Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

a few questions

a few questions

I am a new member, have been reading the forum for some time though.
I have a couple questions, I am assuming most of you here are all in this subject for long enough time, so any kind of informative help/leading would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.

1) Almost every post I read about kegels suggests at least 5 seconds contradictions. I know there isn’t any confusion for me about locating the pc muscles. Then, why in my case I can hold those pc muscles only for 1/2 seconds, not even a sec! ?? It is like automatic response, can’t hold it more than 1 sec. It is a big difference and that really confuses me.

2) I used to involve PE 2 years ago, but since I didn’t see the results I was expecting I quit it after the second month(also because of a lot of lubricant consumption and red spots on my penis I felt like I wasn’t on the right track).
Anyways,now I put my mind in it again and my objective is very realistic(I guess). I am somewhere 5.5- 6 inches right now and all I am looking for in terms of length is an extra 1 or 1.5 inches. Do you think Newbie routine is an effective way to see these results in couple of months? I know the time period differs from person to person but any thoughts and recommendations would be helpful.

3) Eventhough the length is almost 6” while erect, in flaccid state it is very small(hard to admit but even i don’t wanna look at it:) like I have been letting it in a cup full of ice and it shrinks and I mean really shrinks! What should be my goals, routines and expectations for the increased flaccid size?

4) What would be the most convenient lubricant in order to apply effective PE routines? For me 2 criteria are the most important. 1) Long Lasting 2) Decent price

These are some questions which comes up to my mind on the first place. This is the point where I need information/leading/thoughts from you guys who have been in PE’ing for long enough. Hopefully I’ll get good responses and I’ll start it without any question marks in my mind.



>1) Almost every post I read about kegels suggests at least 5 seconds contradictions. I know there isn’t any confusion for me about locating the pc muscles. Then, why in my case I can hold those pc muscles only for 1/2 seconds, not even a sec! ?? It is like automatic response, can’t hold it more than 1 sec. It is a big difference and that really confuses me. <

So when you take a piss the flow stops for a split second, then continues? If this is the case and you are sure you have located the muscle correctly, then just work on it for a week or so and see what the results are.

>Do you think Newbie routine is an effective way to see these results in couple of months? I know the time period differs from person to person but any thoughts and recommendations would be helpful. <

No I doubt it, 1”-1.5” in 2 months with the newbie routine, that would be a first I think. Your goals are very attainable, and who knows? Maybe you will make great initial gains. But keep patient and realise that this is a long term investment.

>3) Eventhough the length is almost 6” while erect, in flaccid state it is very small(hard to admit but even i don’t wanna look at it like I have been letting it in a cup full of ice and it shrinks and I mean really shrinks! What should be my goals, routines and expectations for the increased flaccid size? <

Regular PE tends to give a good flaccid, as does drinking a whole load of water every day (like 3-4 litres). Arginine has improved flaccid hang for some. You can expect flaccid gains to come before erect (this happens in most cases), and there is an exercise called the ‘fowfer’ which seems particularly effective in this area. Piss pulls (2-3 30 second pulls when you take a piss) can also help to keep things extended through the day.

>4) What would be the most convenient lubricant in order to apply effective PE routines? For me 2 criteria are the most important. 1) Long Lasting 2) Decent price <

Vaseline is #1 for me. I got some KY jelly to try, but haven’t got around to using it yet.

Good luck, and remember to stay focused and persistant with your routine.


Originally Posted by SS4Jelq


>1) Almost every post I read about kegels suggests at least 5 seconds contradictions. I know there isn’t any confusion for me about locating the pc muscles. Then, why in my case I can hold those pc muscles only for 1/2 seconds, not even a sec! ?? It is like automatic response, can’t hold it more than 1 sec. It is a big difference and that really confuses me. <

So when you take a piss the flow stops for a split second, then continues? If this is the case and you are sure you have located the muscle correctly, then just work on it for a week or so and see what the results are.

>Do you think Newbie routine is an effective way to see these results in couple of months? I know the time period differs from person to person but any thoughts and recommendations would be helpful. <

No I doubt it, 1”-1.5” in 2 months with the newbie routine, that would be a first I think. Your goals are very attainable, and who knows? Maybe you will make great initial gains. But keep patient and realise that this is a long term investment.

>3) Eventhough the length is almost 6” while erect, in flaccid state it is very small(hard to admit but even i don’t wanna look at it like I have been letting it in a cup full of ice and it shrinks and I mean really shrinks! What should be my goals, routines and expectations for the increased flaccid size? <

Regular PE tends to give a good flaccid, as does drinking a whole load of water every day (like 3-4 litres). Arginine has improved flaccid hang for some. You can expect flaccid gains to come before erect (this happens in most cases), and there is an exercise called the ‘fowfer’ which seems particularly effective in this area. Piss pulls (2-3 30 second pulls when you take a piss) can also help to keep things extended through the day.

>4) What would be the most convenient lubricant in order to apply effective PE routines? For me 2 criteria are the most important. 1) Long Lasting 2) Decent price <

Vaseline is #1 for me. I got some KY jelly to try, but haven’t got around to using it yet.

Good luck, and remember to stay focused and persistant with your routine.


SS4, thanks for the information and being the only one in the forum. Seems like we have a group of people who are dying to help here :)

1) About kegels, stopping the flow when I take a piss is a different story(my opinion), I can stop that longer but I think besides pc muscles some other stuff is involved there. I can stop the flow while I am not feeling the pc muscles contracting. In regular times when you do pc excersises and you put your fingers on the pc muscles(or seeing your testicles pulling up or trying to move your penis upwards,etc), do you feel that you can squueze and hold it more than 2-3 sec? When you touch your pc muscles do you feel it hard and contracted during those sec?

2) If not newbie routine then where can I find information in order to come up with an effective routine? Do I have to buy one of those programs which are everywhere on the net and if so how do I know which ones are reliable and effective?

Thanks for the information again. I have one last question though. Are these results permanent or temporary? in other words will we need some kind of maintenance work after reaching the desired results?


I think the newbie routine is good for the first week, just to get yourself used to the work. Thats what I am doing now, but you should increase the time stretching and jelqing as soon as you get used to it. Just look at the list of manual excercises, and try some out to further stress your unit.


>thanks for the information and being the only one in the forum. Seems like we have a group of people who are dying to help here<

No problem. There are plenty of people here willing to help, don’t worry about that. Maybe my answers were so good everyone got so blown away that they fainted and forgot to post when they came around. OK maybe not.

>In regular times when you do pc excersises and you put your fingers on the pc muscles(or seeing your testicles pulling up or trying to move your penis upwards,etc), do you feel that you can squueze and hold it more than 2-3 sec?<

Oh yeah. I do two ‘groups’ of kegel work. One group is squeezes of 5 seconds, the other is long squeezes, like over a minute.

> When you touch your pc muscles do you feel it hard and contracted during those sec? <

I never touched the area when kegeling, but I just tried it now and I can feel something contracting down there. A good thing to do is pull your dick upwards, to your chin. The muscle should contract automatically, and then you can ‘take over’ the automatic contraction with a conscious one. Like flipping the auto pilot off. After that you should have a feel for where it is, and if you have difficulties just pull upwards again to get back ‘in the flow’. Also, try stopping the urine flow maybe 5-6 times for 5 seconds each. With a bit of practice you should have it down pat.

>2) If not newbie routine then where can I find information in order to come up with an effective routine? Do I have to buy one of those programs which are everywhere on the net and if so how do I know which ones are reliable and effective? <

The newbie routine is effective, and is your best bet. You see, the limiting factors for growth, the ligs and tunica, are a lot stronger than the soft tissues of the penis, the skin, veins and arteries, the glans etc. Now, the soft tissues will adapt to these strange new stresses being placed on them, but only if you start with the beginner stuff and build up to the advanced exercises over a few months. The advanced stuff is more effective, but if you try that before the soft tissues have been properly conditioned are at a high risk for injury. Go read the injuries forum and see what could happen to you. I know you are eager to gain, but I strongly recommend you do the newbie routine for a month or two first. Do not let the fact that it is a beginner routine put you off - many people have gained using it or similar routines.

In the meantime, read up on some of the great threads here. This is a good start (the part about being annoying is a joke), and some other good ones are the sticky threads in the newbie forum.

>Thanks for the information again. I have one last question though. Are these results permanent or temporary? in other words will we need some kind of maintenance work after reaching the desired results? <

The general opinion is that the results are permanent once cemented. After making a gain, it takes a few weeks more of continued PE to cement it. I myself have found this out the hard way - I made gains by hanging one angle, then switched before they were cemented. Then I had to take a break, and lost the gains. When I resumed PE, I regained what I had lost, and made sure to continue the routine for a while longer. Then I had to take another extended break from PE (10 weeks both times BTW), only the second time I kept all my erect gains.

Good Luck

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