Thanks for the replies. Gprent I don’t think that I am that small after all. Usually like 4.5 in length when flaccid. Sometimes 5.5. It really varies a lot, but right after the break the night before I started again I felt that it must have been like 3 inches.Scary stuff 8)
I understand what you mean, but trust me a week off should not make you lose your gains. It just helps to recover and when you come back you will probably gain better.
The last time I measured I was 7.6 BPEL and I am going to measure sometime next week just to see if I lost any, but wouldn’t´t that all be pointless if you lost all gains after a few weeks. I don´t expect anybody to PE hardcore for several years maybe just a maintenance routine after You hit your goal.
P.S. Much love to the Garden State.I used to live there. 8)