A Little Advice So I Can Move Forward
For the past 1-2 months I haven’t been able to get a consistent routine going. Not because I am not dedicated, but because my penis won’t let me. I will get a good routine going for about a week (warm up, stretch, jelq, warm down), but soon after my penis will become sore from stretching and will hurt when I try to stretch it. I have been doing your typical newbie manual stretches (straight out, up, down, V and Inverted V) and only spend about 5 minutes tops doing these stretches. I want to stretch my ligs but it feels like I’m stretching the place where I’m gripping, right below the head, more then anything else. That same spot is where the pain comes, usually on the bottom side of my unit right between the shaft and head (not sure what it’s called). I will get the pain, rest a week or two, feel great and go back at my light routine. Usually when I start my routine back up it will feel great and I feel like I’m moving forward until a day or two later the same spot gets real sore and will stop me from keeping a consistent routine. I’m wondering what I injured, how to heal it correctly so I can move on and make some gains and if I can still jelq while I am healing whatever I injured. Any advice whatsoever will be greatly appreciated!