down to 250 reps again but this time doing them all at 6 seconds each. So really it’s the same as 500 reps at 3 seconds each again. I don’t step down.

Or may be I could try and do 150 reps but at 10 seconds each? This is still the same as 500 reps at 3 seconds each.

Or may be 150 reps will never be enough? Who knows, we can only try!

I'm pissed of with my gains and loses. I've been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

Hey? I just realised. Slowing down the reps means that you can’t stretch the penis as effectively, so could this mean that your length gains could suffer?

I'm pissed of with my gains and loses. I've been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

Hm, I got to the point where I would simply jelq as long, (manually) clamp as hard as I think will give me good expansion a few weeks ago.
Feels better, erections are getting even better than before and I’m finally getting some girth gains (which has been a rather tough one for me up until now) :)


P.S: Clamping after jelqing helps to keep the gains.. I usually intermix jelqing with clamping, followed by jelqing if I feel I can still get more expansion (safely!). Having a prolonged 100%+ erection for at least half an hour after the exercise really helps too :)


1. Wet

2. I usually jelq 35 mins.

3. Lately because of school, work and just going out I’ve only really been doin pe maybe 3 days a week. The weekend its almost impossible to pe so i usually just do Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and sometimes if I can on Friday. So basicially 3 on 1 off, 1 on and 2 off

4. I try to stay around 70 to 80% erection

Originally Posted by Marco_187
Hey? I just realised. Slowing down the reps means that you can’t stretch the penis as effectively, so could this mean that your length gains could suffer?

Marco I think its just the opposit, being that you have grip for a longer period of time you get a longer stretch.

Regerer, we spoke about your advise in the Spanish language forum, and I’ve included the basic ideas in the introduction of a compilation of girth exercices I make:

Compilación de ejercicios de grosor

Thank you!

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