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Trail run last night... have some questions..

Trail run last night... have some questions..

I did a trail run last night and have a few questions.

I did the stretches/hot wrap no problem. Was doing the DLD but really didn’t feel any benefit to the reverse stretches however maybe its cause i am just starting and havent really gotten the hang of ‘isolating’ my ligs. Maybe as i get more experience this will come naturally.

I did bruise myself last night on the left side and underneath. i also did get some spotting on the head. I am going to take a few days off. Just a little eager i think.
I have noticed and even today that the skin is much more plyable and stretchy than normal. Also when i had finished my ending hotwrap i noticed that there were actually wrinkles in my headskin! i have never seen that before in my whole life. Maybe a big headed monster is on its way :)

anyway, here are my questions:

I chose to use alow vera with Vit E baby oil for my lubricant. Is this a good lube? i noticed it was slippery but messy however thats ok.

I jelqed for about 20-30 minutes with 2 second or so strokes. My questions are about technique:

When i am stroking using the A-OK (palm under shaft) do i grab as close to the base/testes as possible then slowly squeeze & slide to the base of the head?

D i use just the A-OK finger/thumb combo for the stroke or should i get more fingers in on the action?

Whn doing this move is it normal for the skin to be bunching at the same time as i am stroking? Or should the skin be stetched so that my hand is sliding just on the surface of the shaft?

Any thoughts about this Q’s are greatly appreciated!

Baby oil is fine, some guys even use vaseline. Personaly I find KY liquid best.

When jelqing apply the grip as low as possible, ensure the grip is tight and then start stroke. Try to not vary the tightness of the grip during the stroke.

Using the thumb and forefinger is normally fine, sometime I substitute my middle finger but I find using two fingers and a thumb not so good because it effectively pushes the starting position up by one fingers width. Also I sit with a 45 degree lower back angle to expose as much of the inner penis as possible (allowing the grip to be even lower).

Yes skin will bunch, its safe to ignore it. If you like you can pull back the skin periodicaly or try on each stroke but if doing this reduces the blood you can retain between strokes don’t bother.

Discoloration (especialy underneath) is one of the not particularly pleasent side effects of jelqing. Don’t worry about redi spots, they are a sign you are doing enough work not that you are going too far.

Last edited by memento : 11-03-2002 at .

Thanks Memento.

I was laying down on the bed watching a movie with the wife while i was jelqing. This did allow me to get a good lower grip like you said.

I will keep an eye on this ‘bleeding’ as the thread you refered discussed. As for the redi spots, i know they will go away after awhile.

Thanks for the answer!


did you mean to say trial run?? hehe… I was like ok….

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Re: Going4nine?

Originally posted by bigblackstick
did you mean to say trial run?? hehe… I was like ok….

heh :)

yeah trial run! gotta test out my technique then ask for feedback :grin:

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