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A few questions.

A few questions.

Alright I’m a beginner (obviously as I’m posting in the newbie forum), and thus a couple months back I attempted to work the suggested newbie PE routine. For the jelq I exclusively used the dry method until about a month into a routine which had been performed with varying degrees of commitment, but I had really begun to see what looked and felt like a stronger and healthier penis. Unfortunately, around the time that I began to experiment with a wet jelq, it appeared that the veins had become thrombosed according to all the descriptions I had read. I am uncircumcised and the problem occured in the foreskin and in a vein encircling just below the base of my head on the top side of my shaft. When I visited the doctor I was extremely flaccid and none of the vein in question was prominent but now that I’m out of there and had sex tonight it has gotten really hard and rubbery again So:

1)anybody have advice about how to correct thrombosed veins beyond heat packs and sulindac? That the doctor gave me for my back but also told me it was what was used to treat my possible penis problem

2)I think that the wet jelq was bad for my uncut penis. Anybody else had this experience.could that be the thought was that when I begin again I could just use a wet jelq on the base because it seems to be more effective in reaching further down the shaft

3)because the thrombosis is localized near the head would it be harmful to jelq the rest of the penis and avoid the damaged veins.. How soon and so on..

Sorry if I should have posted these questions separately but any experience and wisdom shared would be greatly appreciated

Originally Posted by wannabe190

…had sex tonight it has gotten really hard and rubbery again…

Vein thromboses do not come and go. A thrombosis is a clot in a vein that the body is trying to remove. It’s hard, red, and hot. It’s also painful to touch. Too many guys here think that the enlarged and thicker veins that develop with PE are thrombosed. They are not. It’s considered normal and is a side effect of jelqing.

1) Anybody have advice about how to correct thrombosed veins beyond heat packs and sulindac? That the doctor gave me for my back but also told me it was what was used to treat my possible penis problem.

I doubt that you have vein thrombosis. Sulindac is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It’s usually prescribed for severe inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. That class of drugs are known to cause problems with the blood clotting mechanism and you should avoid taking other pain medicines while using it. If your veins are not red and hot, they aren’t inflamed and you don’t need that medication for your penis (IMO, I’m not a doctor).

2) I think that the wet jelq was bad for my uncut penis. Anybody else had this experience. Could that be the cause. My thought was that when I begin again I could just use a wet jelq on the base because it seems to be more effective in reaching further down the shaft.

One of the advantages of having an intact foreskin is that you can jelq without using a lubricant. You can do that if your foreskin is loose enough to retract easily with a semi-erection. This allows you to pull the loose skin back (even to the base) and concentrate putting pressure on the inner structures while you move the stroke toward the glans (head) by moving only the skin. Guys who are not circumcised and use the wet jelq seem to concentrate the pressure on the skin and this causes foreskin swelling and even larger veins. You might try a different grip technique with the dry jelq. See this post for a two handed, fingertip only approach described by our member RB.

3) Because the thrombosis is localized near the head would it be harmful to jelq the rest of the penis and avoid the damaged veins.. How soon and so on..

Try going back to the dry method using RB’s two handed method and use your naturally loose skin as the lubricant. By pulling the skin toward the base, then gripping it there and sliding toward the head without moving your fingers over the skin, you can concentrate the squeeze on the inner structures of the shaft. Your veins will enlarge, that’s expected with jelqing. I don’t think your veins are damaged and I don’t think you need to wait.

You might also want to search using the term “uncircumcised jelqing” or “uncut jelq” to see what others have said about it. Those words are fairly common and may bring up a lot of threads. You can search only thread titles and get a better list of related threads.

Originally Posted by westla90069
Vein thromboses do not come and go. A thrombosis is a clot in a vein that the body is trying to remove. It’s hard, red, and hot. It’s also painful to touch. Too many guys here think that the enlarged and thicker veins that develop with PE are thrombosed. They are not. It’s considered normal and is a side effect of jelqing.

We should etch the above quote in stone somewhere here.

Increased penile vascularity is a common side effect of PE. Some of them even become hard and rubbery when you are erect; difficult to indent them with a fingertip. This is because they are turgid with blood. Another common side effect of PE is an increase in erection quality and frequency. This is because your arterial hydrolics are becoming more efficient.

wannabe wrote: “That the doctor gave me for my back but also told me it was what was used to treat my possible penis problem.”

Did he examine this and tell you it was thrombosed?



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